DAY 15: Movie night

너와 함께 [30 day otp challenge]

 “We’re not making a Disney movie night.”

“Yes we are.”



“No!” Jihoon protested firmly. It wasn’t that he didn’t like Disney movies. He was okay with them. But Mingyu wanted third marathon of them in a month. And that wasn’t okay. “We’re not watching these movies again.”

Mingyu pouted. “But we would watch something else, like...”

“No, Mingyu. Want a movie marathon? Find something that’s not Disney.”

“Fine,” Mingyu grumbled. “I’ll find something.”

And that’s how they ended up watching all Iron Man movies. Jihoon was quiet all the time, only nodding and humming instead of answering to Mingyu’s talking. He supplied them in drinks and something to eat from time to time, and that was it.

After the marathon Mingyu turned to him with a big smile on his face.

“That was lit, wasn’t it?”

“Yeah,” Jihoon said and started to clean the living room. Mingyu frowned.

“Hey, babe, what’s wrong?”

The older just smiled slightly and shook his head.

“Nothing, just tired.” He proceeded to take trash to the bin. Mingyu squinted his eyes. There was something. He had to know what was it.

The boy got up from the couch and followed Jihoon to the kitchen. He tugged Jihoon’s sleeve and made him look at him.

“I see something’s wrong.”

“I said, nothing.” His boyfriend was averting his eyes. Mingyu took his face in his hands and came closer.

“Hoonie. Say it. Whatever it is.”

Jihoon sighed, but he complied.

“Okay. I don’t like Marvel movies.”

“What?” The younger boy was left in shock. “Why didn’t you say anything earlier?”

“Because I already refused watching Disney movies. And I didn’t want you to be sad because of me refusing something else. So...”

Jihoon didn’t have a chance to finish, because he was crushed in a hug.

“Gosh, Hoonie, what did I do in my previous life to deserve you now?” Mingyu pressed his face on top of Jihoon’s head. “I love you so, so much.”

“Love you too, kid,” Jihoon mumbled into his shoulder. “But don’t make me watch any more Marvel, okay? I can re-watch Tangled with you for the fourth time.”

Mingyu giggled.


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[160925] added a list of all drabbles in chronological order to the foreword!


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DinaJung #1
i loooovvvvveeeee this storyy ♡ especially the last chapter. i wasnt a fan of jigyu but after reading this i just feel like to ship them XD
wrenoblese #2
Chapter 30: LOVE THIS SO MUCHIE ♡♡♡♡
Chapter 30: finally done reading this. and tbh, among all au (the main n the extra one), i really love this last chapter. huhu
well, it describes jigyu the best. a puppy and a kitty, bicker but care. hehehe
thanks for doing this and sharing it with us ^^
minhoshawols #4
as a hardcore jigyu shipper, i really appreciate your hardwork in doing this challenge. i read this at ao3 first, tho. just wanna tell u that this is probably the best oneshot collection of jigyu everything is so perfect T.T
fg #5
Chapter 30: Waaah this is heaven. I like all jigyu's drabbles. Good job author-nim. Please write more stories about them and spread the love of jigyu
cutehansol #6
Chapter 30: omg i loved the whole thing !!! keep up the good work~
Nadiaamelia #7
Chapter 29: Please write more about jigyu.... I'm so in love with ship and there's too little jigyu fic i find
Chapter 24: Me: oh yey you updated
Me: wait didnt you say that you were writing smu--
Me: *ded* O<-<
Yuni-Kim #9
Chapter 19: So. Hello author-nim. I'm leaving a comment after I read all your beautiful drabbles like 5 times? But well I just wanted to tell you that I love Jigyu it's like the couple of my life and I'm just totally in love with your writing style and everything.

And I would like to see you writing a fanfic about those two. Something like school maybe? It would be damn great because there are not many fics out there which have many chapters or are good written but please don't stop writing the couple of my life. thank you! ♡