Little do you know (II)

Little do you know
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Krystal’s POV

It’s been 3 years since we got back together. It’s hard at first since I still have doubt for her, but being the cool one, she always patiently calm me down when I start to throw her with multiple accusation. To make it worse, she worked as an executive in a modelling agency own by her family, so it’s 100% sure she will meet thousands of beautiful model that try to be casted in her modelling agency. I know I should stop to be childish like this, but how can I stop being one when the scars from the past still bleed?? I know she had reassure me that she belong to me and only me, but sometimes her friendliness with the models and her workers made me think twice. We even fought several times because of my insecurities and I remember that one time, we almost call it off but luckily at that time, she insist to stay even when I had cause her a bruise on her lower lips and medium stitches on her left arm since I throw my flower vase to her. Since that incident, I decided to go on a counseling session to control my temper and insecurities. As time goes by, I start to trust her more and learn to be optimistic that she’s only being friendly with everyone. Besides that, it will be a big problem if she is not being friendly with her workers and the models since her agency is one of the big agency here and I don’t want to give the paparazzi that are thirsty for gossip and rumors any scoop that can ruined her career. Now, I start to busy myself by doing thing that I love, gardening. Because of my love for flowers and gardening, I open up my own florist’s. She support my decision to open up the shop and she believe it will help me to kill some time. I once ask her to take me as her model in her agency, but she refuse, saying that I will attract a lot of attention and she don’t like it..hehh… never thought that this chick-magnet have some insecurities too. We’ve been going strong since then and we’re officially engaged when she proposed to me in one of our vacation last year.

Today, I’ve decided to surprise her in her office since it’s her birthday today. Of course, she didn’t know that I’m coming to her office since I’ve just arrived from my hometown today and I’ll be going straight to her office after I put my luggage in my apartment.

“Good evening miss, your destination??”

“KB Agency please…”

“Oh.. That is one of the famous modelling agency here! Are you going to apply as a model there miss?”

“*giggle* I’m not uncle.. I just want to meet someone there”

“Oh.. Be careful young lady, I heard the executive.. urmm.. What was her name? Oh yes, Amber.. She is someone who can’t handle pretty ladies. She will sweep them off their feet and then left them like a trash” I was shocked with what the uncle said. I know I try to be positive, but hearing it from other people about her torn my heart. I just smile weakly to the uncle before I look blankly at the window. Amber, I’m giving my all to trust you again, so please don’t broke your promise like before…

“Miss, we are here” I wake up from my deep thought and thanks him as I pay the uncle before I went out from his taxi. I straighten my floral dress as I walk into her agency. I went to the reception to ask about her

“Good evening. Oh it’s Miss Krystal. May I help you?” the receptionist, Min greet me with her wide smile.

“Good evening too Min. No need to be so formal with me, heehee.. Hmm, is Amber here?” I smile widely to her. Well, she’s one of the worker in Amber’s company that I really trust since she never bother to impress Amber as she always know how to behave in front of their bosses, not like some of the workers that keep on eyeing for Amber and her attention.. Aishh, it make me annoyed thinking about it..

“Alright Krys. About that, yes she is... Her meeting had just finish 10 minutes ago and I believe she’s at her office already..  do you want me to inform her that you’re coming?”

“Nah, it’s Ok, I will go up and check on her. Thank you Min, ” she just nodded at me. I walk toward the lift and press 10th floor button.


I went out from the lift and went straight to her office… at first, I thought about knocking her door, but I think it won’t be surprising as I thought it might be. I opened the door slowly. I look in front of my eyes and was greeted with some unpleasant scene….

What the hell?! Her secretary, Minah sit on her lap as she Amber’s hairs seductively. She even grind herself to Amber and let out a moan… The present that I held in my hand slipped and crack into pieces as it hit the floor. The porcelain cracking sound startle both of them. Amber open her closed eyes before she see me standing in front of the door and looking at Minah that had moved to her right side. As she stood up, I notice her shirt button had been opened that I can see her sport bra from where I stand. That’s it Amber.. That’s it.. I turn around as I start to run away from her

“Princess!!” I ignore her and just run thru the stairs. It happen again Am.. you broke your promise again..

“…She will sweep them off their feet and then left them like a trash…” I guess it’s true Am… I’m just a trash to you…


Amber’s POV

I was half awake when I heard a cracking sound smash to my floor. I look in front of my door and saw her standing there. Is this a dream? Because she don’t mention anything about going home. I look to my right side and saw Minah, my assistant standing there. I didn’t remember inviting her to my office. As I was convinced that it’s not a dream, I stood up as I walk toward her. I look to her face and notice tears start to stained her cheek before she turn around and run away from my office

“Princess!!” I tried to run to her when I felt someone held my hand. It’s Minah

“What’s now Minah?” I speak sternly to her. She grab my shirt collar and smiled mischievously. And I just notice that my shirt is half . Damn it! No wonder she act like that..

“Well, now that she’s gone, you should choose a new company for you. And I’m always here for you Amber” She loosen her grip on my hand as she use her hand to her shirt as her other hand still grabbing on my shirt’s collar. I look at her as she bit her lower lips seductively. This has to stop.

“ENOUGH!!” I push her away as she fall down to the floor. She winced in pain but I don’t care. I button my shirt as fast as I can. She stood up and face me

“Why do you have to so in love with that insecure b*tch Am?! She only have doubt for you while I have all the love for you. Why can’t you just pick me instead of her huh! I bet you only want her because she’s good in bed right, right Amber?!” she shouted at me. That’s it, you had crossed the line Minah


I slapped her hard as she just stand there, rubbing her sore cheek

“No one, I mean NO ONE can talk about her like that. I don’t care if you have the whole world love for me Minah, but if I have to choose

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I hope no one drolling while reading the part!!hahaha..


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babySavie #1
Chapter 1: Its really nice lyrical story....heee good job
Chapter 4: Oh yeah Crisis Core!xD I wish it was Cloud instead of Aerith tho.:)) Coz I ship Aerith to Zack.:))
Chapter 4: yah... i want that Zack!! hhhmmmm nice ending! still like it author... keep it up. ok sha?
Hello readers... I just wanna say thanks to everyone who enjoy my story.. I purposely end this story on my special day because i want to remember it as one of my gift when I see how happy you guys read this story..Reading all of your comments sure make my day,because I've never seen myself as a good writer.. Currently I'm focusing on my other story | wedding singer| if you got time, check it out.. For |my stupid llama| , I will update it if I see new kryber interaction or any hidden signal that I can relate to both of them.. I love you yeorobun~ (♥ω♥*)
Chapter 2: by the way. thats one hard slap hahahaha!!! rumors are bunch of shets!! but my kryber is stronger than that!!
Chapter 2: this is just so ..... i love it authornim!!!! *sniffs*
Chapter 1: *sniff* i-im not c-crying!! waahhhhhhhh!! my kryber heart!!! *reader-nim ran away*
Allama #8
Chapter 4: So so so sweet ! I love it author-nim !
jasonds #9
Chapter 4: aaahhhh so the epilogues so much....daebak author nimmmm
Chapter 4: Wow just wow....*standingapplause*
Nice job nice story thx u ^^