Chapter 17

Baby Don't Cry


Haein’s POV
It’s been a week since Donghae’s confession.  Who does he think he is? I was doing well on my own and he just comes back into my life and tells me that he likes me!  He even stole my first kiss!  Before, I would say that I hate his guts and that I will never like him but now, I don’t know anymore. I’m confused.  Ever since the confession… I couldn’t stop thinking about him.  My heart beats whenever I think about him or hear his name… does it mean that I like him too then? I know I shouldn’t because he’s an . 
Bommie and I were working once again and there was no customers at all.  I don’t even know why they have a 24 hours convenience store when people would be asleep by now.  I heard the door open and saw Taemin and Minho running in frantically.
“Noona! Where’s the bandages and gauze and alcohol?!” Taemin asked me.  What’s going on? Why is he acting like this.
“Aisle 8.”
“Thank you.” They ran to the aisle and came back with a lot of supplies. I was ringing up the items for them. “Noona can you please hurry?!” Taemin told me.
“I’m trying. What’s going on?! Why do I need to hurry?” I asked them curiously.
“Donghae hyung got stabbed and he’s bleeding a lot and we need to get these back for him. Can you please hurry.” Minho explained. I felt my heart stopped beating. Donghae got stabbed? Is he alright?! Bommie saw my reaction so she took over and handed them the items. 
“It’s on the house. Go treat him.” She told them and they thanked her and ran out of the store. “You okay?”
“De. I’m going to the back room and put price tags on the items.” I told her and walked away from her.  Is he okay? How bad is the cut? Do the guys know how to treat it? I didn’t realize that I layered one item with the price tags.
“Haeinnie. You should go see how he is… I know you’re worried. There’s no point in denying it now. You like him too. Just go. I’ll take over for you.” Bom told me.
“It’s fine. He’ll be fine. Let’s just go back to work.” I told her. I know I’m stubborn.
“Just go Haein. Stop being so stubborn. Go to him!” Bommie lectured me. She pushed me out of the store. “Go! You’ll thank me later for this.”
I started running towards his apartment. Lee Donghae, you better be alright.
Donghae’s POV
Stupid ers. They were playing cheap… I was sitting on my bed waiting for Minho and Taemin to come back with the supplies.
“Hae. Don’t move around too much. You’re losing a lot of blood. Stay still.” Eunhyuk told me.
“I can’t believe they would be that cheap! Wait until I get my hands on those ers.” Siwon said.
“Hyung! We’re back.” Taemin and Minho ran into our room and got out the supplies.  They helped me clean the cut and Siwon stitched up my cut.  Afterwards, they bandaged it up for me. 
“How are you feeling hyung?” Minho asked me.
“I’m in pain but it feels better. Thanks guys. Go to bed… I know you guys had a rough night.” I told them.
“Do you need anything before we leave hyung?” Taemin asked.
“Ani. I’m fine. Go to bed now.” They just nodded their heads and left my room. 
I lied on my bed and closed my eyes.  A lot has happened this past week.  I’ve been drinking a lot just to get Haein out of my mind.  It doesn’t work though.  I’ve tried everything to get her out of my mind.  I even dumped Sunye.  She was mad and she didn’t want to let me go.  I told her that I got bored of her and I didn’t want to lead her on anymore.  She slapped me and left.  I guess I deserve that.  I heard the door bell ringing. The guys will get it.  The door bell was still ringing five minutes later… aish. Who in the world is here?! It’s already 2 in the morning. I headed towards the door and I saw Haein right in front of me. 
“What-” I was cut off by her when she hugged me and I hugged her back.
“Are you okay? Did the guys treat it right? I’m sorry! You’re okay right?” She cried in my chest. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for everything. I realize that I like you too.” DID SHE JUST SAY SHE LIKE ME?!
“What?” I pulled apart from the hug.  “What did you just say?”
“I like you. I like you a lot Lee Donghae. You’re all I think about.” I smiled at her and wiped her tears. I pulled her back into a hug.
“Don’t cry. I’m fine. The guys did a good job with the treatment. Don’t worry about me okay? And I’m sorry too for not realizing my feelings sooner for you.  None of this would happen if I realize it sooner. Forgive me?” I felt her head nodding. I broke the hug again and took her hand and slid her ring on her finger again. “I kept this ring with me at all times.”
“You’re an idiot.” She smiled at me and hugged me tightly.
“Oww. Not too tight!” I told her. She broke the hug and apologized.
“I’m sorry! I forgot. Are you okay?!” I smiled at her reaction.  I couldn’t take it anymore so I pulled her into a kiss.  She didn’t kiss me at first but she kissed me back afterwards.  It was the best kiss I’ve ever experienced.  We broke the kiss when we both needed to breath.  Our foreheads touched each other.
“I promise that I’ll take care of you from now on Haein. Trust me this time… I won’t disappoint you anymore.”
“You better not disappoint me this time Donghae.” She smiled at me. She was about to leave but I didn’t let her. I made her stay with me and that night we slept in each other’s arm and it was great. I loved the feeling of having her in my arms.
Haein’s POV
I woke up and I felt something warm against my head.  I looked up and saw that I slept in Donghae’s arm last night.  I remember everything that happened last night… we both confessed to each other and now we’re together. I smiled to myself.  Is this a dream? I pinched myself to see if it was a dream or not.
“Owww.” I pouted to myself. I heard someone laughing. I looked up to see Donghae laughing and his eyes are opened.
“Did you just pinch yourself to see if you were dreaming or not?” He teased me. I didn’t say anything and blushed. “So you did.”
“You’re mean!” I smacked him near his stomach and he winced in pain. “OMG I’m so sorry! I forgot! Are you in pain? Do you need any meds then?”
“Why do you keep on forgetting? Yes I’m in pain. I do need meds.” He told me. “Kiss me. That’s my medicine.” He smiled at me.
“You’re crazy!” I was about to get off the bed but he grabbed my arms.
“I need my medicine or else I’ll be in pain for the whole day.” He pouted.
“You’re such a baby!” I kissed him on the lips. I was about to break the kiss but he pulled me closer to him and deepened the kiss.  I was now on top of him and his arms were around my waist.  We were making out on his bed when we heard the door open.
“Hyung-” Taemin was about to say. “I’ll go now.” He left the room and I was hiding in his chest blushing like crazy.
“This is all your fault! This is so embarrassing!” 
“What’s wrong with us kissing? You’re my wife so of course it’d be normal!” He told me. “Let’s go eat now.” He got up from bed and tried to pull me up with him.
“You can go. I’ll hide here for a bit!” I pouted at him.
“Don’t worry. The guys won’t tease you.” He laughed at me. “Let’s go okay?” I nodded my head at him and grabbed his hand and we walked towards the living room.
“I’m telling the truth hyungs! I’m not seeing things! Donghae hyung and Haein noona were on hyung‘s bed making out!!!!” Taemin was telling the guys. I couldn’t help but blush.
“Sure Taemin. It’s like saying I’m in love with Bommie instead of Sooyoung.” Eunhyuk oppa told him sarcastically.  Why is he even talking about Bom?  
“You guys do know that we can hear you right?” Donghae told them.  They all turned around and looked shocked.  They look down at our hands and saw that they were intertwined. “Taemin was telling the truth.” Donghae smirked at them.
“See! I TOLD YOU!” Taemin shouted proudly.
“When? How?” The guys were too shocked complete a sentence.
“Last night. She came over and we talked things over and now we’re together.” he told the guys.
“So does that mean Haein noona is going to live with us again?” Minho asked him.  Am I?
“I don’t know. I haven’t even asked her yet. We just got together last night.” He turned to me. “So are you going to move back in with us?”
“De. I’ll move back in with you guys.” I smiled at him.
“Wait. Hae what about Sunye?” Siwon asked him.
“I broke up with her a while ago. You don’t need to worry about that anymore. I’ll remain 100% faithful to Haein from now on.” He told Siwon. I smiled at his answer. “Let’s eat!”
Breakfast was really fun this morning.  Everyone was joking around with one another.  Even Donghae was smiling and laughing a lot! The guys were all surprised because they never really see this side of Donghae anymore.  After breakfast, I decided to go to Bommie’s place and get my belongings.  Donghae offered to go with me.  Eunhyuk wanted to go too but I told him to stay.  I know that Bommie wouldn’t want to see him right now.  Donghae and I were walking hand in hand towards Bommie’s house.
“Why didn’t you want Eunhyuk to come with us?” Donghae asked me.
“Bom doesn’t want to see him right now.” I guess I should tell him. Maybe he’ll be able to help.
“She confessed her feelings for him and he rejected her so she needs space away from him to move on.”
“Wait. She likes him?! She confessed?!” He sounded shock.
“Yeah. Why?”
“The guys and I think Eunhyuk has some sort of feelings towards Bom. We know that he has a girlfriend but sometimes we just see them as brother and sister. Sooyoung is a nice girl but we don’t think she’s right for Eunhyuk.”
“So does Bommie still have a chance with Eunhyuk?”
“I think she does but right now he’s too stupid to realize his feelings. He’s basically like me. Something needs to happen for him to realize his feelings for Bom.” I was happy for Bom. Maybe we can do something to help them out!
“Maybe we can interfere?!” He just laughed at me.
“It’s not our problem. Just wait and see where things turn okay?” 
“Fine. You .” I pouted.
“If you keep on pouting like that I’m going to kiss you. You make it really hard for me not to kiss you.” He teased me. 
“Whatever. We’re here.”
Bommie was surprised to see Donghae with me.  She was even more surprised when she saw us holding hands but she was happy for us. She gave Donghae a warning not to hurt me anymore or else she’s going to hunt him down.  After packing my things, Donghae and I left.
“She’s feisty. She’s perfect for Eunhyuk.” He told me.
“I just hope he realizes his feelings soon. I don’t want her getting hurt.”
“He’ll realize it. Don’t worry.”
I was getting ready for work when Donghae told me to stay home with him since he didn’t want to be alone.  The rest of the guys were all out doing their own thing and Donghae was stuck home alone.
“I can’t. I already left work yesterday. I can’t do it again today. I feel bad for Bommie. She’s been covering for me a lot.”
“Just ask her to do it one more time. Please? I don’t want to be home alone.” He pouted at me.  I just laughed at him.
“How in the world are you a gang leader when you act like this?” I . “I can’t though. I’m sorry.”
“Why don’t you quit working?” 
“I think it’s dangerous that you work this late. I don’t want to be worrying over your safety when you’re working late.  Plus, I have money so you don’t have to worry about anything. Bom did mention how you weren’t able to go to school so why don’t you go to school then. What’s stopping you?” He did bring up a good point. If I quit, then Bom would quit too since she’s only working for me.
“Then let me work tonight for the last time.” I smiled at him.
“That’s not fair.” He pouted. “I gave you a good idea and you reward me with going to work.” I just laughed at him. He’s so childish but it was cute!
“I’m sorry. Today will be the last day!” I walked over to him and sat next to him. “Don’t be mad…” he didn’t answer me. I kissed him on the cheeks… still no reaction. I then leaned in and kissed him on his lips.  It was suppose to be a short kiss but he pulled me closer to me.  He lied me on my back and got on top of me.  He did all this without breaking the kiss.  We were making out for a while and he broke the kiss.
“Let’s do this for a while since you don’t have to work yet.” he smirked at me.  He kissed me again and things were heating up.. His hands went to my shirt and he tried ing it.  I realized what was happening and I broke the kiss.
“I’m sorry Donghae but I’m not ready for this.” I told him.
“It’s okay. I’m sorry.” He smiled at me and leaned in to kiss my forehead.  He got off of me and pulled me into his chest. “Let’s just cuddle then.”
After cudding for thirty minutes, I had to go to work.  I told Bommie that I was quitting and joining school again. Bommie was happy for me and said she wanted to quit too.
“We should go to school together! You know what we should do?!”
“What?” I looked at her.
“We can open up a shop! I’ll cook and you’ll do pastries!” She exclaimed. Her idea didn’t sound so bad.  Bommie was one of the best cooks I know! “You can cook too since you’re great at it!”
“We should! That sounds like a plan!” I smiled at her.  That night passed by quickly because we were too busy planning our future.  I can’t wait to tell Donghae about this!
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Takaku_tobu #1
Chapter 57: Just finished reading your story, it was absolutely good. It made my day! Thank you so much for creating this >//<
Hope you make another one dedicated to the other pair, Eunhyuk and Bom, I love those two so much as a ship.
Anyways, I'm going to keep loving your story and good luck to your future works!
Chapter 58: i really love ur story!!! :(( thankyou for this ❤
AdibahAzzam #3
Chapter 58: This is the best chapters fanfic ever !
Author-nim ! You are really daebak !!
Jjang ! ^_^
appler4lyfe #4
what a wonderful story... I am crying hahaha.. thanks for sharing this authornim! I am gonna subscribe it!

This is a very great story! I read for 4hours non-stop because i can't stop myself from reading it :D
sweet story~~i had spent 5 hours non stop to read this because i can't stop!! Love how you turn idol group into gang..its crack me up a little bit..^_^
Alzina #7
oh wow...such a sweet story! VERY long but AWESOME just because of it. I LOVED reading it. It took me almost 3 days (with breaks cuz of work) to finish the story...and I loved every minute of it!
congrats on writing an awesome fic XD
yei! donghae is back :)
Update soon pls