Chapter 3

Let's catch puppies
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« Hurry up, hurry up ! » Jaehwan happily exclaimed, waltzing in the street, walking backwards to look at the others.  

 Hongbin was obviously smiling as much as Jaehwan was, really excited at the idea of the new student, sitting in their working place, drinking a hot chocolate he would have served to him, and laughing at his jokes. 

 By his side, Taekwoon was probably even more excited. His efforts finally bore fruits. Jaehwan was coming with him because he proposed him to come. Jaehwan was coming because of HIM.  

But he was also anxious. He peeked at this back. Wonsik was distraught, his gaze stuck on the ground. He looked like a ghost, walking without knowing why he was alive.  

 After what happened in the stairs with Jaehwan, Taekwoon went to the rooftop, looking for Hakyeon. The oldest was curled-up, sitting on the ground in a corner, his forehead on his knees, his body shaken with his sobs. When Sanghyuk noticed his incoming hyung, he stopped to pat Hakyeon’s back and stood up, walking to the door. On the way, he whispered to Taekwoon « Good luck. » before leaving the rooftop.  

Then, to sum up the twenty next minutes, Hakyeon cried, sometimes shouting one or two curse words, but also insults about Wonsik. At the same time, Taekwoon took his friend in his arms, softly rubbing his hair, and whispering. « It’s okay. » 
He rarely saw Hakyeon cracking like he did. Hakyeon who never give up, Hakyeon who always create new plans every single day.  

Eventually, when Hakyeon calmed down and his eyes dried, Taekwoon gave him an advice. « You should talk with Wonsik. »  

But as we all know, Hakyeon is stubborn, really stubborn. His head was harder than a rock. « This  can die. »  


So, right now, Taekwoon was a bit afraid. Afraid to not having his best friend during such an important moment. It was weird for Taekwoon to be that dependent on someone. He generally never asks help from anyone, and this for two reasons. First, he knew he would do it by himself better than anyone else. But the main reason was because he never needed help with his relation with people, since they were close to 0%. He barely never talks, so he never had any problem.  

  But this time it was different. This situation was so new for him... He was helpless. And that's precisely at this moment that Hakyeon decided to sulk for a useless matter.  

Despite everything, I hope he'll come...  

Arrived at the café, they discovered it was already crowded. It was a pretty small and understated place, but also pleasant and bustling. The kitchen was opened : we could see what was happening inside throught a big hole on the beige wall, behind the checkout. The ground was a floorboard, and there were huge windows on both sides of the door, so the café was well-lit.  


Without any words, Wonsik quickly walked to his kitchen to hide himself.  


« Oh Hongbin came ! » 


More than half of the customers immediatly reacted and looked at him, as if they saw a miracle. All females customers. They all called him out, developing a sudden envy of drinks and cakes.  


« Wow you're pretty popular here. » Jaehwan was trying to count the number of persons calling him.  


Hongbin smirked.

« I don’t want to be pretentious, but most of our customers are women who come for me. »  


« Ohhhh really ? Wow I’m impressed~ » He giggled. « It must be like a daily paradise. » 


He made a face. « Not really… I’m not interested with those teenagers. To be honest I’m- »



« Hakyeon is on the place ! »  


Lee’s brothers jumped of surprise, Jaehwan even squeaking. Their hyung, who was devastated few hours earlier, was now there, like he always was : All happy and noisy. He was acting as if nothing happened during the lunch. He tilted his head. « Kong, why aren’t you already in your uniform ? »  


The latter hit his forehead. « I need to hurry ! » and ran to the locker room, from where Taekwoon was opening the door.  

He was wearing his uniform. A white shirt not totally buttoned, showing the top of his chest, and a sleeveless black jacket. On the lower part, his raven pants was half hidden with a simple apron knocked on his waist. Simple but efficient.  


Jaehwan looked at him from head to toes approximately five times, while he kept a natural face. « In this outfit, with your  usual calm face…. You look… » He raised his thumb. « You look handsome and y at the same time. Good job ! »  


He didn’t realize the importance of his words. He was just sincere, he said what came at his mind at this moment.  

Taekwoon didn’t know how to react. He had three options.  


First, he could jump on Jaehwan and just eat him. But that was clearly impossible. But still, it sounded nice.  


Second,and it was probably the better choice, he could have act coolly, simply smiling and thank him. Also totally impossible, probably even more than the first option.  


Finally, he chose the third option : blushing, acting awkwardly and denying what Jaehwan said. It wasn’t chic, neither class. For Taekwoon, it was just ridiculous. But can we even call it an ‘choice’ ? His body wasn’t listening him anymore.  « I-I’m… not… »  


« Yes you are ! » Strangely, Jaehwan felt like something poked his heart for no reason. He weakly smiled. « I bet girls love you in this outfit. »  


Taekwoon softly shook his head, sincerely answering. « Not at all. »  

Well, in reality, they were looking at him. He was definitely well-looking (especially in this uniform). Plus, his coldness was interpreted as mystery, and girls loved it. But he was too unsociable to notice it.  


The weight on his heart flew away as quickly as it came. His smile grew up. « Is that so ? »  


Taekwoon’s heart racing started again. Jaehwan’s smile was definitely a weapon. One of the most dangerous weapon the earth ever created. And his owner was using it without having any clue of its efficient. « Yes… »  


Delighted, Jaehwan happily jumped until he reached his sit next to Hakyeon, humming.
As they were making acquaintance, Hongbin exited the locker room, this time wearing same clothes as Taekwoon, while Sanghyuk was entering in the café. The latter loosened his lips to all his preferred artwork out, but stopped himself when he noticed he was talking with Taekwoon.  


« Hyung, I’ll take care of this table. » He made a sign with his head in direction of Jaehwan and his fresh new friend.  


Taekwoon froze, his eyes opened a little wider. « I can do it you know... »


Hongbin was intensely staring at Jaehwan, his lips curling into a smile. « Nope, I want to do it. »


Taekwoon thought it was the end of the world.


This can’t be…  


Hongbin was just like Hakyeon. They both assumed they were gay. That’s why , at school,  there were no girls who was flirting with the brown-haired one. But at the café it was different, nobody knew it. Since most of the girls were coming for Hongbin (Well and a little Taekwoon), it would kill this place if women discovered they had no chance with him.  


But because of that, Taekwoon was worried. No, more than worried, he was afraid.  


Is he… ?  


« Leo ! Move your , you know I hate when it’s not you who takes care of me ! »  


Hakyeon annoyance could be helpful sometimes. Without losing any seconds, Taekwoon shifted to Hakyeon’s side, while Sanghyuk took place near  to him, glaring at the new student.  


« Do you open your phone sometimes ? »  


He shook his head « Not during

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amyhanny3 #1
I'm really miss ur story Authornim...
YouthHurts #2
Chapter 8: I'm having sooo much fun with this story! Love all the couples...but I'm a truly Keo shipper. They're so cute! Please go on updating! I can't wait!
Starlight_liar #3
Chapter 8: Why would I hit you with no keo, this whole fic is basically my ships three in one and I have nothing to complain about. Looking forward to your next chapter
missing_vixx #4
Chapter 8: Sometimes I just wanna punch Hakyeon in the face for being jealous irrationally. But since he protected Wonshik from the thunder, he is forgiven. The raining scene reminded me of Haruhi and Hikaru from Ouran High (if you watched the anime before) although the location is different.
And oh my dear Hyukkie, you are too adorable~ Bin-ah don't too much or you won't be able to handle when Manhyuk strikes XD
Asynknsh93 #5
Chapter 8: I love it-!!!!
missing_vixx #6
Chapter 7: OMG this is too fluffy!!! I was smiling the entire time while I was reading this!!! XDXDXD they are so cute together and that last part where they kissed was really hot!!! Too hot *fans self*
Lastly, I just want to say that everyone in VIXX has a nice ! *coughs* but Taekwoon is just an old man with no arm strength XD
Lizgetzy #7
Chapter 5: The cha cha cha booty (^.^)
And i realy likes ur story its so flufy abd cute and i love how bean makes hyuk sufre “ψ(`∇´)ψpls keep the gooing with the good work
missing_vixx #8
Chapter 5: The last photo and gif... Kinda killed me ><
Darn but Jaehwan, what are you hiding? I wanna know~~~
Poor Bin T^T he just took the other seat out of niceness...
missing_vixx #9
Chapter 4: OMG. KEO. I am gonna cry because it's been soooo long since I read Keo and not to mention a fluffy and cute one *makes choking sounds* T^T
meilidwi #10
Chapter 2: Boyssssss comeon don't get into fight!! *sigh*