The Long Drive

You're Our Baby Girl


The night sky hadn’t been so clear when you were in the city. You sat on the porch of your best friend and looked up at the stars above. The cool winter breeze through your hair as you took a deep breath in. ‘I missed this,’ you whispered as you took in your surroundings.

“_____-ah, come inside before you catch a cold!” Your best friend mother said. You got and walked back indie to see that she had set up for dinner. “Too bad Miyeon is not here to see you. She would have been so happy.” Miyeon has been your best friend since you were smaller. She was currently serving in the air force with her brother. It was a family thing.

“I’m sure I will see her someday.” You smiled and started to help her mother out.




Meanwhile back in Seoul, Sungjong was having an emotional breakdown.

“I want our Baby Girl back!!” He cried as he threw himself over Sungyeol. Sungyeol rolled his eyes at him and pushed him off.

“Don’t worry, we will get her back.” Sunggyu calmly said before turning to L, who had became more quite as they got closer to the dorm. “Myungsoo-ah, you’re going to be the one to bring her back.” L’s eyes widened at the sound of what his leader just said.


“You heard me. She’s your lover isn’t she?” He nodded and looked back down.

“But we don't even know where she is.” Sunggyu sighed at L’s negativity

“AAHHH!” Dongwoo voice boomed around the van.

“Yah! Don’t do that!” Hoya slapped his arm.

“_____!” Dongwoo yelled. Sungjong started to cry even more at the sound of her name.

“What about her Dongwooie?” Woohyun asked pushing Sungjong into the back.

“Best friend. She once told me she lived with her best friend’s family.” He said recalling what she had said.

“When did she tell you tha?” Hoya asked pushing Woohyun out of the way.

“When we had ‘Father Dongwoo and Daughter _____ ‘ day.”

“Yah!! How come you got to do that?” Sungyeol yelled from the back in annoyed tone. Dongwoo smiled and turned around to face Sungyeol.

“I’m PD noona’s favorite.” Woohyun laughed while Sungyeol frowned.

“I want our Baby Girl back!” Sungjong sulked.

“Dongwoo, did she say where they live?” The manger butted in. Dongwoo thought for a moment.

“Just on the outskirts of Daegu.”

“Hyung!!” They all yelled at the manger.

“I’ll call the PD for the address.”




“I honestly thought you wouldn’t be back this soon.” Yoomin, Miyeon’s mother name, said as she took a sip of the soup she just made.

“Don’t you want me back?” You pouted. Yoomin quickly waved her hands.

“No, no, of course I want you back. I get to lonely out here. But I would have thought you would have stayed in Seoul a bit longer because that special someone.” Yoomin smirked at you while you turned your head and blushed.

“Some things came up.” You took a sip of the soup.

“Hmm, well it’s good your back.” Yoomin smiled at got up from her chair and headed to the kitchen to get some rice. At tha moment, you decided to check your phone but then regretted that idea.


‘_______, where are you? Why did you leave? Please come back to me because I love you,’


You wanted to burst out in tears but you couldn’t in front of Yoomin.


‘Baby Girl!!! Come back!!


-Sungjong Appa :(‘


‘Yah! ______-ah come back!! Sungjong is getting on my nerves with all this crying! Please come back


-Sungyeol Appa’


‘Baby girl, I’m sorry for choosing her over you most of the time. Just come back please,


- Woohyun Appa’


You couldn’t bring yourself to check the other messages.




Back at Infinite dorm, Haneul walked into the living room to find no one was there.

“Appa??” She yelled but no one responded. ‘That's strange,’ She walked around until she found a note taped to the door of her room.


‘Gone to get ______ back,

Behave yourself!




“You got to be kidding me.” She threw the note into the bin and went back out of the house. She wasn’t going to listen to them, there not even her real father so why listen to them.




“I don’t know what I should say to her,” L said as the other members panicked around him trying to get everything ready to get you back. Woohyun stopped what he was and turned to L.

“You won her over, it will just come to you.” Before L could reply, the manger yelled at them.

“Boys, the house is just up the drive.” The van door flew open and L flew out.

“Yah!! You didn’t have to throw me out.” L yelled at the other but Sunggyu was quick to shush him.

“Don’t yell. I don’t want this plan to fail. Now, go up the drive and get her back. If you come back alone, we are going to leave you here.” The door slammed shut. L sighed and looked up the long driveway. ‘I guess this is it,’



“I’m going to bed _____-ah! Don’t stay up to late.” Yoomin called to you.

“Okay!! Goodnight!” You yelled back. You were back out on the porch. You had a lot to think about, like what were the boys doing, are they being feed or is manger hyung being mean again. Most of all you wonder how L was. “I hope your doing well Myungsoo oppa.” You whispered.

“I’m not doing well at all _____-ah,” A male voice said from behind you. In shock, you froze before turning your head around. Standing right there was L.

“Myungsoo!” You yelled before getting onto your feet.  “Wh-hat are you doing here?” You stuttered out. He came closer to you but you stepped back. “You shouldn’t be here.” Your back had hit a wall. There was escaping now.

“Well here I am.” He took another step. “Why did you leave?” He asked. L’s hands hit the wall beside you head, his face only centimeters away from your own. You couldn’t look at him straight in the eyes but that soon changed when he grabbed your chin and made you look him straight in the eyes. His eyes told you a story of what he was going through. Even though his eyes were scary, they were really soft to look at. “Tell me,” You gulped.

“Because....” You paused.

“Because what?”

“Because I felt like I was nothing to any of you anymore.” You whispered but L heard you sure enough. The tears slowly rolled out of your eyes. This was the first time you cried in front of anyone. “Everyone had gotten so distant. I wouldn’t think anyone would notice that I was gone.” L wiped the tear from your face.

“I don’t know how you got to that conclusion but we’re sorry.” He pulled you into his chest for a hug. “I’m sorry for not being the one to stay by your side most of the time. Are you willing to come back to us? More importantly, back to being by my side?” He asked as he kissed your forehead.

“I don’t know.” You whispered. He pulled you away and looked you in the eyes again.

“Please?” You really couldn’t say no to him. He made you feel so happy for once in your life and you didn’t want to let that go.

“Okay, but I’m this because of you.” He smiled and you back into him.

“You won’t regret it.”


“I told you it would come to you.” Woohyun nudged L as he talked to him. You were coming back, but it didn’t mean you were coming back tonight.

“So when is our baby girl coming back?” Sungjong asked with a wide smile on his face.

“Tomorrow.” L replied with a smile on his face. He grabbed out his phone and started to text you.


‘I knew fate would bring us back together, I love you ______. Don’t ever forget that’ 


Author Note

So don't forget, if you want to know what happened before this drama, read the prequel 'You're Our Baby Girl : Where it All Started' 

Comment, Share the love, enjoy my dear readers! <3

Peace Out!~

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wah its good xD
Haneul >:|
update the actual story soon :)
Wait. Shouldn't it be OPPA not APPA? O_o I'm confused. Woah. <br />
<br />
APPA = dad<br />
OPPA = older brother/guy (for girls)<br />
<br />
Anyway, nice story~ ^_^
triplekiss0b1a4 #3
i wan a sequel so that infinite can kick that stupid girl out:D bwahahhahaha
Loved it so much~ xD
i want a sequel >_< teehee
creatingfaith #6
I wanna read the prequel ^-^
creatingfaith #7
This is good :)<br />
I don't mind if it's a four shot or longer :D<br />
Update soon ^-^
This is really good~ :) You should do a prequel ~
damn that ty haneul -.-
This is really cool~~ Loving it <3 Update soon~