
The Sound Of Silence
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I'm sorry for the late update! these past few days my mind was filled with examinations and individual projects and class events and all of that stuffs so yeah..

And it doesn't helped my mood at all when I heard that Seulgi and Yeri was in a car accident :') I'm glad that SM gave them some days to rest though, at least they were treating them right this time lmao..

Anyway! thank you for all of your comments and all ^^ as you already know by now, I really really appreciate it and it really makes me happy :))))))

As always, I'm sorry for any grammatical errors and I hope you enjoy!

(Chapter 8)

Irene didn’t know how long she stayed in that position.

Seulgi still hadn’t let go of her hand. Irene was not complaining but, not gonna lie, her was sore from sitting on the hard floor for a long time.

She actually had attempt to changed her position once or twice, or trying to released the sleeping girl’s grasp, but it never succeed.

So, she stayed like that, not doing anything beside staring at the sleeping girl’s face.

Some part of her cheeks were bruised, but fortunately it was healing pretty well based on how the bruises already started to fade.

There was a cut on her bottom lip. Even though it was minor compared to the other injuries, it was still noticeable.

Her eyes darted to Seulgi’s hand.

Thankfully there was no serious wound or anything, but her side wrist’s color was a bit blue-ish too.

A sigh came out of , and right at that moment, she looked up to Seulgi’s face again, only to see Seulgi already staring at her.

Irene slumped her shoulder.

“..You’re awake”

She didn’t say anything back, but Irene understood what she was thinking.

Seulgi’s eyes glistened, and Irene felt her heart clenched when a tear rolled down from Seulgi’s eyes down to her cheek.

She didn’t know what to say, or what to do actually. She never encountered something like this before in her life, but the only thing that she knew was that she had to do something, anything.

Her thoughts were cut-off when Seulgi let go of her hand, using it to covered her face with her hair and gave Irene her back, hiding her face from Irene.

Irene knew that Seulgi didn’t have any will to change her current position ( which was hiding her face away from the older girl to see), so Irene stood up and settled herself to lay in front of the wounded girl slowly with caution, not wanting to surprise her.

When she was already face to face with her, she hold Seulgi’s hands and put it away from her face as gently as she could.

Thankfully, the younger girl didn’t resist Irene’s action.

After successfully putting Seulgi’s hands that were previously covering her face onto the bed gently, Irene remove the hair that was covering Seulgi’s face, revealing her red eyes, cheeks wet from her tears and quivering lips.

Irene didn’t want to make Seulgi uncomfortable by staring at her longer than she should, so she thought that the alternative way was to hug her.

So she did.

At least it could gave her some comfort, was what Irene thought as she pulled Seulgi closer and rest her chin on top of the younger girl’s head. She only tightened her hug, but not too tight, when she felt the girl beneath her trembling from crying.

“It’s okay”, she said softly, caressing her hair, like what Seulgi did earlier.

Irene didn’t mind getting her clothes wet.


After Seulgi’s hiccup dissipate, she pulled herself away from Irene to wipe the tears left on her face. Her bruises on her cheek were more prominent because of the tears, but she still wipe them anyway, not caring the fact that whenever her hands made a contact with her cheeks it hurts like hell.

Irene watched silently as Seulgi grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

She understood what Seulgi was trying to say, that was one of her way to say thank you.

Irene smiled, she was glad that she could help her, one way or another.

“…Do you want to talk about it?”, Irene asked softly.

Seulgi closed her eyes, inhaling and exhaling. Minutes passed before she looked back at Irene, hands already giving a sign that she would tell her.

But she didn’t, she can’t.

Irene noticed the silence that followed after Seulgi lowered her hands until it touched the bed again, she knew that Seulgi wasn’t ready, at least not yet.

“It’s okay, you don't have to tell me now, I understand”

Irene won’t insist her if she wasn’t ready, but she know for sure that she will find who did this to her.


As soon as Wendy heard the sound of door clicking, She dropped whatever work she was working on and waited for Irene to come downstairs, arms crossed and foot tapping the floor anxiously.

Irene appeared a few seconds later, walking with a somewhat heavy footsteps.

“So ? How did it go?”

Irene sighed, “I’m not sure what to say, but one thing I know is that I feel like my energy got drained”

“You want something to drink? Or eat? You haven’t had a meal since hours ago”, Wendy said worriedly.

Irene looked to the clock on the wall, she didn’t realized that it was already evening.

“..No, thanks. It was already late, I should just go home ”, Irene throw her a grateful smile before grabbing her bag from the sofa.

She walked to the entrance, sitting down to put on her shoes.

“Just so you know, I didn’t tell you about what happened to Seulgi because she asked me not to.” Wendy said, waiting patiently for Irene to finished her task.

She nodded, “I know”

That thought already crossed Irene’s mind too many times when she was waiting for Seulgi to woke up back then. She knew that the younger girl would think that she didn’t want to bothered Irene anymore with her problems.

Seulgi was that kind of person.


Irene wasn’t sure if she heard it right.

It was a breaktime now, and she was just peacefully going to the toilet, feeling nature's call coming on.

Her hand was already about to turned the bathroom knob when she heard Soojung’s voice, and of course, some of her friends’ voices.

To be honest, she wasn’t even sure if they were still her friends. The distance between them were getting wider each days passed, and Irene wouldn’t even asked why because she knew exactly what changed between them.

She had changed.

At least it was a good change.

She know that for a fact, even though they were saying the opposite of it, but she already made her mind, she won’t go back to the way she used to be.

Because of this, the interactions between them were growing awkward, especially when they met directly, or just when they passed each other in the hallway. She knew that they were talking behind her back in a negative way, but she didn’t said anything about it. At least she didn’t get the same treatment as Joy or Yeri.

Maybe because she used to be a big part and a vital part of the group, or maybe because she was James’ girlfriend, they never pulled off anything excessive to her.

She never bothered to come to them anymore, and now, It would be so awkward if she get out of the stall, so she decided just to wait there, until they left the toilet.

They were talking about her, without knowing that the person they were talking about was inside one of the stalls.

Bad things about her were thrown here and there, but surprisingly, she only heard Soojung voiced out her thought only to wonder why Irene was distancing herself from the group.

Irene only heard their interactions silently, leaning on the wall slightly. She never wanted to eavesdrop on them, but it just happened.

Suddenly, something perked her interest when a certain name got called.

They talked about Seulgi.

She stood up straight with her eyebrows furrowed.

“I didn’t know that he would did it to that point though”

“Wait you watched him do it?”

“Not really, but I saw him with Kai dragging her to the back of the school”

“Who? James?”

She felt her body tensed.



As much as Irene wanted to burst out of the stall that very second, she couldn’t.

Her mind was running miles per hour.

Kai and JAMES did that?

She shook her head. “There was no way James would do that kind of thing”.

He was her boyfriend after all.


As soon as their voices faded away from the toilet, she got out of the stall and walked around the school, in search for the one who dare did that to her dear friend.

All she could think was to beat the out of that kid.

She already walked around the hallway, canteen, classrooms and garden, yet she still didn’t found him. ( or them )

Instead she came face to face with her blonde friend.

“Have you seen James? Or that head?” Irene said, still gritting her teeth.

Even though Irene didn’t gave her the name, Wendy already know who she was implying as she shook her head.

“No.. why?” Wendy furrowed her eyebrows. “Um, couldn’t you just call him? You definitely have his

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1052 streak #1
Chapter 8: plsss comebackk authornim! 🤧
shinchan222 #2
Chapter 8: I have a feeling that the boy in the photo which was in seulgi's room was either kai or James. And Irene's dreams are also related to seulgi somehow. Ughhh I really want to know what will happen next. This suspense is killing me!!!!
I hope that u will update this story 'someday' too. :D
Chapter 8: I wanna know what happens next. Please updateeee(╥﹏╥)
Chapter 8: aaaa i love thiss
anatawowasurenai #5
Chapter 8: Update? ><
anatawowasurenai #6
Chapter 8: Update? ><
Chapter 8: Pls update soon author~!
Chapter 8: this is sooooo good, i wish you update this author-nim
Chapter 8: Please update soon loving this story!!
Michae47 #10
Chapter 7: Oh men author all ur stories are realling amazing....
Please update it author nim...