Chapter 22

Baby Don't Cry


Haein’s POV
After our confrontation with each other, I didn’t feel like talking to him.  At times, it feels like he doesn’t love me at all. I can’t help but feel disappointed when he said he likes living in the gang world and he has no intention of leaving it.  I don’t want a future that involves the gang world.  Is it too selfish of me to ask for that?  The rest of the walk home was quiet.  We finally arrived home and I just walked straight into my room.  I don’t feel like living with him right now.  I took out my backpack and packed some clothes.  I called Bommie to ask if I can come over and spend the night with her.  After I was done packing, I went outside and the guys all looked at me.
“Noona where are you going?” Taemin asked me.
“I’m going to sleep over at Bommie’s tonight.” I told him.
“I see.” Taemin said. I looked over at Donghae and he wasn’t even looking at me. Whatever then you jerk. I hate you.
I was finally at Bommie’s house and we walked into her room.
“What happened? Did you guys fight?” Bommie asked.
“De. It’s just that we were at his parents today and his parents asked him to move in with them again and his dad wanted him to take over the company.  He said he didn’t want to.  And then on the way home, I asked him why?  He said he didn’t want to leave the gang world because he likes it. I just don’t want a future that involves gang members and killing.  I hate having to worry about whether he’s hurt or not whenever he’s on the mission. I’m pretty sure you feel the same way about Eunhyuk oppa.  I even told him that I hate being kidnap by his enemies. He didn’t even say anything and all he said that it was none of my business. I’m his wife so it is my business.” I ranted to her.
“I know how you’re feeling Haein but you can’t really ask him to give up his life.  It’s basically his life Haein.  If anything, he should stop living like this little by little.  I don’t want Hyukjae oppa to be involved anymore but it’s his life and all I have to do is support him. I pray and wish that he’ll find a way out.  We can’t really do anything Haein.” Bommie told me.
“I know but it’s just sometimes I feel that he doesn’t love me Bommie. He told me he loves me but he doesn’t act like it. It’s like he doesn’t trust me.” I told her sadly.
“It’ll be okay Haein. Just give it some time. Let’s go watch some chick flicks and eat like pigs okay?” She smiled at me.
“Let’s do it.” We ended up eating so much that we had food coma and knocked out.
I heard knocking on the door and no one was answering.
“Bommie. Someone’s at your door.” I told her trying to wake her up.
“Can you go get it for me?” Bommie whined.
“Fine. You lazy .” I told her. 
I went downstairs and opened the door.  There was a girl that seems to be a bit older than I was.  She had long brown hair and her skin was very fare.  She was wearing make up and she was wearing a business attire.  She was pretty though.
“Hi. Can I help you?” I asked her.
“Hi. I’m Bommie’s cousin. I’m Jung Jieun.” She smiled at me. “Is she home?”
“De. She’s still sleeping. Come on in.” I moved out of the way so she can move inside. Jieun? How come that name sounds so familiar?
“Haein. Who’s at the door?” Bommie asked me while walking down the stairs.
“You’re still a lazy I see.” Jieun teased Bommie.
“Jieun unnie?! You’re back!!!!!” Bom ran to Jieun and pulled her into a hug. They must be really close.
“De. I’m back.”
“When did you get back?! Are you staying for good now?!” 
“I just got back last night and yes I’m staying for good.”
“Unnie, this is my best friend Lee Haein.” Bommie introduced us.
“Hi. I’m Lee Haein. Nice to meet you unnie.” I bowed to her.
“Hi I’m Jung Jieun. Nice to meet you too.” She smiled at me. “Bommie your friend is really pretty!”
“Thank you.” I told her shyly.
“Are you busy?” Jieun unnie asked Bommie.
“I was actually planning on hanging out with Haein.” 
“Actually you guys can catch up. It’s been a while since you’ve guys seen each other. I’ll see you later Bommie.” I told them.
“It’s okay! Let’s all hang out. I’d like to get to know Bommie’s best friend. She talks about you all the time.” Jieun unnie smiled at me.
“Yeah Haeinnie. Let’s all hang out! She’s my favorite unnie!” Bom told me.
“You guys don’t mind?” I asked them.
“Ani. Let’s go!” Bommie grabbed my hand and we headed towards her bedroom.
“How have you’ve been Bommie?” Unnie asked Bommie.
“I’ve been great. Haeinnie and I are taking classes trying to get our culinary degree! We plan to open up a shop!” Bommie beamed at her unnie.
“That’s great! You’ve always been a great cook! So how’s your love life?”
“I have a boyfriend now. He’s really sweet. My parents love him! He’s best friends with Haein’s husband.” Bommie told her cousin.
“Wait. You’re married Haein?!” Jieun shouted. I could tell that she was surprised.
“De.” I told her politely.
“You can’t be older than me. How old are you? 19?” She asked me.
“De. I’m turning 20 soon.” I told her.
“Omo. You’re younger than me by 2 years and you’re already married!” She told me. “How’d you meet your husband?”
“He saved me from my aunt and married me.”
“Huh? What do you mean by that?”
“Unnie, remember how I told you how I had a friend who had an aunt that abuses her? Well that’s Haein.”
“Oh! You’re her?! And then what happened?”
“Well at first he paid auntie money for my freedom.  It lasted for a few months and then auntie took me back and he married me so I could be free.”
“Wait. So this marriage is just to save you? You guys don’t love each other?” Jieun unnie asked.
“It was at first but then we fell in love.” I smiled at her.
“Omo. It’s like a Korean drama! How cute!” She gushed. “Is he a great husband?!”
“De.” I smiled at her.
“He treats her like a queen unnie. It’s disgusting!” Bom teased me.
“Whatever. Yours treat you like gold! Whatever you want, he gives it to you. I think he spoils you too much!” I back.
“Aigoo. You girls are so lucky to have someone by your side.” Jieun told us.
“Unnie what happened to your first love?” Bommie asked her.
“I left him and I don’t know where he is now.” Jieun unnie sighed.
“What do you mean you left him?” I asked her.
“I was threatened by people. If I didn’t leave him then they would kill him. So I had no choice but to leave him. I didn’t even tell him.” She told us.
“Do you still love him unnie?” Bom asked.
“De. I still do. I hope he still loves me too. I’m actually back to find him again. I just have no idea where he is.” She sighed.
“I hope you find him unnie. I bet you he still loves you.” I smiled at her.
“I hope so too.” She smiled back at me. I felt my phone vibrating. It was Donghae.
To: Haein
Fr: Donghae
Haein ah, I’m sorry I blew up on you like that. Are you calm now? Come back home. I miss you and I’m sorry. Please come back. I love you.
“Is that your husband?” Jieun unnie asked me.
“What’d he say?”
“That he’s sorry and wants me to come home.”
“Come home?”
“We got into an argument last night. I think I’m going to head home now. I’ll see you guys later. It was nice meeting you unnie.” I smiled at them. “Bye.”
Donghae’s POV
I thought about it last night. Haein was right.  She shouldn’t look forward to a future where there will be guns and fights and blood.  She should look forward to a bright and happy future.  How could I be so selfish? Why didn’t I think about her feelings?  She’s right.. She shouldn’t have to worry about me all the time. She should be able to live a happy life.  She’s been living such a crappy life and I’m just making it hard for her.  I took out my phone and texted her telling her how I’m sorry and I want her home.  I waited for her to respond but she didn’t.  Is she still mad at him. Sigh. I blew it this time.
“Noona! You’re home!” I heard Taemin yelling. She’s home? So she read my text? She’s not mad anymore. I got up from my bed and ran out of our room.  She was right in front of me and I ran up to her and pulled her into a hug.
“I’m sorry Haein. I’m an idiot. I’m sorry if I didn’t think about your feelings. I’m sorry. You’re right. You shouldn’t have to worry about me all the time.  You shouldn’t be involved with my enemies. I’m really sorry Haein. I should trust you because you’re my wife and I love you. From now on, I’ll tell you everything. I won’t worry you anymore. I can’t promise you that I’ll quit living my life like this but I’ll try to not do it as often. Forgive this selfish and idiotic husband of yours.” I told her while I hugged her tightly.
“I’m sorry too Donghae. I know this is your life and it’s selfish of me of asking you to give it up like that.  It’s wrong of me to ask you to change like that. I should be thankful that you’re still alive and I shouldn’t ask for more.  I’ve realized that this is your life and I have to accept it.” She hugged me back.
“Wow. I feel like I’m watching a Korean drama.” Taemin said. We both broke the hug and stared at him.  After a few seconds of staring at him, we burst into laughter. “Are you guys okay now?”
“We’re good now. Let’s go into our room.” I told her. I took her bag and we walked into our room.  I put her stuff down and pulled her onto the bed with me. I pulled her into my arms while we were lying on the bed.
“Hmm?” I was playing with her hands.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Anything.” I told her.
“Did you kill that guy that the Infinite gang wanted you to kill?” She asked me.
“Ani. I didn’t kill him. We were about to but we couldn’t so we told them about Infinite’s plan and they joined forces with us and took them down.” I told her.
“What happened to the Infinite gang?” She asked me innocently. Sigh. How should I explain this to her?
“The 2pm guys took care of them so I don’t know.” I lied to her. 
“You do know. Tell me.” She pouted at me.
“The 2pm killed them. They know they if they let them go then they’ll start trouble again.” I explained to her.
“I see.”
“Are you mad?”
“Ani. I’m not mad. You didn’t kill them so I’m glad.” I smiled at what she said.
“Haein, I’ll try to stop this lifestyle. But for now, I can’t. Just give me some time and I’ll stop it for sure. Just wait for me okay?” I told her.
“I promise that I’ll wait for you.” She told me.
“What if you get tired of waiting and leave me?” I asked her. I was scared of her answer.
“I already told you. I’m not going anywhere. The only way to get rid of me is if you push me away. You’re stuck with me forever Lee Donghae.” she told me. I felt my heart stop.
“I’m not pushing you anywhere. You’re mine Lee Haein. And I like the sound of forever. I love you.”
“I love you too. Now let’s sleep. I’m tired.”
It felt good to have her in my arms again. I hate fighting with her and not having her in my arms.  Those were the two things I hated the most now.
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Takaku_tobu #1
Chapter 57: Just finished reading your story, it was absolutely good. It made my day! Thank you so much for creating this >//<
Hope you make another one dedicated to the other pair, Eunhyuk and Bom, I love those two so much as a ship.
Anyways, I'm going to keep loving your story and good luck to your future works!
Chapter 58: i really love ur story!!! :(( thankyou for this ❤
AdibahAzzam #3
Chapter 58: This is the best chapters fanfic ever !
Author-nim ! You are really daebak !!
Jjang ! ^_^
appler4lyfe #4
what a wonderful story... I am crying hahaha.. thanks for sharing this authornim! I am gonna subscribe it!

This is a very great story! I read for 4hours non-stop because i can't stop myself from reading it :D
sweet story~~i had spent 5 hours non stop to read this because i can't stop!! Love how you turn idol group into gang..its crack me up a little bit..^_^
Alzina #7
oh wow...such a sweet story! VERY long but AWESOME just because of it. I LOVED reading it. It took me almost 3 days (with breaks cuz of work) to finish the story...and I loved every minute of it!
congrats on writing an awesome fic XD
yei! donghae is back :)
Update soon pls