DAY 28: Death

너와 함께 [30 day otp challenge]

a/n: this one takes place some time later than recent drabbles. as i'll finish this challenge, i'll post the complete chronological order of the chapters :) 

After the second bow, Mingyu didn’t get up. When Jihoon kneeled by his side, he noticed him crying. There were people around, but he didn’t care and just hugged him. Mingyu needed this. After all it was his grandmother’s funeral.

“She lived well,” Jihoon tried to comfort him, but these words only made Mingyu sob harded. So he kept rubbing his back with his mouth shut.

He met Mingyu’s grandma only a few times, but he knew she was the sweetest. She taught Mingyu everything she knew – how to cook, how to take care of animals, even how to knit. This last one wasn’t something Mingyu show often, but Jihoon knew he could do it well. His grandma loved him very much, and when he introduced his boyfriend to her, she just accepted Jihoon as her second grandson. She was the one they told first about their engagement.

Jihoon wanted to cry too, but he had to be strong for Mingyu. He needed to do it for him.

Mingyu finally got up to go with Jihoon to the side, so they could make room for other people who wanted to bow. They sat against a wall, and the taller hugged his boyfriend close, put his head on Jihoon’s shoulder to hide his face and sobbed quietly.

In the meantime Jihoon listened to the people. They were usually talking about how great person she was, and he couldn’t agree more. Some old ladies who came had to be her friends from her youth, and he heard a few funny and heartwarming stories about Mingyu’s grandma.

After some time most of the people started leaving. Just when Jihoon thought they were left alone, a man walked in. And Jihoon’s breath hitched, because without a doubt it was Mingyu’s father. He hadn’t ever seen a picture of him, but he could tell by just looking at him. He was tall, had very similar facial features, but his expression was completely different. And his hands were… trembling lightly?

He nudged his boyfriend. The man didn’t notice them at first, as he looked at his feet only, but when he did, he stared at them with wide eyes. Mingyu lifted up his head and wiped his face with a sleeve of his shirt. He looked up at the man and his face expressed pure surprise.


He untangled himself from Jihoon’s arms and stood up. They stared at each other, not really knowing what to say. Jihoon felt the heavy atmosphere and he just wanted to leave, but he knew it would be better if he stayed by his boyfriend’s side. So he did exactly that, standing next to him.

He knew about Mingyu’s relationship with his parents. They divorced when he was seven, and he was meant to stay with his mom, but shortly after she just left him with his dad and left. His dad worked much in that time, so it was his grandma who took care of him. In the middle school he moved to live with her. His dad visited them from time to time, but it was visible that the weight was off his shoulders once he didn’t have to care about his son. Mingyu said he hadn’t heard from his dad since he started uni, and now he was in his last year.

“You can bow to your mother.” Mingyu was first to open his mouth. The man nodded quickly and did it. He faced them again when he got up. He looked very stressed.

“I-I didn’t expect to see you here, Mingyu,” he said. His son just shrugged.

“Well, I didn’t expect to see you here too.”

“Y-yeah, right.” Looking at him, Jihoon couldn’t match their personalities. They were total opposites; only the looks showed they’re a family. “And who’s-who’s your friend?”

“Lee Jihoon, boyfriend,” he introduced himself. A fiance he should say, but he didn’t want to test his luck more than it was possible.

“Oh, I didn’t knew you were, uh-”

“You were barely around, I didn’t have an opportunity to tell you.”

“Sorry a-about that.”

Jihoon looked up at Mingyu. He looked confused. Was it because of his father’s words? Or general way he looked and talked? Then he followed Mingyu’s eyes and found out he was looking at his father’s still trembling hands. The confusion turned to concern.

“Are you okay, dad?” He asked.

The man nodded, but even he didn’t look like he believed it. Mingyu bit his lower lip.

“Let’s go eat something together. Okay?”

It should surprise Jihoon, given how Mingyu always told him his father must have not cared about him at all, how he was too much of a workaholic to care about any person. But Jihoon knew Mingyu. He knew his big heart. And this man probably changed – a lot, looking at Mingyu’s reaction.

So they went to the restaurant together. Mingyu spoke carefully to his father, and the man slowly opened to his son. It was hard, for both of them. But Mingyu made an effort. Made an effort for a man, who basically abandoned him a few years back.

Jihoon smiled as he felt something warm blooming in his chest. And if Mingyu’s grandma’s ghost was around, she was probably smiling too.

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[160925] added a list of all drabbles in chronological order to the foreword!


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DinaJung #1
i loooovvvvveeeee this storyy ♡ especially the last chapter. i wasnt a fan of jigyu but after reading this i just feel like to ship them XD
wrenoblese #2
Chapter 30: LOVE THIS SO MUCHIE ♡♡♡♡
Chapter 30: finally done reading this. and tbh, among all au (the main n the extra one), i really love this last chapter. huhu
well, it describes jigyu the best. a puppy and a kitty, bicker but care. hehehe
thanks for doing this and sharing it with us ^^
minhoshawols #4
as a hardcore jigyu shipper, i really appreciate your hardwork in doing this challenge. i read this at ao3 first, tho. just wanna tell u that this is probably the best oneshot collection of jigyu everything is so perfect T.T
fg #5
Chapter 30: Waaah this is heaven. I like all jigyu's drabbles. Good job author-nim. Please write more stories about them and spread the love of jigyu
cutehansol #6
Chapter 30: omg i loved the whole thing !!! keep up the good work~
Nadiaamelia #7
Chapter 29: Please write more about jigyu.... I'm so in love with ship and there's too little jigyu fic i find
Chapter 24: Me: oh yey you updated
Me: wait didnt you say that you were writing smu--
Me: *ded* O<-<
Yuni-Kim #9
Chapter 19: So. Hello author-nim. I'm leaving a comment after I read all your beautiful drabbles like 5 times? But well I just wanted to tell you that I love Jigyu it's like the couple of my life and I'm just totally in love with your writing style and everything.

And I would like to see you writing a fanfic about those two. Something like school maybe? It would be damn great because there are not many fics out there which have many chapters or are good written but please don't stop writing the couple of my life. thank you! ♡