Eye contact and a small hello

I'll make it up to you, noona!


I stood amongst the screaming fans, my body numb, my heart thrashing violently on the inside of my ribcage, my face pale, my hands, knees and shoulders shaking, and my eyes wide and disbelieving.

There they were.


The five Korean boys I had obsessed over for so long. The boys I had not so secretly loved, the boys whose songs and dances I memorized…the boys who I never dreamed I would see this close.

As a birthday present, my parents had bought me two tickets for a surprise flight to Los Angeles to stay with my grandmother for two weeks. I hadn’t suspected a thing. I had been too happy to visit my grandma again after spending four years without her to wonder why they weren’t coming along as well, why this had come up out of the blue, and why they looked so excited and couldn’t stop smiling.

The other ticket I had given to my friend, and fellow Shawol, Hannah and we had made the long journey together from Florida to California.

Now we were here, amongst thousands of fans, seeing SHINee live.

Hannah, being several inches taller than me, looked about ready to faint and kept shaking me.

“There they are! It’s Onew! Oh my God I can’t believe this!”

I stood on my tip-toes, fighting back the tears of joy, as I spotted familiar blonde hair, an adorable face and a priceless smile.

My heart raced faster and I felt my knees turn to Jell-O.

“Taemin…” I breathed as he walked past, smiling and waving to his fans, quickly followed by a smirking Minho – who also made my stomach churn and my jaw to drop. Why did he have to look so hot?! – Who was side by side with my third favorite member, Jonghyun. His hair was how it was in Ring Ding Dong (my favorite of his hairstyles) and I had to admit, he looks absolutely stunning in that leather jacket…

I hardly noticed Onew and Key walk by, despite the squealing in my ear from Hannah, my eyes only focused on those three boys. I found my gaze mainly on Taemin, watching as he stopped in front of a fan to get a quick picture.

How was he able to look so adorable and hot at the same time? I could totally image the cute little maknae in my arms, his head resting on my shoulder, banana milk in his hand, and a milk mustache on his lips. I could see him looking up at me with his adorable eyes, smiling wildly then kiss me gently, telling me that there was banana milk on my lips afterwards and that he just had to it off.

Biting my lip to keep from squealing at the image my mind had just played up; I focused my gaze on the smiling Maknae who was currently signing a hat.

“Taemin-ah, why must you be so adorable?” I asked quietly, knowing that with all my heart that I would never be able to actually meet him let alone share banana milk with him…and having the situation turn into a kiss.

I gasped when Taemin lifted his head, his eyes wandering the crowd next to where Hannah and I were standing before locking his eyes on mine.

My knees nearly gave way and I gulped hard.

Lee Taemin was actually looking at me!

Had he heard me say his name earlier? He had looked up almost right after I said that…

Taemin smiled at me and gave a little wave of his hand, mouthed the word: Anaseyo (or otherwise, Hi, in English), swallowed cutely and was pulled away by Onew who had rested a hand on his shoulder and whispered something in his ear.

I just stood there, like an idiot, my jaw hanging open wide as SHINee’s backs disappeared in a mass of fans and security guards, on their way to the clothing and makeup department to prepare for their concert.

Did Lee Taemin just say hi to me? Did that just happen? This was a dream right? I’m going to wake up and be back in my grandma’s house, smelling her famous peanut butter cookies that she always made me…

“Pinch me, “ I commanded Hannah, who was looking just as bad as I was, though she looked like she had just been shot with Cupid’s arrow, gazing lovingly at where Onew had just been standing with Taemin.

When I got no response from her, I punched her in the arm.

Well…that felt real enough.

“Ow! What?!“ She yelled, holding her shoulder and glaring at me for removing her mind from its thoughts of Onew.

“Pinch me. “ I told her again, still dazed.

She did…and nothing happened.

I started squealing like some of the girls around me.


Hannah apparently understood my rapid speaking for she took my hands and together the two of us bounced up and down, squealing.

“I know! I can’t believe we’re actually here! I’ve waited for this day all my life!“

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Taemin! I love you. Even if you broke her nose.
haha. that's cute. :3