
Unexpected Love
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 It would be Iseul's first summer in Korea – which is her hometown -  she had just landed on the country just a minute ago and she was rather excited to spend it with the whole family, for this would also be the first time spending it with the WHOLE family, yes, the first time since she can remember and that was way back, she was like five at that time. She had always spent her summer with her mother – in Japan, away from her father and older sister. But not this year though. Her father had managed a week of leave from his company's work and her older sister who's currently in Korea had managed to take a leave from work as well.


Iseul and her mother made their way to her sisters’ apartment, having known the way there they didn’t need anyone to fetch them.

As soon as they reached her sisters apartment Iseul wanted to go out for a walk. Since it's her first time, in a while, in Korea.

“Unnie~~ can I go out for a while?” She asked as she began fixing her yellow summer dress. Their mother had gone up on one of the rooms to take a much needed rest.

“Aren't you tired from your flight? Rest first” Her sister countered as she placed her car keys on the counter just by the door as she began freeing her sore feet from her killer pumps.

Iseul shook her head and insisted “I just wanted to take a stroll outside. I promise to be back soon. Please Unnie” She flashed Minjung a big smile, shaking her head at the younger one she sighed in defeat and nodded. She knew how Iseul had always longed to go back to Korea and so she let Iseul have her way for now.


After winning over her unnie, she smiled at her and hopped out the door happily saying she'll be back soon.

Iseul marveled at the sight before her. The trees and flowers are in full bloom decorating the park with different colors, the street though covered with leaves didn’t seem to look disgusting at all.

As she was walking down the neighborhood, she saw a park and decided to go there.

There were many kids playing and running around with each other. She felt happy just seeing the kids run around like that.

She was about to continue walking further into the park when a figure unexpectedly caught her sight.

It was a male, maybe a bit older than her, she guessed. Iseul observed him carefully from afar. He was lying under the big tree, one leg bent both arms behind his head. She had also noticed how the male had long limbs, his arms and legs seemed endless.

Wondering what the boy was up to, she, unknowingly made her way up to him. As she was nearing him, she noticed the boy happily staring and admiring the clear blue sky. He looked so contented lying there.

Iseul watched him as the rays of the sun slowly touch his face as the wind gently blew his dyed hair – it was a color of a bright red, and she can’t help but admire how the color made his skin glow under the sunny sky.

He smiled childishly every time the wind ruffles his hair, he didn’t mind even if the wind messed up his hair he just continued smiling -  deep dimples showing in each of his cheek.

Iseul's lips formed into a smile while she continued to watch him. He was so into what he's doing, so Iseul decided to just leave quietly and not disturb the boy.



Everytime Iseul passes that same tree, the boy would always be there at the same spot, always doing the same thing, admiring the skies, either lying down or sitting with his back by the tree. Iseul got used to seeing him there and like that and would always smile whenever he sees the boys' figure.

One day, when Iseul passed by, she was shocked when somebody grabbed her arm she was just ready to scream bloody murder when she saw that same boy by the tree holding her by the wrist heading their way to the tree he's always at.

When they reached the tree, the boy happily laid down leaving Iseul confused. He looked back at Iseul and motioned her to sit down beside him. Iseul sat down and quickly took a glance at the boy lying beside him. She smiled a little seeing the boy this close, she couldn’t deny how attractive he really was.

No one spoke, it was quiet for a while only the sound of the wind ruffling through the leaves and distant laughter of little boys and girls until the boy finally talked.

“What's your name? “He asked, not actually taking his eyes off the sky.

“Iseul” She answered almost immediately.

“I'm Chanyeol!” he announced happily as he sat upright before extending his hand to Iseul. Without much hesitation, she accepted the hand and shook on it.

And that was the start of their friendship


It has been a month since they knew each other. They talk about a lot of things, play together and do things together, and look at the sky together. There, under the tree.

One day Chanyeol waited for Iseul to arrive, but she didn't. Hours turned to days. Days to weeks, but he didn't saw her.

Iseul has been actually very busy with her family, they always have activities together and often go home late at night. Even though she wanted to, she couldn't come to the park to see and play with Chanyeol for she always goes home tired. She really wanted to come. But she just couldn't.


Summer will end soon, winter's coming. The heat from the sun becomes less and less piercing, warm winds slowly turning into cold winds. Iseul's father went back to work, her mother decided to fly back to Japan for she was worried about the family’s small business there. You decided to stay behind with your unnie. “So that I could spend some more time with my unnie. I missed her so much, please” Iseul pleaded. Of course, that was half meant. The main reason is that Iseul wanted to still see Chanyeol and make up for those times she didn't come to see him.

She passed by the park and searched the place looking for that certain figure she was so used to seeing. A smile finally formed her face when she finally spotted what she was looking for. She ran towards Chanyeol and immediately bent down low apologizing for what has happened.

“I'm sorry” She said feeling guilty, but she heard no reply

“I'm really really really sorry” still bowing down, but she heard no response from him. She stood up and looked up at Chanyeol. The boy leaped forward and hugged her tightly.

“You! I thought you left me already” He said then loosened his hug around her.

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Chapter 1: lord omg im cryiiinnngggg :’D