Queen and King


Most Outstanding Employee for the Month of February:

Choi Seunghyun


"Looks like someone is not going to be okay later," Dara sings as she looked at how her bestfriend, Bom, stares at the Bulletin board for the announcement she has been waiting for so long.


Tch. It's now fair, me for January and him for February! I gotta get rid of him.


"And to add more, she's having an evil plan!" Dara screams in her ears.


"What are you talking about Dara?" she asks obviously pissed of by the fact that someone is reading what she is thinking. "I'm talking about your thoughts lady perfect!"


She looks at her still mad and says, "You know it Dara. He boils me to my peak. Acting so cool even if he is just new, tsssk."


Dara just chuckles at the cuteness of her friend, "Maybe, just maybe, you are attracted to him that you are acting that way? eeeeeee?"


Bom looked at her with disgust and fakingly puke, "Never in my wildest dreams that I'll ever lay my attention on a very feeling cool guy!!!"


"Are you going to put a period on your sentence or just exclamation marks?" Dara jokingly asks to calm her friend.


"Both!" she said making her way to her purple colored desk. "See you later Bommie!" Dara bids goodbye.


"See you later."


Why is my bestfriend thinking that way? Gaash, me liking him? More like I'm devouring myself to be a slave of his attention. NO WAY!


"Guys, attention!" their manager announces. Everyone listens intently. He resumes, "Meeting after fifteen minutes."


This is my chance! Ha ha ha ha haah finally I'm going to show my super duper knock out skills here. Who is he fighting with? The QUEEN.


"Congratulations Seunghyun for being the outstanding employee this month!" Seungri, one of his cocky friends congratulated his very delighted friend.


"Thanks bro. That's how we gotta do it," he answers confidently.


Let's see how the Queen reacts. Owwww, she seems not so okay. Ha ha ha.


"You really like making her react that way do you?" Seungri whispers.


"I don't even give a damn about her whereabouts so why even care about her reactions?" he lied. Obviously he likes making her look like that. A look of a very stressed woman just makes him giggle to death. Hohoho, its like Santa is too early.


"Whatever Seunghyun, I'll just get back to work."


During our meeting, I've gotta show her why I'm on the top spot. Bring it on baybeh.


They exchanged hateful stares at each other. In their office, everyone knows how heated every month is especially if its about competition. If best couple exists, Most competitive rivalry is probably joined too if you enter their names.


^^ Meeting started ...


"As you know everyone, March is another important month for us. Students will graduate and start to work so they need our help. Any suggestions?" their manager, Mr. Daesung Kang asks.


Hmmm, for girls it is probably very important to them to wear their first working shoes and as for boys, they need to look more manly.

This girl across me is probably thinking to make the grandest and all. Tsshhh, for girls flats that look more elegant are advisable to prevent hassle and as for boys, it should be more detailed.


"I'm hinting right now that Ms. Park and Mr. Choi is thinking crazily. Come on, you still have that tension between you two?" their manager asks, smiling as always.


"Ani. I'm not the kind who thinks always for what is cool or not, I think normally," she says looking the man across her with raised eyebrows.


"Ehem, and I'm not the kind to brag about what I can do and at the end gets confused,Tsk," he says looking her with proud face.


"Okay, okay. Enough of describing each other, mind to share what you have on your mind?"


"I'm planning to," they both said in unison earning a glare from each other and a chuckle from their manager.


"Chill guys, it's just suggesting and not racing a horse!" Seungri says earning a complete scary scare from them. "Ohhhh, I was just joking go, be hot!"


"Mmm, the both of you are really amazing especially at thinking fast. To prevent further damage by staring, I have a suggestion," manager says facing them closer. "Why don't you both collaborate?"


Hell no way will my creativity, systematic and full of intelligent ideas will collaborate with his boring ones!

It's like surrending my whole life marrying an old girl, yucks, no way will my brain work!


"NO!" they both screamed still looking at each other with those killer stares.


"Eh? But I'm the manager so-"


"We said no," they said in unison.


The manager perfectly knows the two hated each other so much because of competition.


A month ago . . .


"Let us welcome our new officemate, Choi Seunghyun!" Manager Daesung happily exclaims.


"Hello everyone, I'm Choi Seunghyun," he greets everyone with his manly smile.


Girls just so live his smile to death. Boys are envious but thinks he is the hope in defeating the Queen Perfectionist, Queen Terror.


"I'm sorry I'm late, did I miss anything?" Bom pants.


Seunghyun looks at her, stares so deep at her that made the Queen Terror say, "Oh, the new comer, welcome," plainly, just like he is just a just.


And Seunghyun being used to beautiful girls attention found her weird, "Hello, I'm Choi Seunghyun."


They exchanged stares at each other, "Uhh, anything wrong guys?"


Bom looks at her raising her eyebrows saying to herself, "Why does he stare like that? Tsk, I guess this calls for a challenge."

Being used as a top achiever makes Bom the unique kind of lady. The stares that meant admiration when interpreted in her own language is a challenge.


Seunghyun looks at her with a bad impression, "I don't like her aura. Does she want a challenge?"

Seunghyun is used in people giving a way for him. He has this principle that 'they are afraid of my piercing look and all so they give way and will aways'

so any hint of not giving a way when translated to him means challenge.


^^Back to reality...


"Since every word of mine means challenge to you and it's so obvious you won't listen to your manager which is very weird, we'll have voting!" Daesung happily announces sitting like a boss.


"What do you mean sir?" they both asked. That's it they are tired of speaking same things.


"Would you please stop copying what I'll say?" Bom says crossing arms over her chest and adds, "Are you even reading what I'm thinking?"


Seunghyun sits straight and says, "Excuse me miss feeler, but I ain't copying you are."


"Okay, okay! Let's cut the gray atmosphere, if you are in favor of Seunghyun and Bom collaborating, please stand up!"


"Could we just raise our hands manager? We guess that's good enough," Ms. Hee suggests.


Being a good disciple our manager is he agrees.


Surprisingly, everyone raises their hands with smiles on their faces plus a back-up plan.


What are these people thinking? If ever, just IF EVER, we are going to collaborate we are sending bad news to the whole world, it will be the downfall of our company. MYGASH.


Ya! This people are freaking crazy. If ever, just IF EVER, we are going to collaborate, its like we are making the prediction of the end of the world true! RRRRAAAWR.


"So, majority wins?" Daesung says with much delight on his face, "I hope for the best!"


"Whatever," they both said still looking at each other with hateful stares.




I am actually a TOPBOM and DARAGON lover hehe ^^

So, ugh, what can you say about the first chapter?

Sorry if it's short/crappy for you

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uwaaa ! ~ xD<br />
Kay37541 #2
Lol their rivalry is adorable! :D and Seunghyun gave her a stuffed animal!!!! <br />
<br />
Update soon please:)
hahha this is cute I like the rivalry they have going on XD<br />
update soon! >3<
belovedsuju #4
Haha.looking forward for the nxt chapter :-)