Let me make it up to you, noona!

I'll make it up to you, noona!


After a minute or two of gently cleaning the blood away from my nose and wiping it from both our hands, Taemin stepped back, still frowning a little.

He began to say something in Korean again but stopped and cleared his throat, realizing that I probably didn’t speak the language.

“I’m…really sorry, noona. I-“ He seemed to struggle with the words, trying to find the words he wanted to say in English. He continued again, knowing how to say what he wanted. “I didn’t mean for this to happen!”

I was able to find my voice again somehow and smiled.

“I-It’s f-f-fine, Taemin-ah –“ My voice squeaked on his name and I felt heat rise to my face. “I’m okay.”

Taemin didn’t look reassured.

“But, noona, I just…” Again he struggled with the words. “I just broke your nose.“

I absolutely love his accent and how cute he looked when he tried to speak in English!

Taemin took my hands in his, a desperate look in his eyes.

My voice disappeared again and I felt about ready to faint as my whole body went numb.

Taemin was holding my hand…

“I’ll make it up to you, noona!” He cried.

“B-b-but-“ Taemin you’ve already done enough. Just seeing you was enough!

“W-would a backstage tour help?” He stammered, blushing furiously.

Why was he blushing?

Oh. ‘Cause I’m a girl, right. And he just realized he’s still holding my hands.

He quickly dropped them and swallowed, looking anywhere but my face.

I, also blushing, nodded slightly.

Taemin turned back to face me, a large smile on his face and his eyes sparkling like the stars over us.

I couldn’t help but smile back, seeing the kid he used to be shine through the man he had become.

“Great!” He exclaimed happily, taking my hand again. “Let’s –“

He was cut off by screaming and the two of us turned our heads in the direction the ruckus came from.

The blood ran from both of our faces.

A mob of fan girls, squealing, shooting me angry glances and holding cameras, phones or video cameras.

“Oh …” I mouthed.

Taemin squeezed my hand, his eyes wide.

He said something in Korean that I couldn’t understood again but I didn’t have to. The meaning was clear. Run. And don’t stop.

We sprinted out of the alley behind the auditorium like we were being chased by lions.

My body was numb and my mind seemed to be only focused on one thing, Taemin’s smooth fingers intertwined with my own.

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Taemin! I love you. Even if you broke her nose.
haha. that's cute. :3