First day pt 2



As you stepped out of the cold classroom for lunch you wondered if the guy had turned your phone into the lost and found. You then remembered that you were extremely hungry but, it turns out you had forgotten your lunch at home so now you were in line to buy some sweet bread. There were some boys standing in front of you and they were being stupid and loud so you were getting annoyed. You didn't like to go to crowded places (most of the time) it bothered you when strangers got close to you. 


"Dude, shut up!"

"You're one to talk Jungkook!"

"Whatever, you know I'm right!"


Then one of the boys shoved his friend into you, and as you stumbled backwards, you felt big hands catch you. You glared up at the boys how had pushed you and opened your mouth to say something, when you heard a deep, calming voice say.


"Yah! Your freshmen aren't you, apologize."


The boys quickly apologized sincerly and you grudgingly accepted it. But, after running into so many handsome young men, and contiuously falling, you were 100% done with people.    So, when you turned around and faced the (heavenly) guy who stopped you from falling. (well you had to look up at him since he was taller than you...duh.....) You blinked a couple times in surprise, and ignored your sweaty palms, while you tried to casually say.


"Thanks for that."

To which he replied. "No problem, anything for a pretty girl."


When you heard him say that your eyes widened and you violently choked on your saliva. You had never been told by a guy that your pretty before which made you blush furiously. You managed to choke out a responce, still not believeing your ears.


"W- *cough* WHAT?! *cough* I- *more coughing* "


Some of the people walking by with their friends sent the two of you weird/disturbed glances. You realized that you probably looked stupid, so, you tried to correct your breathing. Once you recovered enough you quickly purchased your bread and stuttered a response. You couldn't look him in the face, your cheeks still a bright pink. You knew they were, so you gave him the only excuse you could think of.


"I-I have to go and eat this so... umm... bye."


You then quickly scurried away from the tall model like guy that you hoped never to talk to again.




Your sister and friends had called you pretty a few times, but they were girls, and you thought they were just saying it for the sake of being polite. So it definetly caught you off guard when that guy called you pretty. Once you thought you were out of sight you put your hand to your chest and felt it going wild.




Mingyu stared at your short figure as it got smaller, and couldn't help but cover his face with his hands as he sighed. "Aahhh, cute." 

He glanced at the ground with a wide grin on his face. He then remembered that it was his turn in line and quickly bought all the bread his friends asked for. After he paid and succeded in his 'mission' he turned and headed for the groups usual spot for lunch.








Jeonghan was sitting on the roof eating lunch with his social circle. Talking about random things and laughing at the gag trio being lovable idiots. When Dino whined about Mingyu taking forever, others nodded their heads in agreement.  Jihoon added a snarky comment that made several of them laugh. "You'd think with those legs he'd be a little faster."


"Guys he's only been gone for like five minutes."Joshua, ever the patient gentleman pointed out.

"Longest five minutes of my life."

"Hoshi hyung, I thought that was when you had to hold your bladder on the bus."


"I timed it, it was like five."

"I was there, I can verify that it's true!"

"Shut up Seungkwan! Your not helping!"


After the laughter died down (and DK/Seungkwan high fived for their victory)  and they remembered what they were talking about before. Seungcheol replied with what was probably the truth. "I bet he got swarmed by girls again."


"Aish! Why are girls always clinging to him!?"

"Gosh, stop being such a jealous boyfriend."

"I'm not jealous, and he's not my boyfriend!"

"You're totally jealous~"


Wonwoo then hit Jun and Minhao on their heads for teasing him. Everyone explodoed with laughter again when they both simultaneously hit him back then high fived each other. After the laughter (for the most part) died down and Seungcheol wiped the tears from his eyes, (Making Dino start laughing all over again) and Jun had calmed the maknae down, Jeonghan said he had something he wanted to tell them about. They all turned their curious eyes towards him and gave him their attention.


"What is it?" Seungcheol nudged his friend in the sholder, urging him to continue.

Hoshi then decided he wanted to tease his hyung a little, so he said.  "OH HYUNG~ DON'T TELL ME THIS IS ABOUT A  GIRL~" 

This ignited a blaze of "OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"   Dino(who was thoroughly enjoying this) added.

"Hyung~ You didn't tell me you have a girlfriend~"

Joshua (who was also enjoying this) nodded his head in agreement.


Some of them were still recovering, (Seungkwan) but as soon as Jeonghan continued talking, they quieted down. That's one of the things the older ones loved about the kids, they shut up when they need to....... most of the time.


"So, Seungcheol and I were on our way to class we were turning the corner when this girl bumped into me. I swear this girl must've been even smaller than Jihoon!"

"YAH!!!!! DON'T CALL ME SHORT!!!!!!!"


The boys exploded with laughter and Seungcheol said between pained breaths. "Just... admit it... your... short."

Jihoon glared daggers at their leader then got up. He took one menacing step forward, and it was at that moment that Seungcheol knew, he  up.    So, for the next 20 seconds (that Jun had recorded to show Mingyu later) Jihoon chased Seungcheol around the roof with Seungcheol screaming like a little girl. Jihoon on the other hand, was yelling like a lunatic for him to get back there so he could...


(well, I don't know if its appropriate for any baby carrots who aren't familiar with the real Jihoon to read........Whatever!  I'll type it any ways!) 


So he could beat the crap out of him, tie him up, then cut his legs off and see how he likes it. (sorry)

The whole time the boys were laughing about how this was even better than the time he chased Mingyu.

Once Jihoon had gotten his revenge they both sat down so Jeonghan could continue his story. (not without a scolding from Jisoos Christ for using inappropriate language though.) 


"Anyway. So, as I was saying. She bumped into me and I thought she was gonna fall. So, you know... I grabed her arm to make sure that she didn't."


"Waaahhhh, hyung! I didn't know you could be such a smooth criminal!" 

Hansol looked at Dino and sarcasticly asked, with raised eyebrows.  "Do you have to relate everything to Michael Jackson?"

To which he immediately answered.   "YES, yes I do."


"Okay! Anyway, so when I grabbed her I accidentally pulled her."





"So, she looks up at me and her eyes widen. She blushes, and she apologized to me, in like the cutest way possible."

Seungkwan interrupted. "Soooooooo, she stuttered."

"I don't remember teaching you to interrupt me did I?"

"No ma'am..."

(I apologize for laughing at my own lame joke)

"That's better. So, I tell her it's okay, then she suddenly pushes me away, apologizes again, and runs off."

"So, if you could estimate, how much shorter is she compared to me?"

Jeonghan was about to answer Jihoon, when they heard the creak of the metal door open.







You were thinking about where you could eat in peace when you suddenly thought of the perfect place, so you started heading there.  On your way there you were thinking about how girls could be so stupid and immature, over boys!   You ruffled your hair at how tiring this day had already been.


"Why can't people just leave me alone so I can be antisocial and grumpy!"

You then remembered that you also needed to get your phone back and wondered how you were gonna find the guy.  (you were assuming that he picked it up)

"It's not like I'm gonna just run onto him again. Actually, no, I don't think I want to run into him again. How would I react to that?!  I'd probably do something embarrassing, or stupid in front of him. Yea, not a good idea. That other guy to, urgh, I don't think my heart can take much more of this abuse!"

 After you had gone up all the steps and were now even more tired. You saw the door you had been looking for and opened it. The bright sun shone on you and you took a deep breath of fresh air as you closed your eyes. You smiled as you thought "This is exactly what I needed." Your peace was interupted when someone said.


"​That's her!"


Your head snapped in the direction you heard the voice coming from. You stood there for a second staring in shock at the boy who was jogging towards you with widened eyes. He was only a few feet away before you were darting back though the door and running down the stairs like your life depended on it.

The reason you did this is because you were not mentally prepaired to face the angel again. Your thoughts were running wild as you heard him following you. "HEY! STOP FOR A SECOND!" You didn't, not until you ran into someone at the corner of the staircaise. "MINGYU-AH! GRAB HER!" You became horrified as you realized that they knew each other. You tried to keep running but the boy that you now knew was called Mingyu quickly grabbed your arm. Your strugled relentlesly, and managed to slip out of his grip. You weren't about to let them catch you anytime soon.




He was surprised, and tried to chase after you, but you were already out of his reach. Jeonghan kept running, trying to catch you before you got away. You were thinking that you might actually be able to escape when you tripped on a step and fell down.


​"Dang it, my ankle!  I have to keep going."

You tried to get up, but the pain overwhelmed you and you fell back down. You looked up, hoping that they had stoped chasing you. But you became scared when you saw both of them comming down the last few steps, towards you.


"Are you okay?!  Did you hurt your ankle?"


You stared up at him then looked down at the ground. You didn't say anything ,and only nodded your head, not daring to lift it.  


"Let me see it."


Jeonghan bent down and reached out his hand. You peeked up at him through your hair, he was looking at your ankle with such care and gentleness, something you hadn't seen someone do in a while. It was then that you realized he had leaned in close to your small body. You looked away and winced when his fingers sild across your skin.


"Sorry, does it hurt alot?"


You glanced back at him, your hair was covering your face, but you could still see his eyes that were staring right at you. You blushed at his stare and suddenly found the dirty ground very interesting. You gulped nervously, and managed to speak with a voice barely above a whisper.




He leaned forward trying to see your face. Feeling the movement, you leaned further into the corner of the staircase, the heat creeping up further on your face again. You were glad when he backed off, sensing your discomfort.


"Do you think you can walk?"


You paused for a second, thinking about it. It was actually throbbing alot, and you weren't sure if you could. After contemplating for a few more seconds, you nodded your head in determination. You slowly got on your knees and put one foot up, as Jeonghan held your arm to give you support.


"Mingyu-ah, come help her."


The said boy jerked at hearing his name and quickly obeyed. He stood next to you and held your other arm, slowly helping you stand up. You blushed at the contact, but hissed when you attempted to stand on your now swelling foot.


"Are you okay?"


You put all your weight on your left foot and leaned on the support of the boy on your left. You clutched unto his sleeve and let your head fall limp.


"Are you sure you can walk with that ankle?"  You held your head down, staring at your foot and shook your head.

"Not anymore..."


Mingyu looked down at the hand that was gripping unto his shirt and pouted at the girl it belonged to. He was about to say something when a voice came from above them.



"She hurt herself but we're gonna bring her up with us!"   Jeonghan informed the voice above, and then directed his attention back to you.  "Are you alright with that?"


You looked up at the boy to your right, and after thinking about it, you nodded your head. It's not like you could get down the stairs by yourself.


"Here, get on."


You looked at the boy who was bending down in front of you and froze. There was no way you were getting on his back! You akwardly stood there, suported by Jeonghan. You had never had that kind of contact with a guy before, the idea made you blush.


"I-I don't think that's necessary..."

"It's okay, just get on and I'll carry you to the top."

"I... o- okay..."


Not wanting to cause anymore trouble, you obediently layed yourself on his large back. You blushed at the closeness of his body to yours, and gasped when he put his arms under to support you. You blushed at the position you were in and was surprised when he told you to hold on. You gulped down the lump in your throut, but still complied, your blush deepening when he stood up and you had to hug his sholders to keep from falling. When he adjusted his hands, you couldn't keep a small whimper from escaping your mouth. You were now sweating all over your body, (and was hoping he wouldn't notice) you turned your head so it was facing the wall, not wanting Jeonghan to see your face.


  "Can you tell me what your name is?"  Mingyu asked you out of curiosity. "None of your business..."   Jeonghan looked at you with a surprised expression, you slapped your hand over your mouth with wide eyes, surprised at your own answer. You hadn't meant to say that, but for some reason it had slipped out of your mouth before you could even think about it. It was probably because you were extremly nervous, that happened several times before, when you had made bad first impressions on your sisters friends and embarrassed her. You only became more surprised when Jeonghan began to laugh, out of all the things you thought he would do, this was not it. You stared at him with a confused expression on your face, wondering why he was laughing when you had just said something rude to this friend.


"Why are all the cute fluffy people I meet so mean to me?!"   You couldn't believe your ears, one:  for how hot they felt, and  two:  a guy just called you cute...

You pulled your face away from his back in surprise, and felt your face become even more red. (if that was even possible)  "I-I'm not c-cute, don't call me that!!!"

"Why can't I call you cute?"

"B-because... it's embarrassing..."  You turned you head away again, finding Jeonghan's gaze to intimidating. Also to hide your blush.

Mingyu then looked at Jeonghan and said. "Where did you find her?" Jeonghan then gave him a look that said. "She's cute right?" Mingyu could only nod as he scrunced his face in agreement.



The three of you had made your way back to the top of the staircase, and Jeonghan announced their arrival. "We're back!"


You felt the sun beat down on your legs, and tucked your head into Mingyu's sholder. You were still trying to calm your face, and didn't want anyone to see you like that, especially on a first meeting.  You whimpered again when Mingyu adjusted your position, your foot hit his side and you were brutally reminded that you had a swelling ankle. You became overwhelmed at the amount of voices that invaded your ears.

"Is that the girl from earlier?"

"​I guess she really doesn't like you, huh, hyung!"

"Oh, hey mingyu you're-  wait, who is that?"

"You guys didn't kidnap her. Right?"

You could tell you were getting closer to the group of guys and started freaking out. "Mingyu! Put me down!"



You felt another pair of hands touch you and started squirming again. "WAIT-  DON'T TOUCH ME!" 

Seungcheol wasn't having it and put his hands around your waist as he pulled you off of Mingyu. You reached out and wrapped your arms around Mingyu's sholders, you couldn't let them see you like this. You could tell your face was beat red, and didn't wanna go through more embarrassment. You desparetly held on to shirt, digging your fingers into the fabric. Seungcheol pulled you further away from the poor boy, he... everyone wanted to see what you looked like. He was surprised by your stubborness, and couldn't help but smile at your reaction when he finaly pulled you down.You yelped, and widened your eyes when the boy behind you had pried you off of the tall boy you had almost choked in your death grip. Your breath was knocked out of you when your back his a firm chest. Instantly blushing at the contact, you brought your hands up to shield your face. Your feet couldn't reach the ground, so you just awkwardly hung there in Seungcheol's arms. You could feel the eyes looking at you curiously, you started to sweat at the unwanted attention.


​"Why is this happeneing to meeeeeee!!!  I never asked for all this!!  I just wanted to eat my bread in peace, is that so difficult?!"

You then remembered that someone had their arms wrapped around your waist, and you shriveled at the close contact. Still blushing, you placed your small hands on the strong arms holding you up. You asked the guy that was holding you with your head down, still refusing to let them see the mess that you were. "Could you move your hands please?"   He paused for a few seconds, as if thinking about it. "Are you gonna run off again?"  You quickly shook your head from side to side ​giving up the fight. He kindly complied to your request, carefully placing you on the ground. You spotted Mingyu to your right, and without thinking, you hid behind him, clutching his shirt again. The atmosphere quickly became awkward, so Hoshi decided to introduce himself.


"Hi! I'm soonyoung, you can call me Hoshi!" He held his hand out for you to shake. You didn't wanna be rude, so you shyly put your hand in his, slightly lifting your head.

"Sooo, what's your name?"

"Hyung, she won-"  Mingyu was about to explain what he thought was true, when you interupted him. ​

"Haneul." It was only a whisper, but they knew you had spoken. So, they all looked at you as you with curious faces.(Mingyu was the most surprised/betrayed since you didn't tell him when he asked)


You repeated your name a little louder. "Haneul... my name is Haneul."

"Why didn't you tell me!?"  You finally looked up from the ground and managed to look Mingyu in the eyes when you said.

"Why would I tell you?"  You mentally scolded yourself for saying something rude again when you heard several of them laugh at your response.

"Why wouldn't you tell me?!  I'm the one that carried you up the stairs!"


You bit your lip at the fact that he was right. You weren't quite sure how to respond to that, so you just left your moth slightly agape.

His friends couldn't help but laugh at the exchange. So, one by one they introdused themselves by age order. (To make it easier for you.)


"Hey, I'm Seungceol! The oldest and self proclaimed leader. By the way, I was there when you bumped into Jeonghan." You blushed as you now knew someone else saw that exchange.


"My name is Jeonghan. I'm the angel of the group."  You were glad that you weren't the only one who thought he looked like one. Then you remembered your phone. You streched out your hand as you ​asked for your phone back.


"AH, that's right, your phone!" Jeonghan quickly pulled your phone out of his pocket and handed it to you.


You took it out of his hand and looked it over for any scratches. Not finding any you placed it in the safety of your pocket. "Thanks."


"Hyung why did you have her phone?"

"She dropped it when we ran into each other."

Several of them bounced their heads in understanding of the explanation. Jeonghan then signaled for the introductions to continue. (what a prinncess... jk...angel)


"Hello, my name is Joshua, the gentleman." You were glad that you for sure knew that at least one of them was stable. You became curious at the mention of his name.


​"Is he from America?"

"Hi, I'm Jun. I'm from China." You were slightly surprised but thought it was cool he was from another country.


"I introduced myself earlier but, I'll do in again. I'm Soonyoung, you can call me Hoshi."  His smile made you want to cringe because it was too cute.


"My name is Wonwoo." He had sharp eyes but, you tried to not judge him because of how he looked. You were actually surprised at how handsome they all were.


"Hello, my name is Jihoon. Can I ask, how tall are you?" You were taken aback but answered his question. "154 centimeters." He pumped his fist in the air and shocked you when he acted as if he had won a championship. "YESS!"


"Hello my name is Seokmin! The reason Jihoon hyung is happy is because he's always been the shortest of the group." You nodded your head in understanding. "Ah,me too."


"You already know my name since you heard Jeonghan hyung say it, but it's Mingyu."  You averted your eyes away from him, embarrassed at yourself for what you said earlier.


"I'm Minghao, also from China." You liked that there was more than one foreinger. Minghao looked like he was a really sweet guy.


"Hello my name is Seungkwan. I'm in charge of talent, nice to meet you." You laughed at his introduction. "Nice to meet you too."


"Stop being cute! It's not fair! Why are you only mean to me!" You blushed at Mingyu's outburst. "I-I am not, and I told you not to call me that." Mingyu pinched your pink cheeks. "I told you to stop that."


After you hit him on the arm and he let you go. The rest of them just ignored his whining as they continued the rest of the introductions.


"Wassup I'm Hansol. You can call me Vernon."  "OH! Do you speak English?"  "Yeah, do you!?"  "Yea, I'm from America!"  "REALLY! ME TOO!" 


He then stepped forward and the two of you high fived. You were happy that you found a thing you had in common with each other. "Joshua hyung speaks English too."  "REALLY!"  You thought it was awesome that you had people to talk to in English at school.


"Yah, I still need to introduce myself!"  You English speakers then scilenced yourselves so Dino could introduce himself.


"Ahem. Annyeong! As you've probably noticed, I'm the youngest. My name is Chan but, you can call me Dino." As he finished he smiled at you and you smiled back. 


The rest of the break you hung out with them. At one point Minghao brought out a first aid kit and wrapped your ankle with bandages. As you slowly let your gaurd down, you decided you wouldn't ignore Jeonghan anymore.









Okay, so, you met seventeen!!!! (Your welcome.) At first, I knew exactly how I wanted to write this chapter, but then I started to second guess it. So I went with something alot less fluffy, but then I was like.
​"I labeled this story as fluff, so who cares about the fact that my friends will never let me live it down for being too cheesy!  I'm gonna go all out, and nobody can stop me!!!!!!!" (cries)
So, yea...  (back to bussiness) Ahem! I will try my best to update at least once a week. Wait for me, my people!!!!!!
​Plz subscribe and comment on my story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
​- sky_dreams


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Moozie #1
Chapter 6: Great work!
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Chapter 6: WHYYYYYYY
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Chapter 6: I ship them so muchhhhhhhhg
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Chapter 1: Yasssssssssss