SHINee World LIVE!

I'll make it up to you, noona!


Half an hour before the concert and I was about ready to get out of here, if it had been any other concert but SHINee, I would have left already. All these girls and their mothers screaming were really getting annoying, the whole auditorium was full and it felt like I was in the middle of a desert.

The temperature getting hotter and hotter with every passing minute due to so many people cramped into one tiny space, was nearly unbearable.

But instead of leaving, I sat in my seat, jumping up and down with joy, forgetting about my discomfort and the fact that some guy just spilled popcorn on me, waving my glow stick around happily. I was wearing my favorite shirt, Taemin’s SHINee World yellow t-shirt that had his name sprawled across the back.



I rose from my seat, feeling dizzy.

“Where are you going?” Hannah asked, concern on her face. “They’ll be doing autographs any minute now. You don’t want to miss that.“

I shook my head, offering a weak smile.

“I won’t. I’m just going to go outside for a minute. It’s way too hot in here.“

Hannah nodded, understanding and gave me a small wave, already returning her attention back to the stage, watching as the stage crew carried away the microphone stands and the remaining applause.

I found myself stumbling around the building, wondering where the nearest door was and how the heck I had managed to get lost already.

Luckily, only a few minutes of aimless wandering led me to a door and I quickly slid out, relishing in the cool air that night brought.

I sighed and glanced up at the stars.

This night couldn’t have gone any better. I had seen SHINee live, seen them from something other than their music videos or pictures, and shared eye-contact with Taemin…

I didn’t think it could get any better, until –

The door I had been standing next to flew open quickly, the motion too fast for me to dodge.

The heavy metal door came towards me in what felt like slow motion and crashed into my nose.

I let out a cry of pain and of surprise, my hands flying to my bleeding nose.

Whoever this bastard-

My mind went blank and all the pain in my nose flew away when a familiar head peeked around the corner, adorable eyes large with fear, concern, quilt, surprise and apology.

I think Lee Taemin just broke my nose…and it’s one of the most happiest moments of my life.

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Taemin! I love you. Even if you broke her nose.
haha. that's cute. :3