I'll Be Your Shield

Unsung Confession

He was . Almost. His head leaning against the head of the bed, with Jackson on top tof him. Yes, on freaking top of him. Mark bit a maon as he watched Jackson slowly grind on him, using Mark's knees for support. His head was thrown back, his blonde hair matted all over his face because of the sweat.  Jackson gave Mark a half lidded look, leaning forward he whispred, in a sultry tone. "How about we take it further?" 

Mark stared in disbelieve. Everything in his mind was a mess. Mark thought that he could be dreaming, but if he was he never wanted to wake up. It felt so real, so vivid that he could recreat that mental image any time. Jackson stared at his face with so much emotion that he couldn't pick out one. Then he went for his lips and pressed Mark's lips to his. It was hot, fiery kiss that left Mark disorientated for a moment. He felt Jackson's soft lips againts his, his tongue brushing past, asking for entrance. Jackson's on his lips with so much force, he felt as if the air was dry out of him, and then it quite literally was. They both pulled back, gasping for air. Jackson grinned. "How was that for a kiss?. Then everything surrounding him became blurry then darkness took over. 

Mark opened his eyes and sat up,panting heavily. "Are you okay". Jackson stood infront of the door, looking concerned. So it was a dream. 

"Yeah". Jackson continued to stare. "Bad dream?". Mark nodded, giving him a distant smile. The events of last night fell into his memory and he asks Jackson how he is. "I'm okay, better than before". Mark finds himslef grinning at him. "You're cuddles really work wonders Hyung, I dozed off like a baby all night" Jackson said boldly. Mark grabbed a pillow and chucked it his way before telling Jackson to get lost and make him breakfast at least.

Mark, stepped out the shower, got dressed and entered the kitchen only to come face to face with Jackson who was swingin the butter knife around as if it was a sabre. Jackson give him a sheepish smile before continuing what he was doing. 

"Do you want to put that down before you poke me in the eye with it"? 

"Your breakfast is on the table and no". Mark gave him a moment before lunging at him both struggling to tackle the  other to the  ground. Mark began to tickle Jackson, who erupted into a fit of giggles and dropped the knife.  After confiscating the knife, he went to go eat his breakfast. Jackson whined "not fair" but Mark only ignored him. Sometimes living with Jackson proved a little too hard. "What did you dream about?" Jackson asked, still sitting on the floor. Suddenly the air became very warm and Mark felt his light up, turning into a bright shade of pink. "Nothing much" he stammered almost choking on his breakfast. Way to make it obvious. He mentally slapped himself. How was he going to admit to having dreams about his best friend. His friend heaved himself off the floor and sat on the counter next to the sink facing him. "Why are you blushing, did you have a wet dream ?" Jackson was ready to burst into laughter but he held it in not wanting to make Mark cry of embarrassment. Mark refused to answer.

"Markypoo, are you not going to tell me?" Jackson continued to taunt him. He's using that dreaded nickname again.

"I thought we agreed you wouldn't call me that again".      

"Would you rather I could you poo?, no I don't think so".

"Why are you so childish" Mark huffed.

"Annoying you is one of my pleasures"

Mark stood next the sink and turned the tapp on washing the dishes he ate off.  "And what else"? He felt Jackson lean forward. He could quite literally feel his warm breath on his neck. "Being with you" Jackson whispered each word blowing warm air into his neck. The image of Jacksok riding his hips momentarily returned to him and he had to splash  cold water on his face to put it back where it came from. Jackson jumped off the counter, now having to look up at Mark because of the height difference. "What are you saying so early in the morning" Mark said as he flicked water at Jackson's face.  Jackson only smiled. "I have morning classes so I should get going".  Mark nodded. "Do you need to draw me again? Jackson began posing each pose more ridiculous then the first. "You complained so much so I hired someone else"

Jackson feigned disappointment. "I only complained because you made me do it on a hungry stomach, I mean you should buy me food before you make me sit in the same position for 3 hours"

 "Alright, I'm sorry" Mark ruffled his hair. Jackson shook his head mumbling something about being mannerless and walked off. "See you later" he shouted over his shoulders. 

Mark took the chance of Jacksons absense to loung around untill his time for class came. He got ready  and headed out, the whole time fighting with his mind not to resurface that dream. Taking control of his emotions was harder than he had imagined.Especially now that he lived with Jackson and his bed had pretty much become Jackson's too. Maybe he needed to distance himself from him to regain control of his feelings. Mark was too cowardice to admite anything to Jackson. If he did, he would destroy their freindship and everything they ever had would fall into abyss. He couldn't let that happen. Jackson's freindship was too important to him. Mark was okay with just having Jackson as a friend, even if it meant heart aches and longing for more. 



Jackson hated his physics class. Not the subject but the class, because it was filled with prejudiced idiots who knew nothing but to go around and run their mouthes. It amazed Jackson at how they had entered this University to begin with. Maybe it had something to do with their pocket full of richness and well respected yet corrupt parents. Most of the time, he ignored them but today they were making it hard to do so. He sat facing the front listening to the teacher excitedly babble about the Celestial Sphere and other things about Astronomy to which he was hardly paying any attention to. Behind him, was a group of 4 guys, the jocks of the Uni.  They were cocky and arrogant, believing they were the head of everyone and everything. Jackson heard them talk , not so secretively about him and his friends. 

"Yeah, Jaebum is that guy, the one who dates Jinyoung, you're old mate". One of the Jocks said as he looked at his friend with a smirk,

"Don't mention that gay bastard" His friend snarled. Jinyoung also coming from a wealthy family, knew some of the guys at some point befriending one of them. He didn't take the news of Jinyoung coming out very well. Since then, Jinyoung didn't associate with them at all. Which was a good thing Jackson figured. 

"Him and his gay squad, I swear they all date each other" One of them jived. Jackson could feel them starring at him. 

"Just so it happens, Mark lived with that guy, what's his name again, Jackson"

"Oh, that guy is in our class, or am I wrong?"

"Yeah" One of them spoke. 

"Well, did they get married already or something". Jackson balled his fist. He wanted to punch the daylight out of the dickwad so bad but his teacher was there. 

"At least that explains why he's late every morning, probably ...." He didn't get to finish his sentence off before Jackson threw his chair back and jumped at his throat. 

" at what, his ?, at least he gets more attention then any girl will ever give you head" Jackson growled at him, grabbing him by the throat. His pathetic lot of friends looked too shocked to move or help and they watched helplessly untill the teacher came. 

"Mr Wang remove yourself this instance" His teacher shrieked. 

"I'm warning you, say anything about him or my friends and I'll probably kill you" Jackson warned him before walking out of the room. 

 He heard his teacher instruct him to go to his counselors office but he was out of the room in  fit of rage before he could be scolded. 


Jackson hurried down the corridor, still feeling infuriated when he was stopped by someone. 

"Ya, Jackson, what are you doing out here"? Jaebum asked putting his hands on his friends shoulder to steady him. Just then, the speakers around the campus and Jacksons name was heard, asking him to go the Counselors office. That teacher really does work fast, when did he have time to call the office Jackson thought. 

"Why"? Jaebum questioned. Jackson beamed at him. "Did you get into another fight?" Jaebum rolled his eyes. 


"YA, don't play with me now" 

"It wasn't considered a fight because I didn't actaully hurt anyone okay"

"Yeah, but you still caused trouble" Jaebum gave stern parental look. "Why"? he said. 

Jackson didn't really want to tell himm but he did anyway. 

"They were talking about you and Jinyoung Hyung" He admitted. 

For brief moment Jaebum looked hurt. Then he resumed to giving Jackson a serious look. "Jackson, I told you many times, people will always say distasteful things about us, there is no point in trying change people like them because they won't"

"But, he was being rude, did you expect me to sit there and listen to all that bull " Jakckson was close to shouting now. Jaebum's face softened and he pulled Jackson into a hug. "I appreciate you looking out for us, but it's our battle not yours, so don't go around getting hurt okay" 

"Is that a nice way of telling me to mind my own bussiness".

Jaebum chuckled. "Maybe, now go, just say you're sorry and get it over with" 

Jackson took his advice and went to go see his counselor.  



Mark ran down the corridor like someone chasing hime and his life depended on it. Whilst at the canteen for his break, he overheard a group students discuss how Jackson was almost torn apart by some jock. He dropped everything, literally and ran like the wind, the only thing on his mind was Jackson. He barged through the door not waiting to knock and almost collided with Jackson. 

"Woah dude". Mark was panting like crazy, taking in air like there was no more left. "Are you okay" He managed to choke out. 

"I should be asking you that question, where did you run from, the other side of the world" Jackson joked as he helped his friend sit on the cushioned sofa in his Counselors office. She had gone out for a moment leaving Jackon, who was going to take the chance to flee. Only he was interrupted by wannabe Usain Bolt over there. 

"So what's up with you"? Jackson asked.  "Are you not hurt?" Mark was coherant now. Jackson gave him a puzzled look. Mark told him what he had over heard. 

"Those s, I was about to take him down". Mark wasn't sure whether he was relieved or not. 

"Why did you fight with them". 

Jackson wasn't sure telling him would be a good idea . It occured to him that the only reason why he had jumped at that guy was becuase he mentioned Mark. 

"uhm, well" Jackson started to stall. He turned his gaze to Mark. "Let's just say, they were saying some nasty things about you and me" 

Mark wasn't sure what he meant. "Saying what exactly" Jackson sighed. 

"They thought, you and I were sleeping together" 

For a moment neither of them spoke. Mark turned away, not wanting him to see the sorrow in his eyes.  Did he really consider that "nasty" he tthought to himself. 

"That wasn't a good enough reason to get yourself in trouble for, you're in University not school Jackson". 

"Oh cmon, why are you scolding me too, Jaebum already did that" Jackson groaned. 

"What's so nasty about sleeping with me" Mark whispered to himself. What he didn't realise was that Jackson heard him.

"Nothing" Jackson said, surprising himself. Mark whirled his head around and stared at Jackson in disbelief. 

"Don't look at me like that, or I might actaully want to sleep with you" Jackson winked at him moving closer. 

"It's not that I find it nasty, I just couldn't bare to hear them speak so ill of you" Jackson said with a serious tone.

How was it possible that his words could tear his heart out, then bandage it up again. 

Mark smiled warmly at him. "You don't have to get into trouble for me" 

Jackson reached over and pulled him into a hug, "please, I'd do more than just get into trouble for you".

Mark's heart fluttered. 

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I'm getting back to college which sadly means i might not be able to update as much. I will try though! Thank you my beautiful readers! n


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andie41225 #1
Chapter 7: It's so cuteee!! "I think I love you." I died huhuhuhu same college is killing me
CrystalBlueJay369 #2
This is soooooo ADORABLE AND OMG MY FANGURL FEELS. JIN YOUNG BEING A FUSSY MOM OMGG. Are you going to update soon? [*silently wishes* PLs do]. anyways I like this story so much. Thank you for unleashing my fangirl feels :)
Chapter 6: omgggggg the feelssssssssssssssssss....finallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy TT_______TT
andie41225 #4
Chapter 6: Woow! Now my tears is making my pillow very wet at 11 pm.. Thank you for making me feel like this.. Hahahahaha excited fot the next update
KPop_Angel7 #5
Chapter 6: Ahhhhhhhh! The feels i say to youbthe feels man! I really love this chapter author-nim. It brings the feelings of MarkSon together at last! This made my day! Thank you! Excited for the next chapter already! MarkSon for the win! Hehehe =)
Chapter 5: i love how u wrote everything
KPop_Angel7 #7
Chapter 5: Oh My Gosh! Jackson, just go to Mark already. Hehehe. I'm getting excited for the next chapters. Hope that MarkSon will be happy together.
angelicabq #8
Chapter 4: Omg, i will be soooo sad if jackson doesnt remember that moment. I need a cute jackson loving mark with all his heart, its short but cute authornim, fighting!!