DAY 27: Romantic movie kiss

너와 함께 [30 day otp challenge]

 The weather these days was so weird; once it was hot, once cold, once sunny, once rainy. This morning was rather looking good, so both Mingyu and Jihoon didn’t take any jacket or umbrella when going to the uni.

It was Thursday, so it meant they started and finished their classes at the same time. They always met at a coffee shop five minutes away from their bus stop, got some take away coffee and went home together. But this day, as soon as they got there, it started raining. Heavy.

“Are we waiting it out?” Jihoon asked. Mingyu nodded, so they drank their coffee there instead on their way home, but the rain didn’t stop after fifteen minutes. And after half an hour.

“We should go,” Mingyu said finally. “It doesn’t seem to stop soon.”

“Yeah. Do we run?”


They went out, and the cold water immediately began soaking their clothes. Both winced.

“Ready?” Mingyu asked.

Jihoon took his hand and nodded firmly. “Ready.”

Mingyu smiled widly at that and went first and dragged his boyfriend behind him.

And so they run, laughing, holding hands. They passed the people walking with umbrellas or hoods of their jackets on, people who sometimes send them weird looks. Because what sane person would be running happily in the heavy rain?

Halfway to the bus stop Jihoon stopped running and that automatically stopped Mingyu, who almost tripped and fell down. He turned around to check if everything’s fine.

Jihoon was looking up at him, his blonde hair sticking to his forehead, shirt completely soaked already, smiling widely. Mingyu smiled too, but the confusion was visible on his face.


Without a word, the smaller boy hooked his hands over Mingyu’s neck and tugged down, standing on his tiptoes too, and kissed him.

And it was surprising. Because Jihoon hadn’t been fond of PDA before, and it had been understandable – no one would be eager to show affection in a society that generally didn’t accept same- couples. Mingyu didn’t ever say anything against it, even if he sometimes just wanted to hold hands with his boyfriend, like a normal person in a relationship. But now Jihoon didn’t only let him hold his hand. He kissed him.

He kissed him.

With people around. Going to their work, for some lunch, somewhere else. In the rain, as both of them were freezing because of the cold weather. Clutching to him tightly.

Mingyu had never felt more in love.

He circled the small boy with his hands, bringing him even closer. There wasn’t anything on his mind other than Jihoon’s lips, Jihoon’s hands, Jihoon’s body, Jihoon.

That’s why he almost jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulder. It startled him so much that he immediately let go of his boyfriend.

And it turned out it was Jeonghan.

“Showing your gayness in public?” He asked with a grin. He had his other hand on Jihoon’s shoulder too. “Wow, I don’t recognize you guys anymore.”

Jihoon just rolled his eyes and shook Jeonghan’s hand off him.

“So what?” Mingyu asked defensively. “You jealous?”

The oldest of them shrugged.

“I don’t have anyone to show my gayness with.”

“What about Minghao?” Jihoon asked, and Jeonghan’s smile disappeared.

“I don’t know a Minghao,” he said flatly.

“Yeah, sure,” Jihoon snorted. “But can we like, go to the bus stop already? We’re completely wet.”

“You were the one who stopped us from getting there,” Mingyu noticed. Jihoon punched him in his shoulder. “Okay, okay. Jeonghan-hyung, you’re going too?”

The long haired boy shook his head.

“I was on my way from the bus stop actually. Poor baby Chan is sick, so I’m going to his dorm to take care of him.” He patted his backpack, where he probably had some medicine or instant ramyeon. (Jeonghan was too lazy to prepare something on his own, but it was admirable how he decided to go to Chan in this rain.)

“Okay. Then bye hyung! Tell Chan to get well soon,” Mingyu said, took Jihoon’s hand and tugged him in the direction of the bus stop.

The next morning neither of them went to his classes. They weren’t very sick, but Mingyu had a runny nose and Jihoon didn’t feel well, so they decided to skip this day.

“This is actually a low price for you doing something straight out of a romance movie,” Mingyu said when Jihoon was complaining. The older boy blushed.

“That was an impulse, okay?”

“A very good impulse.” Mingyu leaned to place a kiss on his boyfriend’s nose. Jihoon scrunched it rubbed it afterwards before resuming eating his ramyeon. It was made by Mingyu and he was sure he’ll be better thanks to it. Of course, if Mingyu didn’t sneeze into the pot earlier. “Really, I didn’t expect such gesture from you.”

“Stop it.” He lowered his head in embarrassment.

“Okay.” Mingyu sat in front of Jihoon and started eating his ramyeon too. “But thank you, really.”

“No need,” Jihoon said, but there was a smile in corners of his lips. “I did it because I love you.”

Mingyu’s smiled had never been bigger.

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[160925] added a list of all drabbles in chronological order to the foreword!


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DinaJung #1
i loooovvvvveeeee this storyy ♡ especially the last chapter. i wasnt a fan of jigyu but after reading this i just feel like to ship them XD
wrenoblese #2
Chapter 30: LOVE THIS SO MUCHIE ♡♡♡♡
Chapter 30: finally done reading this. and tbh, among all au (the main n the extra one), i really love this last chapter. huhu
well, it describes jigyu the best. a puppy and a kitty, bicker but care. hehehe
thanks for doing this and sharing it with us ^^
minhoshawols #4
as a hardcore jigyu shipper, i really appreciate your hardwork in doing this challenge. i read this at ao3 first, tho. just wanna tell u that this is probably the best oneshot collection of jigyu everything is so perfect T.T
fg #5
Chapter 30: Waaah this is heaven. I like all jigyu's drabbles. Good job author-nim. Please write more stories about them and spread the love of jigyu
cutehansol #6
Chapter 30: omg i loved the whole thing !!! keep up the good work~
Nadiaamelia #7
Chapter 29: Please write more about jigyu.... I'm so in love with ship and there's too little jigyu fic i find
Chapter 24: Me: oh yey you updated
Me: wait didnt you say that you were writing smu--
Me: *ded* O<-<
Yuni-Kim #9
Chapter 19: So. Hello author-nim. I'm leaving a comment after I read all your beautiful drabbles like 5 times? But well I just wanted to tell you that I love Jigyu it's like the couple of my life and I'm just totally in love with your writing style and everything.

And I would like to see you writing a fanfic about those two. Something like school maybe? It would be damn great because there are not many fics out there which have many chapters or are good written but please don't stop writing the couple of my life. thank you! ♡