Genetically Tailored For You


In a world of class and genetics, Park Chanyeol finds it hard to live. Born to a lower class family and created through , he is considered useless scum with a never ending list of health problems. Not to mention the upper class, making his life a misery resulting in the boy constantly trying to find a way to keep himself small. Hidden.


Trying to be Nothing.


Byun Baekhyun is the polar opposite of Chanyeol with loud, cocky characteristics. As a higher class citizen, designed to perfection, he can basically do what he wants, when he wants without question. Life was a breeze, brain as sharp as a knife. He was living in paradise, always the centre of attention.


Always Everything.


But how much would Chanyeol do for an apple?


Gattaca!AU? but also with some NoughtsAndCrosses!AU


idek i havent written in ages so i shall try v v  v hard with this and yis! i hope you enjoy~



also, thanks to this shop for the graphics!!


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I'm hella excited to see where this leads~! ^^