
The Sound Of Silence
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Thank you so much guys for your supports! I really really appreciate it and you guys really gave me motivation to keep writing this! ^^

Once again, I'm sorry for any grammatical errors, but I'll try my best to improve it :)

Hope you enjoy!

(Chapter 3)

As soon as she was out of the café, rain started to pour down.

Thank God her driver quickly picked her up with two umbrellas.

No words were exchanged, as they both get into the car.

As soon as she settled her things down, the aroma of coffee came into her nose, reminding her of her cup of coffee that she was holding with her hands.

Before she could even drink it, she noticed something on the front of the cup.

It was a drawing.

A bunny drawing to be exact.


“It’s almost time for the semester report to come out, next week to be exact”

Irene stayed silent.

“You know that right?”

“Of course I know, I freaking study in that school” she rolled her eyes.

Her mother raised her eyebrows.

“Don’t you dare talk to your mother like that” She said with furrowed eyebrows.

“Yes mother” Irene said, followed by a sigh.

They always fought because of the littlest things, but Irene was clearly not interested in starting one at the moment.

Irene should be grateful that at least she was having a “bonding time” with her mother right now, but the latter always being petty about irrelevant things never helped her to maintain the good atmosphere she was always trying to create at all.

Her mother sat in front of her with her hands both on top of the table, intertwining it.

No one said anything.

“How’s your grades?”

Of course, grades were always the top priority for her.

She was used to this question, and already knew that her mother will asked this question sooner or later.

She never bothered to ask anything to her daughter except her grades anyway, why even bother hoping anything else to happen. That was what Irene thought as she continued eating her food.

“It’s okay” she said after she swallowed the food.

“Define ‘okay’”

“I didn’t failed any test”

“Well tell me the details, does all your tests grades above A?”

Irene shrugged. “Don’t know”

“Is that a no?”

“I said I don’t know mother, just wait until the report gets to your hand” Irene said growing impatient.

And then silence again.

“You have to get good reports, so you will get into a prestigious university and continue your father’s company, do you understand?” She said as she stood up, Irene didn’t even bother to reply her.

“Don’t let us down”

And then she left her alone.

Just like what they always did to her.


Irene woke up with a gasp the following morning.

Clothes sticked onto her body and hair dampened from sweats.

She quickly scanned her surrounding and sighed in relieved.

It was just a dream, she repeated herself as she steadied her breathing.

But the thing is, it was not just a bad dream. She rarely get nightmares, but these past few weeks it’s becoming frequent.

It was about her drowning in waters.

It was always about that.

Not being able to breathe even though she tried to.

Not being able to woke up until she felt like she would die any second.

All she felt was water filling up her lungs.

Even though she knows that it was just a dream, It felt too surreal, like she really experienced it.

“I need some distraction” She thought as she prepared herself to go to school.


By distraction, she never meant that she wanted to see a certain boy right now.

The one that always got on her nerves, two-faced person who always can get away with anything.

The one and only, Kai.

She just remembered that he just got back from his “Business trip” with his parents.

“Great” She heard her own self muttering as she rolled her eyes.

Kai was an honor student with a charming face and smile so he was quite popular. He was known to be very gentle and caring too.

But she could see through the mask he’s wearing.

Irene knew that behind that smile of his, hide his true ugly personality that one wouldn’t ever suspected coming from him. Everyone looked up to him and like him.

But not to Irene as she already pretty much dislike him.

Irene and Kai were neighbors, and both their parents were really close with each other.

Her parents pretty much like him.

If only they knew what kind of person you are, she thought.

How does Irene know that Kai is not the person everyone sees as? Because one, he once did something terrible to the only person Irene cared about.

And two, she once witnessed him punching a kid until he had to go to the hospital.

The worst part was that the victim’s brain was damaged and It was a near-dead one.

The victim told them that it was Kai who did that to him, but no one believed him. They just tell them that it was no way that it was Kai who did that, because he was not that kind of person.

No one believed him, they only thought that he was just being jealous with Kai.

Or maybe because of the fact that the victim’s brain was damaged, so they thought that his memories were messed.

Knowing that the victim didn’t get any support that he could have been getting, Irene did tell them that it really was Kai who did it.

But voila, no one believed it either. Not even the teachers. Not even her parents.

She vividly remember the hidden smirk that was only directed to her, as if he was mocking her.

And that hidden smirk was shown to her now too as they closed the distances between themselves.

“Hey there, ” He said as he was already face-to-face with Irene, voice so soft that only Irene and him could heard it.

Honestly, she didn’t give a about him, so she just continue to walked pass him.

He scoffed.

Irene still didn’t bother to look at him.

But what he said next was really crossing the line.

“Yeah, your sister really left you for good”

Irene stopped walking as she turned her head slowly to him.

She saw him smirking as he moved closer to Irene.

“it’s a good thing that she will never see her own sister bullied other people for their own enjoyment right?”

Irene’s eyes turned venomous.

“If she’s still here I wou-“, before he could finished the sentence, he was being shoved onto the locker with hands grasping his collar forcefull

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1061 streak #1
Chapter 8: plsss comebackk authornim! 🤧
shinchan222 #2
Chapter 8: I have a feeling that the boy in the photo which was in seulgi's room was either kai or James. And Irene's dreams are also related to seulgi somehow. Ughhh I really want to know what will happen next. This suspense is killing me!!!!
I hope that u will update this story 'someday' too. :D
Chapter 8: I wanna know what happens next. Please updateeee(╥﹏╥)
Chapter 8: aaaa i love thiss
anatawowasurenai #5
Chapter 8: Update? ><
anatawowasurenai #6
Chapter 8: Update? ><
Chapter 8: Pls update soon author~!
Chapter 8: this is sooooo good, i wish you update this author-nim
Chapter 8: Please update soon loving this story!!
Michae47 #10
Chapter 7: Oh men author all ur stories are realling amazing....
Please update it author nim...