Becoming One of Them


"Kibum," My voice stammered out. "That's my name." The copper-haired male gripping my hand in his own as he gently led me to God knows where smiled back at me, but showed no intention of slowing down his walking pace. The frozen concrete beneath my feet caused me to stumble as I attempted to catch up to my guide.
 "Careful." His breath unveiled itself to me as he turned around once again to warn me. I wanted to point out that the icy weather in Seoul was something foreign to me since I grew up in the countryside of South Korea, however, considering that he had just saved my life, I was willing to let his ignorance go this once.
 As we made a sharp turn towards the alley way, my heart began to pound against my chest. Maybe this mysterious hero was someone completely different from the person whom I turned him out to be.
 "H-hey, where are you taking me?" I asked timidly while we walked deeper inside the coal clausetrophobic walls. There was no sun shining in the sky in the winter here, which added to my anxiousness to where the man was taking me.
 "It's somewhere safe and warm. Don't worry." The owner of the gentle hand smiled back at me. From then on until we met our destination, I didn't speak another word.
 The two of us stopped in our tracks as we reached a dead end to the alley. In front of us was an ebony glass door that sent chills sliding down my spine. Instinctively, my grasp on the latter's hand became instantly tighter. Without a question, he took notice of that.
 "I told you didn't I?" My savior chuckled under his breath. He sounded like he had a parched throat. Probably from refusing to take a break in between the 20 minute walk to this location. "It's safe. Come on." With that, he entered the door with me directly behind him.
 "Excuse me," My voice echoed down the stairwell we were walking down from. The brunette gave me a small "Hm?" and I continued with my question. "Could you please tell me your name? Since I've just went through a mild journey with you, I think I deserve to know." I asked just as we reached the last two steps of the staircase.
 What baffled me as I stepped down the last step was the sight that engulfed my eyes. I was standing in what seemed like an underground bar, a peaceful one at that. No one was drunk like one would expect. Instead, two or three grown men in suits and ties occupied the many, many scattered seats and tables. The bartender, who was a tall man with the similar hair color as the man who led me to where I am now, but his skin was surely much tanner, stood behind a long wooden counter as he wiped a glass with different beers positioned behind him.
 "It's Jonghyun. Kim Jonghyun." The man - Jonghyun now - proclaimed. Unable to speak word - since I was still gawking over the joint - I nodded. Only did I stop gazing around when Jonghyun led me towards the counter. Hearing the quick steps of his feet compared to my slightly slower ones made me realize that the male had short legs. The way he hid that fact by staying completely serious caused me to smile a bit.
 "Hyung, why're you so back late?" The bartender asked when we arrived in front of him. Little to no attention did the man pay towards me, offending me by just a little bit but not a whole lot.
 "I encountered some obstacles. Anyway," Jonghyun held the hand that attained mine up to show the tan man in a host-like suit. "This is Kibum." Without a warning, I bowed towards the man who ignored me the very first moment we saw each other.
 "Uh - hey. The name's Minho." He introduced himself with a simple wave of the hand and I felt like an idiot for displaying so much respect for him. "Do you mind explaining why he's here then?" Minho averted his gaze towards Jonghyun and he nodded.
 "Not now. Wait until closing time." The shortest of the three of us finally let go of my hand and instructed me to sit down on the stool in front of Minho. Oh, God no. I was about to protest against this, but I resisted and did what I was told for Jonghyun's act of kindness earlier.
 As the hours passed by us, I watched as different aged men and women enter the bar and ask for their usuals. Minho must've had an amazing memory to have remembered all fifty of their drinks. Mentally, I applauded him, but didn't dare show any interest outside.
Closing time arrived swiftly. Jonghyun reappeared to our vision as he descended down the adjacent staircase we had went down earlier. Watching Jonghyun from afar, his features were very handsome. His round chocolate brown eyes seemed to glimmer under the lighting of the room while his subtle smiles for the customers appeared to have come from an angel.
 It was mesmerizing and I bet men fall for him everyday - but I wasn't going to be one those "men."


 When every glass had been cleansed by Minho's rag and every customer had a taste of Jonghyun's creamy smile, it was story-telling time. My legs began shaking for no apparent reason - at least not to me - as Jonghyun explained to his friend my current situation.
 Jonghyun re-told our encounter earlier and how I was unfortunately robbed the moment I stepped down the subway train I took from Daegu. My hero, Kim Jonghyun, had came close to decapitating the three men but they got away, with my bag filled with my necessities. All I had now was the clothes on my back and the wallet inside my pocket that consisted of my ID card, around $100, and some other pieces of paper that wasn't in any way going to help me live my new city life.
 "Short, sweet, and straight to the point, you want him to work here?" Minho raised an eyebrow at Jonghyun. He displayed a smile filled with teeth and chinky eyes which I translated into, "Pretty please with cherry on top?" Minho bitterfly scoffed as if to say, "I hate cherries." His icy eyes laid on my innocent ones and said, "Stand up." Confused, I did as I was told.
 Minho walked around the counter and circled around me while he scanned me from head to toe. My body felt stiff, but I did everything I could to show this giant troll that I wasn't one bit intimidated by him.
 "I guess he could make it," Before he could finish, Jonghyun flew out from his chair and threw both fists into the air as a sign of victory, "Yes! Kibum-ah, did you hear that -" "On one condition." Minho finished. "Screw you." Jonghyun's arms plummeted down while his eyes bore holes through the male's head. A laugh made its way out from my closed lips but the two didn't notice.
 "Come on Minho, can't you not be so selfish around this time of year? It's almost Christmas for crying out loud! This kid just got robbed and you're expecting to get something in return for helping him!? You heartless man." Jonghyun pursed his lips and furrowed his eyebrows, forming a picture of a puppy that had his squeaky toy taken away inside my mind.
 "It's nothing very big. I just want him to be my assistant." Minho muttered with an eye-roll. No. "Deal." NO! An assistant!? For this oaf!? The scarf around my neck added to the heat my body was releasing - because you know, I'm angry - and caused me to sweat under my fringe.
 "Perfect." I swore I saw a smirk form on that devil's lips. "Kibum-ah," His sinister voice spoke my pure name, "We are proud to welcome you," Jonghyun joined in with him. "To Cheaters' Refuge."
 God must've really hated me then, because just like that, I became one of them, a shameless Cheater.

A/N*: First chapter up ^^ I feel amazing, to tell you all the truth. I stayed up later for this while texting my fellow SHINee-obsessed best friend, aka mushroom c: I was all, "I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS STORY." While she would reply, "Uhhh k?" xD It took me 10 minutes to think of that bar name, my mushroom suggested "Moonlight" but then since there's a conspiracy that I'm plotting with myself (lol. that's quite sad.) I stuck with "Cheaters' Refuge." The name gives me some sort of, weird sensation LOL. Idk. Might just be me. c: I hope you enjoyed! Comment or subscribe if you'd like c:

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Ireallylike this story ^_^ and it's really well written I can't wait to see what happens next!! updated soon please!! :)
I can't wait for the next update~ <3