

"Hey," My boss called out for me as I came back from cleaning up a table that was previously occupied by three drunk men. "Help me with these boxes." Minho gestured to the three stacked up packages behind him.

"What are they?" My curiousity took over as I walked behind the counter. The boxes were brown and plain-looking, but they looked very confidential through my eyes, as well as hefty.

"It's just the new order of that fancy beer everyone in Seoul has taken a liking to." The latter explained and picked up one package. I swear I heard him grunt as he plucked it from the pile. "Hold your arms out." Minho instructed me and I followed through with the directions.

"Kibum," He furrowed his eyebrows at me and I tilted my head to the side, confused. "If you drop this, I will make sure to assassinate you in your sleep and dispose of your body before dawn." The way he said it sent sweat rolling down my neck. My instinct was that this sky-high male wasn't kidding and all the words he spoke was nothing but the cold, hard truth. With a gulp, I nodded and held my arms out.

As the package dropped on my forearms, the wind being held inside my mouth was immediately pulled out of me. My back bent down by an inch, but I kept my grip on the box tight. Inwardly, I cursed Minho for giving me such a difficult task involving carrying things like this when he was more than capable of doing it himself.

"You got it?" Minho asked for confirmation if I was ready to move. I wish. "More or less." Miraculously, I managed to speak with the limited air left in my lungs. "Great, now take that to storage." Now I know Minho was probably born as a vain and self-centered human being, however, asking me to walk more than fourty spaces with this precious cargo in my hands was unreasonable.

Not only did I have sticks for arms, but I was already losing the ability to in oxygen through my nose. "Well, get going then." Minho urged me with his hand placed on his right hip. This man steamed my clams, but I didn't have a choice. Displaying my sweetest, yet full of hate, smile, I turned around and walked with the dignity I still held inside.

Working in "Cheaters' Refuge" was backbreaking work. Well, for me it was. I've only started working here for a month and it already feels like a year. The main reason I loathed working here so much is because of that devil of a boss, Choi Minho. When he revealed to me that he was 20 years old, I almost went ballistic. We were the same age but he has the nerve to act like he was my superior.

"Kibum-ah? Do you need help with that?" The voice of an angel resonated behind me and I couldn't be more happy to find that it was Kim Jonghyun, my second boss. My smile was clearly visible and he took it as a "Yes."

Unlike Mr.Satan, Jonghyun was much more gentle and kind. What kept me up at night was the fact that these two even get along in the first place. On one corner, we have Minho, the heartless antagonist who seems to hate every living creature in the world. While Jonghyun, on the other hand, is the forgiving man with invisible wings. My guess is that the saying "opposites attract" has done its job well in their relationship.

Jonghyun opened the door that kept the Siberian storage inside and I entered with a bit of struggling. My arms almost gave out just as I placed the load down the nearest metal shelf. Afterwards, my goal was to in as much oxygen into my mouth and nose.

"Thank you. Another two is waiting for me though." Smiling, I bowed my head at Jonghyun and walked past him as I went back to retrieve the last two adversaries that were known as boxes. "Wait!" When Jonghyun called out for me, I couldn't help but feel like I knew what was going to happen.

"I'll help you." My gut-feeling has won yet again. "Really? Are you sure? Minho asked me to carry them, and I think he'd be mad to know you're helping me..." Even though I was explaining to the other how terrible his idea was, - Minho would surely scold me if he found out - the expression my face was demonstrating said otherwise.

"Don't worry, it'll be our little secret." Jonghyun said in a small voice while walking towards the two boxes. Minho wasn't in his usual position behind the counter, instead, he was taking the customers' orders; which was my usual job. Jonghyun kept his eyes locked on Minho's broad shoulders to make sure he wasn't going to turn around just as he picked up the box. The brunette was bent over in half, paranoid that Minho was going to abrupty turn around and throw a shoe at his head. It was a sight to see, but my heart was beating against my ribcage with the same nervousness Jonghyun had.

Spiritedly, my partner in crime grabbed the almond-colored box and scuttled towards me with the most ridiculous expression planted on his face; his eyes were dilated while his bottom lip was being chewed on by his teeth. Jonghyun sped off into the storage just before Minho could turn around.

"On your last box already?" Minho raised an eyebrow at me. On the back of my mind, I wanted to rub it in his face, but I knew that Jonghyun had helped me so I decided to keep it incognito. "I'm surprised. I didn't think you were that strong." Minho actually praised me - sort of.

"Y-yeah. I didn't think I would be able to, but I did." That wasn't a lie, it was more of stretching the truth. "I see, well get this last one in and continue to take orders. I'm tired of dealing with drunk men." Taking into consideration that Minho was a bartender, how ironic was that?

"O-okay." I replied and picked up the last box, forcing the air out of me once again. As foolish as this may have been for someone in my position, I strutted away to show him it wasn't a big deal. My ears weren't playing tricks on me when I heard Minho snort, and I was positive he was laughing at the way I looked doing this. The red tint that appeared on my cheeks wasn't intentional, but I did feel ashamed at myself for showing my most despised enemy that side of me.

"I hope he didn't notice." Jonghyun chuckled under his breath. Agreeing, I nodded and placed the last package on the nearby stool. My legs almost collapsed underneath me, but I stayed strong. "We'd both be dead if he found out." I whispered and Jonghyun's angelic smile surfaced on his face.

"If who finds out?" The chilly voice behind us asked. Oh no. Jonghyun was quick to think and turned around with an innocent smile on his face, "The health inspector! That's who, right Kibum-ah?" His arm turned me around to face a dumbstruck Minho.

"O-oh, yes!" Oh, how I hated it when I stuttered. "What are you two talking about?" The mammoth staring down at us further interrogated. "Well, we thought we saw a mouse, right?" Jonghyun turned towards me that even I wouldn't suspect a thing if I was Minho. "Yeah! Uh, it turns out it was just, an empty beer bottle!" I nodded vigorously.

"Well, throw it away then." Minho commaded and this time, it was Jonghyun who bobbed his head up and down. "Come on Kibum. Get your out there and get the customers' orders!" Minho pointed out the door and I ran out without question. Something about Choi Minho scared even my darkest nightmares, and that was something I don't ever want to find out.


The day passed by quickly after dealing with that life-threatening predicament. Sitting down on the same stool I sat in the first day I came into the bar, I patiently waited for Minho to finish wiping the used glasses.

My life in Seoul is a taboo topic for me. It's not like I live in the streets - thanks to Jonghyun, and Minho I suppose - it's just that it's difficult. My pay is reasonable though, not too much but not too short either. My home now was an apartment just 3 blocks away from the bar; which took me forever to find. Jonghyun helped me find it two weeks ago and I don't really have much of anything in there except a futon and a laundry machine with a dryer that came along with it. There's also a TV and a red sofa in the living room area that I don't use very often on week days because I work too late and I just want to sleep. So far, life hasn't been easy for me.

Working here for 30 days, I learned that Jonghyun lived upstairs with his sister - who I only met once. Jonghyun told me that Minho had recently moved in an apartment not far from the bar and I was also told that Minho usually stayed back after closing hours to inspect everything over at least twice in the bar. I guess, in a way, you can call him quite charming when he concentrates in his job.

You might be wondering why I waited for Minho if he leaves later than me, and the answer to that is, "I don't even know."

Minho asks me the same question, but all I can say is just that I didn't like leaving him alone by himself - even though Jonghyun was just upstairs. It's quite lonely to be alone in such an empty wide room, so without thinking about my actions, I waited for him.

"Kibum, you don't have to wait. I'll be leaving earlier than usual today." Minho muttered as he placed his finished cup and moved on to another wet glass. Watching Minho closely in the past month, I realized just how skillful his hands were. Especially in dealing with the beer.

"Why?" I asked him, still staring at his hands that were working on making the glass be so shiny that your reflection would be visible. "I have to unpack a lot of boxes. I told you, you don't have to wait for me." Minho once again reminded me. Without another question, I just waited, ignoring his subtle way of telling me to leave.

"Bye you two. Have a safe walk home." Jonghyun waved at us as Minho and I walked side by side in between the dark walls. I've been through here plenty of times, but with Minho near me, I felt like something unexpected was going to jump out and do something unthinkable. Fortunately, none of that happened as we reached the entry of the alley way and we both turned left.

"You live this way as well?" I turned towards Minho and he seemed bothered by something. "Minho?" My voice probably snapped him back to reality because his head instantly turned to look at me.

"Hey, are you okay?" Minho wasn't usually one who gets distracted by his thoughts and I was wondering why he was now. "I'm fine. I just, have a weird feeling about this." He whispered, with a blank stare into the distance ahead of us. I couldn't help but think Minho was talking about the way we were walking with each other. Obviously, it would feel awkward since we both clearly loath each other's presence in this world, but what he just said wasn't something I'd say so bluntly. Offended by his words, I extended the distance of our shoulders and walked a little bit farther from him.

When we passed the first block of the three and we were still walking together, an uneasy feeling began to brew inside of me. God wouldn't hate me so much to do that to me, right? Of course not, I've been kind and nice to everyone! I even bought Minho and Jonghyun a present for Christmas even though they didn't do the same!

We passed the second block and God forbid, Minho was still walking beside me. Minho hadn't said a single word after what he said earlier, but I could almost hear his mind going in circles just like mine was. I couldn't help but sigh, in hopes that my worst nightmare wouldn't occur tonight. The aftermath was my visible breath in front of my face, oh how I loved winter here. With a lot of struggling, I kept thinking of the positive side in things and distracted myself from thinking that Minho had a chance of living in the same area as me. My distractions weren't very effective and I hopelessly kept thinking about just that.

Third block, passed. Guess what? Minho was still there. I don't get it; why am I being punished? In my life, I've never done anything so cruel and vile that made me deserve something of this kind.

Minho coughed, and I could tell he was despising evey minute of the suspense. We were both too stubborn and proud to ask each other where they lived, which contributed to more anxiousness.

My legs almost failed me as I stepped on the first step of the staircase that would lead me to the second floor - which was where my apartment was located - when Minho was still established next to me.

Minho's hand shot in front of my torso to catch me and I thanked my lucky stars he was there, otherwise my head would be cracked open by now. His hand helped me erect my body and I bowed, signaling that I was thankful for his help.

"You're quite clumsy." He chuckled under his breath as we both continued upstairs. My body must've been worn out because I actually laughed along with him. "I guess I am." Was all I could say.

As I arrived in front of my apartment's door step, Minho's steps stopped right behind me. My body shifted towards him and the sight almost blew my mind.

Right next to me was Minho, injecting his keys into the lock of the apartment next to mine.

"Staring is rude." Minho glanced at me as he turned the key and opened the white door.

"Wh-bu-huh?" I managed to complete my almost sentence, awestruck at this sight. "Y-you live in there?" My voice must've sounded small and high-pitched because Minho snorted at me.

"Indeed I do. I can tell by your reaction that you live right next door." Minho acted as if this was nothing more than a surprise, completely different from me. My mind was going crazy, if I could tell what would happen next, I was sure the world would explode and hello apocalypse.

"Y-yeah. I do." I knew that I was going crazy when I saw bright stars around Minho. "Well, nice to meet you, neighbor." That's what he left me to work with as he walked inside and locked the door behind him. Neighbor was a word I liked calling a nice and generous person who lived near me. Minho? He wasn't a neighbor. He was something dragged out from underneath the surface of the earth.

A/N*: I'm very thankful for my subscribers from the previous chapter ^^ It truly makes me happy to know someone enjoys reading my story c: Hopefully, I don't get too lazy and acually finish this successfully xD Hope you all enjoyed!

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Ireallylike this story ^_^ and it's really well written I can't wait to see what happens next!! updated soon please!! :)
I can't wait for the next update~ <3