Kim Junsu: A Short Run To the Convenient Store

On One Fine Day

I'd like to give credits to XiahSoul bcuz i took (name)'s pic off the internet and just in case (name) were to read my fic, i would just like to give credit...  =D 



Great, another day in the dorm and I’ve ran out of things to do. Sure I could study for the coming module’s test but it’s a month away. I can go and practice the choreography for that show but the studio is closed at a time like this. I was merely sitting cross-legged on the sofa, wandering off in my own little world when suddenly my digital watch starts beeping. I checked my watch to see what time it was and boy was I in for a surprise as I realized I had merely an hour to prepare lunch.

  Hurriedly, I went to the little kitchen of our dorm that stood from a small zinc sink, two wall cupboards placed up above the sink and beside the sink was the stove. We had a toaster and microwave seated at the side, against the wall of the counter that my dorm mates brought. Just a quick check-up of the items we have, I brainstormed a recipe that I could cook for them.

  Pulling out one of the drawers, I took out a small notepad that I had left in case they wanted to leave notes or notices for us to read. I scribbled as fast and neat as possible, telling them I went out for some slight grocery shopping. With that, I tore it off the pad and stuck it onto the fridge and held it in place with a star fruit magnet. Even though I didn’t want them to come home with empty stomachs and find the table empty too, but it was just for safe-keeping, a short explanation.

  I pulled on my hoody, my shoes and my money from my bag and nearly ran. I had to quickly get the items before they come back from their girl’s day trip with their cliques. I’d love to get a cab but I thought it would take too long so I ran to the nearest store. I expected the store to be open but it wasn’t. Devastated and angry, I suddenly remember that most stores aren’t open on Sundays but the Hypermarket should be; but its uptown, just taking the cab there would take up two thirds of the budget I need to pay for the groceries.

  I was able to catch a taxi just by yelling out to get its attention and probably because I was walking in front of it, it had to stop.

  I opened the door and the cabby yelled, “Yah! Do you want to get yourself killed?!”

  “I’m sorry but do you know a convenient store nearby that’s open?” I asked quickly, not caring about the yelling.

  Amidst the yelling, he did listen to me and I was a customer so he nodded and I hopped in. The journey didn’t take long, probably fifteen minutes. We stopped in front of an old convenient store; it seemed abandoned but judging by the condition of the fruits that were placed in wooden crates outside its door, I sensed it to be a good store.

  I paid the cabby my fare and said my thank you for helping me. I stood in front of the store to get a good look at it before entering. As I entered – as usual – a bell ringed above me. The inside of the store pretty much mirrored the condition of the shop from outside. I looked down to my feet and find tiled floors, squares of white and black, maybe marble and looked up to my right to see the cash register unattended.

  I checked the doors to see if the store was really open and the sign that faced me was CLOSE so the sign shown on the door from outside should say it’s OPEN but why do I see no live beings in sight?

  I was startled as I heard pots and pans dropping against a floor from somewhere. Guess that sound pretty much answered my question. I went to the last rack at the end because up there it said spices. They got nutmeg, chili powder, black pepper, crushed cinnamon and many others but the one ingredient I longed for wasn’t there so I looked for a substitute. I pretty much had to change up my recipe for lunch because most of the ingredients I needed weren’t there.

  In my arms was a load of my items, I wanted a basket but I didn’t know where it was so I just bared with carrying everything around. Tins threatened to fall out of my grip but I’d swerve down and pull it up with what remaining free fingers I had. I was lucky no one was around to see such embarrassing actions.

  I was looking for one last ingredient and as I searched the second isle, my ears detected something that made my heart skip a few beats. What they detected was a sort of humming, or was it singing? I leaned my ear against the open space above the stacked items to listen closely. As I close my eyes to focus on the melody and tune the song the voice was singing to, I reached to a conclusion that made my eyes snap open and my heart erratic at the excitement building in me. 

  Instead of my ear, I replace the space with my eyes and looked to see whether the mysterious voice I concluded really did come from the man I thought to be. His back was to me so I couldn’t see his face to confirm it but his voice got louder and sweeter. Unable to resist, I sighed in admiration at how beautiful his voice was. Of course I should be able to just recognize that voice, that high, raspy voice, but I wanted confirmation still.

  He wore what seemed to be a black long-sleeved t-shirt. When he turned to the side, I wanted to hide but he didn’t see me so I felt kind of foolish for acting in such a way. He had his body bent down to a 30-degree angle so he could sweep the floor with the broom he held in his hands. Judging from the apron that hung around his waist, he must work here at this store.

  When I looked up to his face, I could see the profile of it and I got the confirmation I needed. He kept on singing that song I couldn’t recognize and oh how soothing it was. He still hadn’t lost his talent. His hair was no longer colored but the color of charcoal black. His front of his hair fell over his face but it didn’t seem to bother him as he sang happily to that song he was singing.

  I was blinded for a moment when a light coming from the sun reflected against something shiny. I strained my eyes to look closer so I could see what was that glinting thing dangling around his neck. Hanging around his neck was a necklace that stood from a long thin chain with a pendant, in the shape of a circle and as my eyes detect the words, they were exactly what I thought they were.

  I bit back a gasp as I realized, he still remembers. The thought of it all, after all these years to be able to see one of them for the first time with my own eyes, in the flesh! I mean, I still hadn’t lost interest in the group he once joined. He used to be in a boy group that would perform either ballads or hardcore dance tracks and sound amazing yet. Many people respected them for their hard work, their humbleness and just how down-to-earth they are. I just can’t believe it, in front of me stood the infamous– 

  “Kim JUNSU!!” belted out a deep, loud and angry voice.

  Junsu merely sighed and stopped sweeping the floor to look up to the man coming his way. I too looked in the direction he was looking and saw a horrible sight. Stomping its way here was a man, maybe in his fifties that had a thin layer of hair combed across his bald scalp so you could see three to four lines across his head. He was also fat and oily and wore an old stained tank top with huge summer shorts. On his feet was a pair of black worn-out slippers. Anymore walking and the straps might just come off.

  He stopped at approximately three feet away from Junsu and looked at him up and down like he was some weird being. Guessing from the way he called Junsu’s name before and the way he was looking at Junsu with such looks made me guess he was the owner of the shop. He made a ‘tsk’ sound and I saw a glimpse of his teeth which were close to the shade of black. I nearly felt like vomiting at the moment but held it back in.

  Junsu shifted his weight onto his left foot and said, “Yes, uncle. You called?” Just from the tone of his voice, you could tell that his mood has changed. A moment ago, he was singing happily to this song I’ve never seem to have heard of but now, his voice turns flat. It’s as if the presence of this man – his so called uncle – had robbed him of all of his rich, happy emotions.

  “What do you think you are doing?” his uncle asked sternly.

  Junsu looked down to the broom in his hand and looked back up to his uncle to say, “Uh . . . I’m sweeping the floor, like I’m supposed to.”

  His uncle looked down to his feet, and one hand went to his hip as the other rubbed his temple. As he rubbed his temple, he said, “Junsu, I hired you because your mother told me you were in need of a job!” At that last word he pressured it and the volume turned up a pitch. “When you work in my store, you need to stay focus! Tend to the customers with a smile.” When the old man said smile he too smiled and I cringed in distaste but that smile quickly disappeared when he said, “Not just sweeping around some imaginary dust and sing songs that you can no longer sing on stage. This shop isn’t your stage, it’s mine.” Junsu didn’t say a word nor did he look up. “You were a very successful young man along with those four friends of yours, but the money and popularity blinded you and led you to leave your company because it just wasn’t enough. You filed a lawsuit against your own company, SM Entertainment with two of your members. Because of that stupid move, you lost everything, look at you now.”

  Junsu seemed speechless. He kept his head low, unable to speak or say anything to his uncle about what he had just said a moment ago. It pained me to see him like that, scolded by his uncle at that age. It must be hurting his ego. Not to mention unfair that an old man like that judges him after what he did without knowing the truth behind it and only using the facts he hears. I bet what he said never came close to the truth, not even a centimeter.

  “Now, do you see anyone at the cash register?” his uncle asked with both eyebrows up and his thumb pointed in the cash register’s direction.

  Junsu let out a small sigh and said, “I thought you were in charge of the cash register.”

  “Well, do you see me there?” his uncle asked again and this time coming closer so he could see Junsu’s expression.

  Junsu looked up to his uncle and had his eyebrows furrowed as he said, “No.”

  “Then . . . get your behind that counter NOW! FOOL!!” his uncle barked.

  Junsu wanted to object the order but his uncle had already started turning on his heel and walk back to where he came from. He opened his mouth, as if to yell out something but he just closed his mouth and swept the dust on the floor into the dustpan he got before finishing and went to throw it.

  I craned my neck to watch him walk back and forth to get that dustpan and sweep all of that dust he’d swept of the store into the dustpan. I lacked in concentration as I continued watching him walk to the cash register. Due to this, my canned tuna slipped out of my grip and fell down against the floor with a ‘CLANG!’ Quickly I tried to pick it up but have my sugar fall along with a few more things. Soon, the only thing I carried was my nutmeg. Cursing, I slowly knelt on one knee and start reaching out for my items.

  I was so busy cursing I hadn’t noticed someone in front of me helping me with my things. “Miss?” he called out.

  I looked up and find myself looking at Junsu. He gave me a weak smile and said, “Are these all yours?” I couldn’t think straight for a moment but I had enough sense to nod. He then asked me, “Are you going to pay for all of this?” At first the question didn’t seem to register to my brain seeing as to how close I was with Kim Junsu. I felt my inner fan girl screaming her head off as soon as the thought registered into her mind. But Junsu’s voice brought me down from my moment by saying, “Miss, are you okay?”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry,” I said and tucked the few strands of hair behind my hair as I continue to pick up my stuff to hide my embarrassment.

  “Well, would you like to pay for these items?” Junsu asked as he stood up with my stuff.


  I followed Junsu’s lead to the counter. I couldn’t believe my eyes and ears. I had just spoken to Kim Junsu. I surprised myself at the composure I’m at so far. Just as he placed the stuff on the counter, I suddenly remembered one thing when I saw my nutmeg.

  “Um . . .” I voiced out and he turned to face me with a ‘Yes?’ look. “Do you happen to have peanut paste?”

  “Yeah, we have a couple. I think,” he suddenly said, and then while walking with a bright expression and mood, “I know just which one you need.”

  He half ran to the end and disappeared behind rack number four. Minutes later he came out with my peanut paste and said while checking the bottle, “I remember one time, a friend of mine cooked this one dish I can’t remember the name,” he had a certain glow when he told this to me, “but it was delicious and I noticed he used this specific peanut paste. He said it’s the only brand you should trust.” He then placed it on the counter with the others. I couldn’t help but feel like the person he was talking about to be Jaejoong.

  As he keyed in the items onto the cash register, I said, “Wow, that friend of yours must really know how to cook.”

  “Yeah, he really loved cooking. Especially since there’s company, he’d ask us to taste and would still force us to taste it. I have to admit his cooking was good.”

  “Yes, he must be.” I added.

  “Yeah,” soon his smile faded away as he sighed and said, “too bad now we don’t see each other anymore.”

  “Don’t you guys keep in touch?”

  “Nope, he changed his number I guess. Maybe it’s for the better.”

  I kept myself silent after that. I paid up for my stuff and left. “Thank you,” I said and he just nodded in reply.

  I wanted to leave on a good note but now he seems sad. He was looking down to the cash register thinking deeply about something. I couldn’t help but feel sad and sorry for him. I mean, he seemed so happy to be talking about something he knows to someone and talk about good memories. Not just do a job you don’t have your heart into and to be thought of as some garbage.

  I wanted to say something but it didn’t seem appropriate. I mean, I was a complete stranger to him and to suddenly come up to him and say he should move on from the past and look upon the horizon of the good future that awaits him; he might think I’m a nutcase. I looked past my shoulder to look at Junsu’s face one last time before opening the door and caught a cab home to start on lunch.

What a story I had to tell Eun Hye when I get back.  


Dear Readers,

Hope you enjoy this chapter... It's not much but I will post up the next one/next member which is *drum roll* ......


Please DO comment! TQ !! ^^


Peace out!! Love,


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icookyourramyun #1
Wow! I really loved this! It's quite beautiful and I really like your writing style. <br />
*Goes off to read all of your stories*<br />
<br />
Sequel, maybe?
This story is awesome!