Chapter 14

Beyond The Camera's Lens




"Great. Just great. They escaped and they beat you dumb clones up. How are we suppose to get them now? Huh! We can't do anything now that they're gone."

"Um, miss."

"My plan is ruined."



'Jessica' and 'Tiffany' brought Seohyun over to Pong. 

"We still have her." 'Jessica' said.

Pong smiled. "Perfect." She took hold of Seohyun. "I think i have another plan. It'll take some time for me to get it done. All of you. Stay away from those girls. If i find out you were looking for them i will put you back to where you cane from. Am i clear?"

"Yes, ma'am!"


'Sooyoung' raised her hand.

"What do you want?"

"I-I'm hungry."

The room stayed quiet. 9 long minutes passed.


"Miss. I have a question." 'Yuri' said.

"What is it?"

"What's your real name?"

Pong stayed quiet.

"My name is Aiko."

"That sounds like a Japanese name."

"It is. You." She pointed to 'Yuri. "Knock her out. I need to go get supplies from my house."

"Yes, ma'am."





Everyone met back up in the library after searching their assigned floors.

"Nothing?" Jessica said.

"None." The HyoYoung couple said.

"You two?" Jessica nodded towards Yoona and Yuri.

"We didn't play around in your room. I mean we didn't find anything... Around in our... Floor." Yoona said smiling a bit.

"O~kay. Well, we  didn't find anything either."

They all sighed.

Tiffany spoke. "Hey. Come on everyone. We can still find them." 

Hyoyeon shook her head. "How? We already split up and searched this house."

A lightbulb lit up in Jessica's head. "That's right!"

"What's right, Jessi?"

"We searched THIS house but not THAT house."

"What house?

"The Pong's house."

Lighting struck.

"Think about it. We looked everywhere in my house and they're not here. Maybe they're in the Pong's house." Jessica made her way to the library doors but no one followed. "What are guys doing?"

"Jessi, we talked about this yesterday. You know we can't leave this house. Did you forget already?"

"Oh. Right."

Tiffany went to Jessica's side and hugged her.

"Lets go into the room guys."




"S-Sunny-ah. Is that the camera?"

"I think so. Wow. This is amazing. Look at the designs on this camera Taeyeon-ah."

Sunny handed the camera over to Taeyeon. She examined it closely. There was writing on it but she couldn't read the writing. It was in Japanese.

"Sunny. Can you read Japanese?"

"I can speak a little bit of Japanese but i can't read it. Why? Is there something there?"

Taeyeon handed the camera back to Sunny and pointed to the carvings under the camera. Sunny shook her head. 

"I don't know."

As the two were observing the camera they didn't notice that someone was with them. A dark shadow came out from the ground. It walked towards them slowly.

"There's film in here, Taeyeon-ah. Look. But i haven't seen film like these before. It's blue. I can't read what it says either. It's in Japanese. We should really learn different languages. Especially since we're photographers and-" 

A chill ran down the girls' spine. A low groan was heard behind them. 

"W-Was that you Sunny-ah.?"

Sunny shook her head. The two turned around slowly and saw a skinny old man floating in the air. He just floated there doing nothing.

"H-Hello?" Taeyeon said.

The man moved his head down to look at them. His eyes were white. He didn't do anything. 


Suddenly his mouth opened wide and stretched his arms out to Sunny.



Short chapter, but go right on to the next one!

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Chapter 19: Wait that's it? That's the last chapter? But what about the 'thing' Aiko said?
I remember this fanfic! I loved it! I hope you continue updating and post the second story
Chapter 19: Yah !! Its over already? What was the 'thing' that Aiko said before? Oh my..anyway, thank you for this author (^-^)
Chapter 18: Omo, will they be safe? I'm so curious author, hope to read from you soon !!!
Chapter 17: It didn't cross my mind which is Aiko help all the girls and you did great author !! And you are most welcome. So, a few more chapter huh? Well, i'll stick to the end of this story. And for this, thank you so much. Till then, FIGHTING !!! (^_^)
justnobody #6
Chapter 16: it sad how they died. tragic :(
Chapter 16: You deserve a big hand author..the mystery almost revealed and i so excited for the next update !! Way to go author and FIGHTING !!! (^-^)
snsdworld #8
Chapter 15: OMG this is so interesting... I just read it last night, and i got attached to it.. When i read this story i can feel the chill. I have to say this... YOU ARE THE BEST AUTHOR!!! Keep it up *tumbs up for you*
Chapter 15: First of all...thank you so much for the update. Just when i found something excited to read,it will be a few more chapter left? Oh my...Anyway, they had found the camera. They know what the camera can do and now they are "IN" the other world. And now i'm so curious to know what will happen next. But till then author, FIGHTING !!! (^-^)
- I'm a veru curious reader ( just let you know )
Chapter 13: I want to told you that i love this story !!! It was a rare story line and i can't wait for another !!!