
Jinyoung’s eyes suddenly opened 4 am in the morning, probably his brain’s way of reminding him that he still has to study the chapter he has slept on because of Jaebum’s order of him to sleep. Speaking of Jaebum, Jinyoung quickly search for his phone to light his surroundings after what happened last night he felt so nervous that may be the older is still in his room and will kiss him again for waking up. Successfully finding it to the bed stand he quickly the flashlight that illuminated his room revealing that the older had already went home much to Jinyoung’s relief (dismay). 
He stood up and the light of his room and felt grateful that Jaebum placed a bookmark to the exact page he has yet to study but once he opened the said page he saw a note that clearly not from him due to difference in handwriting. He pulled the note and read “Not all numbers needed to be solved just like my number which I willingly offer though you’re not asking. I’m only one call away if you need anything :)” 
Jinyoung just blinks at the note he can feel those butterflies flying in his stomach again and his cheeks suddenly became warm, he smiled rereading the note again and again until he remembered he still needs to study. Sighing he pasted it on his calendar covering the date today and the event that read “Gyeomie’s Bday”. 
Jinyoung started pretty well in memorizing the formulas but when there’s a problem that he can’t seem to get the answer his mind replays Jaebum’s note making it extra difficult for him to focus and solve the problem. “Aish focus Jinyoung you can call him later if you get this right” he says out loud but his mind suddenly answered back “why you’re so excited to hear his voice?” Jinyoung consider his own question for a moment. After what happened yesterday he felt much better because of the older and the kiss well though it was unexpected he’s still happy that the older respect his decision for taking the things slow for them and not going for his lips though he may have use the situation as an excuse. And that’s how Jinyoung find himself toying with the ear that Jaebum had kissed, smiling to himself knowing exactly why he wants to see (hear) the older. 
It’s 6 am and Jaebum, Jackson and Bambam are now in the cafeteria deciding to eat their breakfast in school instead since they haven’t tried this for a long while. Jaebum is again being interrogated by the two and forced to spill what happened yesterday about why he suddenly vanished without telling them and even perked up at the mention of staying again in Jinyoung’s room. 
 And while mostly the two of them enjoyed the story when Jaebum mentioned about the kiss Jackson squealed and Bambam though not squealing he resorted to shake Jackson instead to show their happiness that at last the two made a progress. 
“How did it felt like?”
“Is it soft?”
Jaebum chuckled his friends clearly haven’t heard him saying that it’s an ear that he had kissed for they had already started shouting at the mention of “and I kissed ---”
“Don’t tell me it’s just a forehead?” Bambam quickly asked puzzled as to why his hyung is laughing 
Jaebum shook his head and the younger breathed a sigh of relief 
“So it’s his lips then” Jackson concluded merrily but frown when Jaebum shook his head 
“Ayy just tell us already hyung” Bambam said in a disappointed tone, his excitement already died. 
“Ear” Jaebum said flatly smiling but the two just looked at him like they’re soul left their body and their face clearly implies utterly disappointment. 
“I thought you’re braver than that” Bambam said sipping his juice
“IM JAEBUM’s CHIC AND Y IMAGE IS DEAD!” Jackson shouted the words on his face 
“Yah! There’s nothing wrong kissing his ear.” Jaebum wanted to defend his action but the two just shrugged.
“There’s nothing wrong with it but there’s absolutely nothing great with that. What are you grade school? Too shy to kiss his crush? Even a younger one can do a better job than you” Jackson rants, clearly disappointed to their hyung’s lack of courage. 
“Now I know why you never had a boyfriend” Bambam said nonchalantly stuffing his mouth unaware of Jaebum’s death glares. 
“Since both of you are  great romanticist would you mind telling me what I should’ve done?” Jaebum asked sarcastically seriously he should keep his courting stories to himself from now on. 
“Well since it’s dark you could’ve just grabbed the opportunity. Like saying you slipped that’s why you landed on his face” Jackson stated in a proud tone while  Bambam hums in agreement 
“So you’re telling me to take advantage of him? I would never do that Jackson I’m not that kind of person” 
“You said that not me” Jackson answered back innocently like claiming to be virtuous.  
“You should show him how to do it hyung” Bambam suggested after they finished eating Jackson looks at him quizzically while Jaebum just stared like he’s considering the idea
“Why would I?”
“Because you’re great in flirting hyung”
“Who’s great in flirting?” Mark’s voice suddenly rings to Jackson’s ears and when he turned around he saw his boyfriend coming forward clearly not amused to what he heard. 
He quickly stood up and run to corner Mark who’s coming near to their table and once they’re few steps away from each other Jackson looked like he tripped into something and (unrealistically) his lips find Mark’s. 
Mark’s eyes widened at the sudden contact, his mind is buzzing as to what’s happening as Jackson’s lips are just plainly pasted on his but suddenly Jackson attacked his lips and suddenly they are somehow moving into unison. Mark is having a hard time to control his eyes as the pleasure consumes him and all he wanted to do was close his eyes and feel the moment but once he felt hot stares he opened his droopy eyes to see Jackson’s friends looking at them. 
Unwillingly he backed away and the moment they parted, they’ve breathe the air they’ve deprived from each other.
“What’s that all about?” Mark’s voice came out a level lower than his usual tone, he was breathless like the younger all his oxygen. 
“I tripped over my shoelace” Jackson said meekly but when Mark’s head going down to verify Jackson suddenly hugged him and they change position and Jackson mouths to his friends “THAT’S HOW YOU DO IT” and winked at them. 
“Seriously what happened to you?” Mark asked concern as to why Jackson suddenly became extra clingy and bolder to show his affection especially in front of his friends. 
“I miss you” Jackson answered back voice laced with sadness and though Mark can’t see him right now he’s so sure that the younger is pouting. 
Mark stopped hugging the younger and decided to talk to him instead. 
“But we always see each other everyday” 
“But we didn’t get to see each other yesterday”
“You have your training I don’t want to bother you”
“You’ll never be a bother and I went to your classroom yesterday, dismissal time but you already left” 
“Sorry about that but I just have to prepare the questions for the quiz bee representatives”
“Are you going to be one of the representatives?” Jackson asked pouting
“As much as I wanted to make you proud I have to give other juniors a chance to compete” Mark stated shyly but shocked when Jackson beamed. 
“That’s great!”
“How is that a good thing?”
“Well since you’re not going to compete you can watch me instead. I can already see it Markie, you cheering for me” Jackson smirked and Mark decided to play a trick. 
“Well I’m planning to watch the quiz bee though, because I have to observe the potential subject leaders” Mark has to keep his face serious but Jackson’s hurt face threatens his mask to just simply say he’ll watch and cheer for him. 
“Are your members more important than me?” Jackson asked, pouting gone and face serious
“Look I really need to see their performance because once the school approve my recommendations I will no longer have hectic schedules since others can represent the school and appointing the right assistant leader is important Jackson since he or she’ll be the one who’ll supervise when I’m not around. 
“Couldn’t you just pick one? I’m sure there’s this someone who’s smart enough to be the assistant leader”
“Well there’s actually two of them and I have to see how well they perform first, hmm it may be Min Ah or Jinyoung”
Mark was ready to another persuasion from the younger but just met with the latter’s wide eyes. 
“What did you say Jinyoung as in Park Jinyoung?”
“Yeah you know him?”
“Of course I know him! Listen to me ok? You have to tell us everything you know about him” Jackson told him like they’re having a mission 
“This is for humanity well for Jaebum hyung’s sanity but it’s just the same” and with that Mark is now being dragged. 
“Took you long enough” Jaebum said eyeing the two with amusement
“Shut it hyung, my markiepooh has something important things to say”
“You do?” Bambam asked raising an eyebrow
“I have?” Mark asked unsure as to what’s happening
“Ok so my Markie here is a life saver, he can provide you information you needed to win Jinyoung’s heart.”
Mark realized now that Jinyoung is the person Jackson keeps on saying that made Jaebum insane he he tries so hard to suppress a chuckle since he never realized Jaebum’s type is Jinyoung, the younger surely hasn’t  realized how lucky he is.
Jaebum blushes furiously, he never wanted to be seen as desperate but considering his position all of information about the younger would be beneficial and helpful. 
Mark was ready to share when suddenly Bambam ushered them to stand up “hurry hyungs we only have 5 mins to run before the bell rings” 
And with that Bambam run to reach his classroom while Jaebum dragged Jackson forcefully to prevent him on wanting to send Mark to his own classroom which is in the farthest end.
Jinyoung while waiting for their homeroom teacher is now thinking how to solve his dilemma after his conversation with Youngjae. It turns out that today is Yugyeom’s birthday and they agreed not to greet him to surprise him later thus making the birthday boy sad as no one seems to remember his special day. Even though Jinyoung and Yugyeom often quarrels the former cherishes the younger, he see him as his own younger brother and cares for him the most in his own way. While guilt overpowers him the real problem here is they don’t really have an exact plan how to surprise the younger. Youngjae just vaguely suggested a prank and cake then nothing more. How would you execute a surprise with that?
Frustrated, Jinyoung brought out his phone and decided to text Youngjae but stopped midway when he saw Jaebum’s number as a new addition in his contact. Though he feels jittery all of a sudden he can feel his heart throb also in pain. He knows the older is trying to hard to court him but he feels so selfish as it seems like he’s using him to relieve himself from his anxiety. Jaebum deserves more than that, deserves someone who can give his/herself fully to him without doubting his intentions, someone who’s not Jinyoung. Resolving he just wanted to see the older, Jinyoung decided to officially send a text with one strong purpose in mind. 
“Hi, this is Jinyoung:) can we talk later? I have something to ask” Jaebum rereads the message again thinking as to what Jinyoung meant. “Is he mad at me? Did Mark told him? Is he asking me stop already” Jaebum keeps on thinking when Jackson’s head suddenly pops up in front of him. 
“I can hear your thoughts loud and clear hyung” he says winking and Jaebum sighs again he has to deal with another round of interrogation. 
“What’s up?”
“Jinyoung wants to meet up”
“Ohh isn’t that great he’s asking you out”
“I don’t think so, he told me he wanted to ‘ask something’ ”
“Let me guess you’re freaking out because of that something?”
Jaebum nods and Jackson just smiled at him comfortingly 
“Don’t worry hyung I’m sure if he’s going to reject you he’ll do it gently”
“You’re not helping”
“We can come with you as moral support”
“No thanks”
“Just chill  hyung, maybe it’s not that, don’t over think things ok?”
Jaebum nods feeling slightly better as this is the first time he’s not anticipating to see and talk to Jinyoung. 
Yugyeom received warm greetings from his classmates and teachers though he feels grateful he can’t help but to be sad for his hyungs seem to forgot his birthday. No greetings, no cake, not even a special breakfast. He was pulled out from his reverie when he felt his phone vibrating. Pulling it out, it revealed his mom’s caller id and he smiled answering it immediately. 
“Happy birthday Yugyeom-ah” his mom’s voice suddenly fills the emptiness he feels inside
“Thank you eomma”
“How are you? Any plan for today?” 
Similarly how his mother fills his emptiness with her voice, the emptiness came back again with her question. He doesn’t want to worry his mom so he just responded with 
“I’m planning to eat out with hyungs today”
“Ohh that’s great but if you’re going to eat out why did Jinyoung asked for my recipe of seaweed soup?”
“Huh?” Yugyeom was perplexed and heard on the other line something about shush and his father now quickly took the phone.
“Happy birthday son! Wish we can celebrate it with you but we know your hyungs are taking good care of you so be happy ok?”
“Yes appa, don’t worry about me take good care of yourself appa and you too eomma”
“Love you son” his parents told him in unison
“Love you too I miss you eomma, you too appa” and with that Yugyeom ended the call with smile in his face. He miss them so much but he knows education is important hence he studies diligently to make them proud. 
It’s already dismissal and Yugyeom receive no greetings from his hyungs, ‘they must’ve really forgotten’ he muttered under his breath while exiting his classroom. Suddenly his phone rang again and this time it’s Jinyoung who’s calling him. 
“Yugyeom-ah where are you?” Jinyoung asked in all seriousness like something is wrong and it made him nervous all of a sudden. 
“School, hyung what happened?” he can’t keep his over growing concern. He may have a love and hate relationship with Jinyoung, but he still considers him as the hyung who take good care of him and who’s always going to be there though they may still quarrel most of the time.
“Can… you go to garden I just need to talk to someone right now” 
With that Yugyeom quickly run to go to the garden. Jinyoung has been acting strange lately and he sounds so vulnerable on the other line. His thoughts filled with Jinyoung having a breakdown and needed someone.
When he arrived he stop to catch his breath while Jinyoung’s there sitting face pale, sweat dripping in his face and are those tears drying on his cheeks?
After regaining some oxygen Yugyeom took the seat beside Jinyoung and looked at him concernedly. 
“I don’t know what to do” Jinyoung started fingers drawing curls on the table. 
“What happened hyung?” Yugyeom is seriously freaking out to see his hyung up close tears streaming down on his face.
“I..I.. can I tell you a secret Yugyeom? Jinyoung stuttered increasing the younger’s anxiety but nods anyway
“I don’t know what to do anymore. I know you have seen how strange I am lately and it frustrates me too you know because I can’t control my emotions”
“Keep going hyung I’m listening” Yugyeom rubs Jinyoung’s back
“Actually that’s the problem I control my emotions so much that it hurts me so bad. Yugyeom do you really think I deserve to be happy?”
“Of course hyung. Everyone has the right to be happy especially you since you’re one of those most caring, loving or even the kindest people I’ve ever met”
“Do you mean that?”
“Of course! Now tell me hyung what’s wrong?”
“I… I just felt like I’m not good enough. Then Jaebum came in my life, he worked so hard to prove himself to me, that I can trust him but the problem is I can’t trust myself to do so”
“But you like him hyung you even possibly feel beyond that considering you’ve been crushing on him so long”
Jinyoung’s eyes suddenly widened but quickly averted his eyes. 
“I feel so worthless and selfish. There are tons of other people that will make him happy and I’m not one of them because I continue to hurt him. I can’t give myself and my trust, I don’t know what to do”
“Look hyung if you really can’t, heal yourself first. You have to let him go if you feel it’s wrong and selfish. Well if you’re really for each other, fate will bound you together someday”
“You’re right thanks Gyeomi now I know what to do” 
Yugyeom wanted to ask what Jinyoung meant when suddenly he saw Jaebum coming holding a white rose. Jinyoung smiled at him reassuringly that he can handle this and approached the older. While Yugyeom settled to stay in his seat, not really knowing what to do. 
Jaebum offered Jinyoung the flower but the latter shook his head and you the older’s face is filled with hurt and confusion thus pocketing the flower instead. 
“I didn’t expect you’ll actually text me but I’m grateful you did yet I’m just curious what do you want to talk about” Jaebum tried to speak calmly though his voice is slightly shaking.
“I’m sorry Jaebum but we can’t do this anymore”
“What do you mean?”
“Stop courting me”
Yugyeom’s eyes widened at what he’s witnessing right now. Yes he advised Jinyoung to healed himself first but he didn’t realize that he’ll do it immediately by letting the older go. 
“What do you mean?”
“I’m sorry but please stop it. I just need space and you need it too” 
“No Jinyoung you’re the only one I need ok! Why are you doing this to me? Did I do something wrong? Have I hurt you?”
Jaebum’s face quickly grown pale and his eyes are filled with unshed tears. Yugyeom wants to stand and stop his hyung from rejecting the older but he can’t find any strength to do so. 
“It’s because of me, I’m the one at fault here. I have to let you go to make you happy and to find myself I’m really sorry. Please respect my decision this is for our own good.”
“What goodness this brings Jinyoung? I told you already countless of times I’m willing to wait, are my efforts not enough?” Jaebum is now somehow speaking tone higher  while Jinyoung’s eyes are also filled with tears as well. 
“Someone told me if we’re really for each other, fate will eventually  bring us together again. Someday hyung maybe we’ll see each other in a better and proper situation.”
“Did Yugyeom told you that?” Jaebum asked suddenly and darted a glance to now a pale Yugyeom.  
“He’s not part of this so stop glaring at him” Jinyoung defended Yugyeom and push Jaebum away when he’s trying to move closer to the younger.
“Then who the hell would tell you that huh?! Who would that someone will convince you that we’re not going to workout?” 
“Can you just please stop it? doesn’t matter who told me that but what I know is that I would never wanted someone who glares at my friends”
“And now I’m the bad guy. Every good deed I done would be put to waste just because I glared at your friend”
“Stop it ok? Don’t drag him in this situation”
Yugyeom can’t take it any longer and decided to interfere between the two that are now fuming. 
“Stop it please, yes Jaebum hyung I was the one who told him that because Jinyoung hyung is having a hard time right now please understand”
“What about me Yugyeom? Don’t you think I’m also having a hard time courting him?”
“So you see me as a burden?”
“What no! That’s not what I meant”
“Save it I don’t want to hear anything from you anymore” 
With that Jinyoung ran off with Jaebum quickly following him. Yugyeom was left alone in the garden too stunned to move. His legs suddenly felt wobbly and now he landed to the ground. He cried because of guilt, because of him Jinyoung and Jaebum fought, because of him they told each other words they don’t really meant and because of him the two would be impossible to be together. 
He's hugging his knees when suddenly he heard footsteps and when he move his head up he saw Jinyoung holding a cake, next to him is Youngjae singing on the top of his lungs the happy birthday song while Jaebum is also there carrying a baskets of chocolates. 
He cried harder realizing he was fooled by them and while he’s blowing the candle he heard a ‘click’ sound to reveal Mark carrying his camera laughing at his face. 
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY YUGYEOM AND WE’RE SORRY” all of them told the birthday boy once they settled all the gifts and food. 
“Aish why would you do that?” Yugyeom whine and all of them chuckled adoring their maknae
“So that you’ll have a memorable birthday” Youngjae reasons out while Yugyeom dry his tears
“How would I ever forget this hyung? This would remain in my memory forever” he continue to explain while sniffling. 
“I really thought you’re going to reject him hyung, it felt so real! You’re really a good actor Jinyoung hyung” Yugyeom flashes him thumbs up while Jinyoung scratched his neck shyly and Jaebum just hums as he’s somehow felt the scenario got too real
“I’m really sorry for glaring at you earlier, but they’ve said I should do something to scare you” Jaebum apologized as he felt he’s really the one who made the birthday boy cried.
“It’s ok hyung I understand but really though it really feels so real. Oh well at least Jinyoung hyung has an idea what would you do if he really rejected you” Yugyeom says nonchalantly while the two person concerned stop eating all of a sudden remembering all the words they’ve exchange without any script at hand. 
“Hey Jinyoung I think you should pay Jaebum for his acting, he deserves a reward you know considering he matches your acting skills” Mark recommended all of a sudden and Jaebum felt a lump in his throat as he examines Mark’s smug face.  
“Yeah I really think you should pay him hyung” Youngjae agreed while getting another slice of cake
When Jinyoung was going to pull out his wallet Jaebum quickly shook his head “I don’t need talent services for my acting” to stop the younger to pay him. 
“Nahh just grant him a wish instead” Yugyeom settled taking a picture of his cake. 
“Sounds fair ok what do you want in return hyung?” Jinyoung asked looking at Jaebum whose expression unreadable. 
Jaebum thought for it for a while and then suddenly he’s leaning in, Jinyoung suddenly felt nervous as the older coming nearer he’s closing his eyes when Jaebum stopped in his ear to whisper “let’s go on a date”. Jinyoung’s eyes went wide, Jaebum smiles and Mark snapped a picture of them in their ’whispering’ position’
hello this is supposed to be an update yesterday but I got caught up with school works but oh well. Thank you for your time reading! 
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angelicabq #1
Chapter 12: I know how you feel. 2ne1 was the first girl group that I started to follow so I feel so sad for the news. I was a YGfamily Stan not long ago, but with all the yg put their artists through I started to follow other groups, now I'm multifandom and my #1 it's got7 (all this happened last year). The 2ne1 thing and ,am Tae hyung issue just made me realize that YG doesn't take good care of their artists all over again :/ like come on only sech kies and big bang are important? What about Lee hi, akmu, they waited more than a 1year to come back, winner waited 18 months, ikon haven't done a comeback, the 2ne1 summer comeback of course it was a lie. I now that tablo has his own record company now but what about epikhigh:( I'm just sad about all this
Chapter 10: I love how jaebum is sincere when it comes to courting jinyoung.
Chapter 9: That's too selfish, that she find someone else just to protect herself from hurt that Jinyoung may cause.
But then I miss JJP moments :33
Chapter 9: yeahhhh update ! oh finally jinyoung open his heart to jaebum?? i hope soooo
and i want see jjp moment again
Chapter 7: Oooh so its not totally yugyeom's fault why theyre looked lol.
Omg the reveal tho o.O, so is this somekind of a fantasy??
Chapter 6: I don't want to offend you but I think it's come on or c'mon not common. They are 2 different words tho. But I like the mission TRAP of the boys and Yugyeom's literal trap.
Chapter 5: Aaaaaaaaa~~~~~
angelicabq #8
Chapter 5: This is so cute. I started to read this fic today and omg its seriously the cutest. The "I told you to stand by me" omg it was so hilarous. I really like this story and Im really looking forward for the next chapters!
Chapter 3: I actually hear gyeom's "so amazing" plus the "park jinyoung pabo" lmao
Chapter 4: //yells// ITS MARKSON OR NEVER