

-Kibum POV-

"What!?" Jonghyun exclaimed, but soon quieted down when I placed my pointer finger on my lips, indicating for silence. He leaned in towards me from the table we were sitting at on lunch hour and whispered, "You and Minho are living next to each other now?" Sadly, I nodded. Waking up on 5am and rushing to get ready was the only reason I didn't encounter Minho on the way to the bar, and I don't think I can keep doing that for the rest of my time working in Cheater's Refuge.

"Apparently so."

He said, "Well, look at this situation with a positive mind!" Jonghyun suggested. He must've been feeling unwell, because he was actually somehow thinking that this was a good thing.

"Excuse me?" Bewildered, I asked for confirmation if I heard him correctly.

"Look at it this way; you and Minho will get closer with each other!" Nothing but a laugh came after that. I was hoping Jonghyun would join me, but the only laugh I could hear was my own.

After calming down, I said,"You can't be serious." Minho and I couldn't possibly get along, could we? Definitely not. Opposites attract; yes. Minho and I? We don't.

"If a day comes when I'm not secretly strangling him by the neck, be prepared for the apocalypse."

-Jonghyun POV-

When I had heard that Minho lived right next door to Kibum, I found myself jealous of him. Being able to see Kibum's face first thing in the morning as well as seeing him after work too. God didn't make it fair for me, did he?

Luckily for me, Kibum doesn't like Minho. Does he? Probably not. I overheard him listing ways Minho could die while wiping a wet beer glass the other day while he placed more packages in the storage room. Unintentionally, my mind began visualizing his words and the results were unpleasant. Some others were just plain strange, but imagination has no limits.

Kibum looked depressed when he admitted to living next door to my best friend. Unfortunately, I was born with a kind and unselfish heart so I told him a benefit from this disleasing occurence. When I explained to him that they would become closer this way, he bursted out in laughter. That relieved me in a way. Now I knew that he obviously loathed Minho and this coincidence would not bring the two of them any more closer to each other. Good. That's a significant positive in all of this chaos.

Nonetheless, I tried to brighten up his mood and explained to him that maybe Minho might not even notice him. Saying it like that would offend anyone, but not Kibum. This furthermore enhanced my positive attitude towards the fact that the one I love is living next door to my best friend. Even if Minho denies it, I know that he has feelings for Kibum. He is the closest thing I have to a brother, but I'll do anything to show him I'm not as weak as he turns me out to be.

-Minho POV-

Kibum and I haven't been talking to each other, unless I instruct him to do something. He obliges like he usually does, but it's as if the feeling of hate isn't there anymore. Thinking like this, I sound odd, but I do miss our arguments over the littlest of things. Since lunch hour, he's been spending more time with Jonghyun. It's only been a day since we learned that we lived next to each other, and he's already avoiding me. I've taken the liberty of waiting in front of his house after I got done getting ready for work so I could try being a kind neighbor, but he never came out so I ended up leaving his front door without him.

"Jonghyun," This was my way of pleading for help. "I need to ask you something."

Kibum was running around the bar taking peoples' orders and Jonghyun and I were sitting by the counter.

"What's up Minho?" Jonghyun looked at me with his usual kind smile.

"Kibum's been ignoring me lately and I-"

Jonghyun held his hand out in front of me, "Need help getting his attention." He finished my sentence.

I nodded and waited for Jonghyun to lower his hand.

"Well, I would help. However, I thought you didn't find Kibum that interesting. Did I hear your words wrong? Is he interesting? Or isn't he?" Jonghyun furowed his eyebrows at me. Cute.

I couldn't answer this question, because I didn't know either. Kibum was always kind to the customers and his smile was attractive as well. He free-spiritedly spoke and he wasn't afraid to be himself at times. However, the question was if I found him interesting. Did I? No. I found him more than interesting.

"Minho? Are you listening?" My hyung snapped me back into reality.


"So? Is he or is he not?" Jonghyun asked once more.

"He is." I replied confidently.

"Oh." That tone wasn't at all pleased.

"I actually..." My words trailed off and I didn't know how to finish my sentence.

"You actually??" Jonghyun urged me to continue.

"I actually," I sighed. "I find him more than just interesting."

Jonghyun's face dropped for about 5 miliseconds but converted back to neutral in a quick passing moment.

"What do you mean by that?" My mind was near it's limit. The questions were beckoning me to the answer of my true feelings, and I didn't find that answer all too good.

My words came out quiet but powerful. Short but meaningful. And most importantly, ridiculous but true.

"I like him."

Author's Note: Happy New Years! c: *cough* ... Sorry, yes, it's late. However, I've been terribly busy and I hope this update gives a boost to my writing energy so I can upload more chapters xD I hope everyone's holidays were AWESOME.  Winter break ended for me on the third, so I'll be updating less frequently :( but I'll still update asap. Also, excuse my terrible chapter... This was done swiftly and without pause. So anything that needs editing will be paid attention to tomorrow when I can think straight. So now, I shall drink my milk and go to bed. Bye bye! c:

P.S. My enigmatic editor, I'm sorry you had to wait long and keep hearing me talk about my endless fanfic ideas even though I haven't finished this one. I'm a slacker, I'm sorry. xD

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Ireallylike this story ^_^ and it's really well written I can't wait to see what happens next!! updated soon please!! :)
I can't wait for the next update~ <3