The Second Trap

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Seoul station. It has been 8 years since I used the train. Since I knew that Stephanie—if that was really her name—was a thief and arrested, I hate the train because it’s just reminded me how stupid I was that time. Instead of the train, I used the bus to go to the campus. After graduated, I accepted at the SM Company and now—after 5 years of hard work—I become a manager.


Usually I go to the office used my car, but today my car had some troubles made me couldn’t turn on the engine. So, I decided to use the train again. Unlike 8 years ago, today nothing weird is happen. I feel thankful for that. I don’t know how that girl is doing. Sometimes, I imagined that she will appear in front of me again and tries to do what she did years ago: lied to me and took my money.


I’m neither that rich nor my family. The money that she took supposed to buy a gift for my mother because that day was my mother’s birthday yet I just gave it to a girl who I didn’t really know, just because she was pretty. I knew I was stupid, don’t remind me again. That girl was my weakness: I couldn’t resist pretty girl.


08.40 AM, I already arrive at my office. I ride the lift to the 9th floor. Many of my coworker bows to me and I just nod slightly to them. Five minutes after I take a sit on my chair at my office room, the telephone that inside of my office is ringing.


“Kim Taeyeon here.” I answer the call formally.


“Good you’re already arrive. Come see me at my office.” A deep voice of a man that I really know is spoken through the telephone. It’s the SMs’ director, Mr. Lee Soo Man.


“Yes, Sir.”


After the call, I walk toward the lift and press number 11. I just need seconds to get off from the lift at the 11th floor. There’s just one office room on this floor: the directors’ office. A beautiful girl yet so cold named Jessica Jung greets me and tells me that the director awaits me inside. I knock and get in after I hear Mr. Lee Soo Mans’ voice that asks me to come in.


“Good morning, Taeyeon. Sit, please.” Mr. Lee Soo Man smiles and I don’t know why I feel something is odd with him today. He walks to the couch—black leather couch—that in the center of his office.

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Kezziebitcrazy #1
Chapter 2: Need the sequel!!
Chapter 2: Ahhhh its too short... But still nice short story... ^^
lyindataengoo #3
Chapter 2: goshh again... hanging story author hahaha what happen next??
oqyoiko_89 #4
Chapter 2: Heyyyy thats it? What happen after this? This is too short authornim, please make it clear . Hahahaha...
Waiting for the next chp....
jumbo4 #5
Chapter 2: This definitively needs a sequel *.*