Candy Floss and Sweet Kisses

Unsung Confession

“Can’t you just tell me where we’re going?”

Mark trudged along with Jackson, their hands interlaced.  The feeling that he was finally able to call Jackson his left him dazed, and he still couldn’t quiet believe the reality of it. It has been almost 3 weeks, each day Mark’s smile grew bigger and his heart became lighter. He was finally able to relax.

“It wouldn’t be much of a surprise then, besides, you said I can choose where we go on our first date”

First date. Those words had his stomach doing flips.

Jackson dragged him along, a crowded street making sure not to let his hand go. Mark knew he would never say where they were going, so he gave up and allowed himself to be pulled along. Whatever it was, Mark was at bliss just being with him.

A few moments later, a small pancake shop came into view. The walls inside where bright with colours and one particular wall was covered in writing and drawing left by customers. Mark inhaled a sharp breath as he realized where they were.


“I know” Jackson let loose a proud grin.

He had brought him to the very first place they hade come together as friends. It was their place, a place none of their friends had knowledge of its existence, and that always gave Mark a warm feeling.

When Mark wouldn’t respond, Jackson reached to peck the tip of his nose, getting his attention.

“What’s up, you don’t like it?

“I love it”. Mark pulled him closer.

“Great, I though we should have breakfast here, then carry on with the rest of the schedule for the day”

Mark laughed. “We have a schedule?

“Of course, I planned this all out okay”.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t think you had the self motivation to get your lazy out of bed let alone plan a whole day of activities” Mark poked his boyfriend.  His cheeks were going to rip if his smile grew any bigger.

Jackson rolled his eyes at him. “Well, it’s a date with you and that makes it special”

They sat in a corner booth, sharing chocolate and syrup drizzled pancakes and milkshake smoothie between them.

Mark watched as Jackson’s eyes almost glimmered in awe at all the food, his cheeks flushing as he ate.

Mine. A tiny voice whispered in his head.

“Are you going to watch me, do I need to feed you”?

Mark shrugged his shoulders. “You might need to; you kinda dislocated my shoulder when you tried to jump on me after my shower”. Mark gave him a mischievous smile.

“Well it’s not my fault you looked so good”. He almost chocked on his food, Jackson only laughed throwing him a wink.

“Come here”.  He moved his face closer to him. Jackson wiped his fingers over Mark’s lips, the syrup from his fingers. His boyfriend scrunched his face. Jackson winked at him, a bemused smile plastered all over his face.

“What are we doing next?

“I can’t tell you?

“You have to, what if it’s something I can’t do”. Jackson rolled his eyes.

“Markypoo, I’m your best friend not just your boyfriend, I know everything there is to know about, so why would I do something you hate”

Mark didn’t honestly care. He could drag him to the pit of hell and he would probably be just as content as he was now.


After half an hour of eating and Jackson teasing Mark mercilessly, they decided to set out again.

This time they walked less than they had before. Mark and Jackson came to stop at the packed centre, people rushing around dressed in bright colours and eating candyfloss. The first thing Mark notices is the heat, which seemed to have increased since the morning. As they approach the gates, he can hear people’s joyful screams and the clanking of the rides around him.  They paid for their ticket, and took in the place. Everything was deafeningly bright, from the food stands, to the rides to the employee’s uniform. Their dull eyes didn’t match their friendly smiles but Mark and Jackson idly returned the smile.

“So, this was the place you wanted to bring me?” Mark raised his eyebrows at him. As much as he was afraid to ride any of the big rides, Mark loved the Amusement park.  It had been his favourite place ever since he was a child, a place special to him because it was where him and his father had frequented whenever he had time to spare. Which was never for long?

Jackson didn’t let go of his hand.

“Yep, I know how much you love this place so don’t even try to throw the we’re not kids anymore bs at me” He gave him a warning glare, his smile threatening to let lose.

“You know me so well”. Mark simply said.

They both giggled like teenagers, not caring for the people amidst them.


Both boys turned looking for the source of the voice.  Jackson spotted Bambam practically running at full speed towards them and groaned.

He halted just in time before he crashed into them.

“Uh, Bami, what are you doing here” Jackson plastered a fake grin, using the nickname Bambam hated the most. He seemed to have a talent for distributing horrid nicknames and using them despite their protest.

Bambam, clearly annoyed, chose to ignore and squealed, jumping on his feet like a child. Not that he was any different to a child.

“I’m here on business”.  The boys gave him a sceptical look.  “Looks like you guys are on a date “ He added with a wink.

“Yeah and that doesn’t require your presence”. Jackson said. He pulled Mark to him, wrapping his left arm around his waist, much to Bambam’s lack of discomfort.  He was hoping he’d be a little bit grossed out at least, enough to leave.

“Oh that’s not going to work on me, I encountered too many of those odious scenes with Jaebum Hyung and Jinyoung, not that I really care” He waved his hands in the air to dismiss the thought.

“I really am on a business here.. Youngjae Hyung is supposed to be helping me”

As if he was summoned over, Youngjae appeared, walking like a zombie. He was engrossed on the cell phone in his hands, hardly noticing the boys.

“Bambam , can you stop bothering people, hand out the flyers and let’s go” He ordered, still not looking up.

“Hey Youngjae” Mark spoke

He glanced up from his phone.

“Hey Hyungs, sorry, couldn’t keep this one on his leesh” He gave an apologetic shrug.

Jackson laughed, Bambam shoved him.

“We’re here on behalf of the Arts Committee at the University, there’s a play coming up soon and we were handing out flyers” He explained, giving them a flyer from the stack Bambam carried.

“Yeah, it’s totally date style” Bambam indicated.

“Hey  mwhat do you say? Jackson spoke.

Mark smiled fondly of the idea of seeing a play with his boyfriend. “Sure”

“Great, we’ll go, now take this one away before he crashes the rest of our date”

Youngjae saluted, laughing. “You got it Hyung”

Bambam made gagging noises and sickening kissy faces.

“Very mature, can you just abstain from pissing everyone off for just one hour”. Younjae attempted to drag him away.

“What, you mean change my nature?

“Don’t” Bambam warned. They walked away from Jackson and Mark but their bickering can still be heard as they carried on down the crowded sidewalk.

“That was close” Mark heaved a sigh of relief. Bambam was honestly unstoppable.

“Aww, I weren't you worried” Jackson cooed. Mark frowned at him but his eyes were filled with warmth and adoration.

“Com on”

They held hands and walked on.



Jackson and Mark tried all the baby rides, shared a fluffy heaven filled candy floss and other unnameable snacks Jackson digested without care as Mark watched in horror.  They finally stumbled upon the ride. The Megafobia, or as Mark likes to call it, the free ride of death and terror.   85ft tall, it stood there with all its glory, glistening in the blazing June sun. People screamed, but Mark couldn’t tell whether it was because of the thrill or the fact that they might be traumatised for life. If they ever make it off alive that is.

They stood there, staring in awe. Jackson had ridden it before. But Jackson tries anything and everything remotely dangerous. He was a thrill seeker. Mark on the other hand, was sensible; call it mundane if you like, but he liked living too much to hop on to his possible death.

Jackson whipped his head around, smiling wide like a kid who just got rewarded.

“No” Mark blurted before he can get a word in.

“Why not”? He was not going to give up.

“You know why”. Mark hissed, keeping his voice low.

Jackson tugged at his arm. “Babe, I’ll get on it with you, com on”. He whimpered.

For a moment, Mark was tempted. It was very hard to say no to Jackson. 

“Let’s make some unforgettable memories, the first day you rode the scariest rollercoaster ride ever, with Jackson Wang, your boyfriend, best friend and possible future husband”

Every day is an unforgettable memory with you Mark thought.

“Wait husband?” 

It was Jackson’s turn to blush.

“Yeah.. you never know, unless  you’re objecting to it now” He said in a panicy voice.

“I don’t know, you’d probably send me to my death at some point with your extreme ideas of fun”.

He scoffed. “Only because you don’t know how to have fun”

Mark felt joyous suddenly at the prospect of being Jackson’s future hubby. His face shone with radiance.

But he was still not agreeing.

“Why don’t you try”?

Jackson took a double take, feigning hurt. “You don’t mind sending me to my death? He pointed at himself then at the ride, as if to emphasis. Mark laughed. He had always loved Jackson’s tenacious habit of dramatising everything.

“I’ll protect you, listen if you fall, I fall” He looked dead serious.

“Really, I don’t know if that makes me feel better”

“I’m sacrificing my life here, give me something other than no, you know I like yes to everything right?  He cocked his head sideways and batted his ridiculously long eyelashes at him, his brown hair tumbling to the side. Mark patted his hair and squished his face, kissing him on the forehead.

“Alright” He was defeated.

Jackson jumped up and punched the air.

“Let’s go before you say no and start to regret this”




Jackson POV

“Are you okay?” He had asked his boyfriend this the 100th time since they stopped off the ride and Jackson cannot believe Mark came off that ride still looking unfazed and y.

Mark groaned. “I’m fine, it wasn’t that bad really”

“Well look who made a fuss about it at first”

“It’s all good now; I won’t throw up or anything”

“I’m keeping all the food just in case”

Jackson wrapped his hand around his boyfriend.  He couldn’t describe in words, the bliss he felt to be able to hold Mark’s hand now without all the confusion. 

“You still eat all the food anyway “Mark pouted, conveying his annoyance whilst acting adorable.

“Where are we off to next”?.

Jackson chuckled.

“The movies”!  He wanted this date to be special. So he rented the entire room to the two of them only. But Mark was in for a surprise.

“The movies, hardly a place to be keeping secrete all day” Mark said.

“Trust me, you’re going to like this one”


Jackson hoped he would.

They arrived at the theatre 15 minutes later.  Gathering all sorts of buttery and chocolaty snacks, Jackson dragged his confused boyfriend inside the theatre room.

As soon as they entered, Jackson could hear Mark gasp, his breath catching in his throat. Everything was dark, except for the small gold glowing light strings scattered around and on the ceiling. Jackson looked at him weary of his reaction. He couldn’t look at his face, so he settled for his light blonde hair. Jackson was embarrassed and he had every reason to be. Such things as events or sentimental offerings were not his speciality but all that was on his mind the whole day was making sure today was a good day for Mark, even if he didn’t enjoy it as much.

“Well...?” He spoke first

“You rented the whole place”. He sounded surprised, but the good kind


“Just for us”

“Just for us” Jackson chuckled. 

“How...” Mark stepped forward towards him but Jackson cut him off.

“It doesn’t matter how, let’s just enjoy this”

Mark hugged him. “Thank you”

It was all Jackson needed to hear.


They sat side by side, becoming engrossed in the movie as it began, hands interlaced and occasionally making out.

“Hey Jackson”


“Today’s been the best”

Jackson has never been in love, he had never wanted to be either, but if this was what love looked like, he could get used to it he figured.

“I think I love you”. He whispered.

“Huh, did you say something”?

“Shhh, this is my favourite part”







A/N Sorry it took me so long to update. College has started for me and I've been crazy busy so it's a miracle that I've managed to update this chapter. I hope it's not awful and I hope I made it sweet enough(I'm not really good at that haha). Can't promise that I'll always update fast enough but I'll try. Thank you all for reading~

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I'm getting back to college which sadly means i might not be able to update as much. I will try though! Thank you my beautiful readers! n


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andie41225 #1
Chapter 7: It's so cuteee!! "I think I love you." I died huhuhuhu same college is killing me
CrystalBlueJay369 #2
This is soooooo ADORABLE AND OMG MY FANGURL FEELS. JIN YOUNG BEING A FUSSY MOM OMGG. Are you going to update soon? [*silently wishes* PLs do]. anyways I like this story so much. Thank you for unleashing my fangirl feels :)
Chapter 6: omgggggg the feelssssssssssssssssss....finallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy TT_______TT
andie41225 #4
Chapter 6: Woow! Now my tears is making my pillow very wet at 11 pm.. Thank you for making me feel like this.. Hahahahaha excited fot the next update
KPop_Angel7 #5
Chapter 6: Ahhhhhhhh! The feels i say to youbthe feels man! I really love this chapter author-nim. It brings the feelings of MarkSon together at last! This made my day! Thank you! Excited for the next chapter already! MarkSon for the win! Hehehe =)
Chapter 5: i love how u wrote everything
KPop_Angel7 #7
Chapter 5: Oh My Gosh! Jackson, just go to Mark already. Hehehe. I'm getting excited for the next chapters. Hope that MarkSon will be happy together.
angelicabq #8
Chapter 4: Omg, i will be soooo sad if jackson doesnt remember that moment. I need a cute jackson loving mark with all his heart, its short but cute authornim, fighting!!