
Living at Large

When he hears the sound of the cafeteria doors swooping shut, his heart starts to feel heavy and Chanyeol feels guilt start to churn in his stomach. It's his first time exploding and on Baekhyun of all people. He doesn't know how to apologize, and he doesn't know how to explain himself, either. He just knows he needs air. He contemplates going home for the day, considering how exhausted he is after the day's events, but before he could take a step in the direction of the exit, the cafeteria door swings open behind him and a shoulder collides with his own.

"Your friends are worried about you." Kris says to him, but he doesn't pause where Chanyeol is, just continues stepping forward with his hands in his pockets.

Chanyeol stares at his back as he walks, wondering about the mystery that was Kris. He glances back at the cafeteria, wondering if maybe he should just go in and talk to his friends. Baekhyun deserves an apology, after all, and he doesn't like that he's making his best friends worry about him.

But he doesn't go back to the cafeteria. He doesn't even follow Kris like he tells himself he should. He just gets to class and sits there for the rest of the day, ignoring the fact that Kris is back in class and ignoring the fact that he can barely pay attention to the teaher. He just thinks of what he can do to apologize to his friends, and thinks of all the things he'd done in his lifetime to deserve the things that were happpening to him.

"Alright, now partner up!" The teacher says suddenly, and Chanyeol's eyes snap up to the teacher because this time, it's not even like he has an excuse. He's just not listening and now he doesn't know what he's supposed to be doing for the class. Judging by the fact that everyone is breaking off into pairs, however, he asumes it's time to find himself someone to work with. Most of the students have already broken off into their pairs of friends and though Chanyeol was smart and popular, the students know that he has the habit of talking their ears off.

But a glance to the left tells him that he's not the only one without a partner. Oh, maybe that's why he doesn't have a partner. No one wants to head to the back of the class because Kris's glare is on point and no one wants to be on the receiving end of that,

"Other than me, of course." Chanyeol mutters to himself, and then he pushes his desk over to Kris's. The taller male glares openly, completely surprised and offended by the thought of being approached by Chanyeol. Chanyeol doesn't say a thing, just looks up at the board to see the assignment and opens the book to the page he needs.

"Look, I know I gave you your medicine earlier, but we aren't friends." Kris says between grit teeth, pulling his papers away to the other side of his desk.

"I just, uh- I just-" But he can't continue because his tongue feels heavy and he can't process words because something in his brain refuses to recognize that he'd like to speak properly, thank you.

"You have the same symptoms she did." Kris sighs, and Chanyeol turns to him with his mouth opening and closing in bewilderment. Kris just stares at him, and there's a soft spark in his eyes as he does so. A moment later, however, he turns back to his work and pushes it back over to where Chanyeol is so the two of them could work on it together.

"Thanks." Chanyeol mutters under his breath, and he leans closer to the papers before him. Kris might be nicer to him simply because he's similar to the elder's mother, but Kris doesn't judge him or treat him badly. Kris understands him and doesn't mind that he is different than he used to be.

Kris stops working when he hears it and looks over at him. They're both silent, but then Kris turns his gaze back to the papers and Chanyeol can see the makings of the slightest smile on the taller boy's lips. There's something about that smile, kind yet forlone, that has Chanyeol believe that yeah, he was wrong about Kris.

He wants to bring up the party, because he wants to let Kris know that he does really appreciate having a friend like him when he feels alone. However, considering his lunchtime outburst, he's not sure if he's exactly welcome in his group of friends at the moment.

"Alright! Class is over! I expect you to find time out of class to finish! You'll present on friday." And then he feels his lips curl into the smallest of grins because that means he gets to spend more time with Kris. Hopefully, he can even convince Kris to go to the party with him.

"Are you free after-" But he's cut off because Kris is standing and gathering his stuff and Chanyeol just realizes that the day is over.

"Tomorrow, after school. Meet me out front by the gate. Don't be late."

Chanyeol watches him leave the room with furrowed eyebrows because don't they actually leave the same room at the same time? How is he expected to be late? As if to answer his thoughts, Baekhyun charges into the  classroom. Chanyeol's a little surprised that Jongdae isn't with him but when Baekhyun jumps on top of his desk as he gathers his things, Chanyeol gets why he's there.

"About today-" Chanyeol starts out, and he's glad that Baekhyun cuts him off because his tongue is starting to feel heavy again.

"I get it, Chan. You're right, I was thinking of myself." And then he wiggles his eyebrows and nudges Chanyeol in the gut,

"But if it's not me, then who were you thinking of taking to the party? Sehun? Because as single as that boy is, I don't think even you can handle his pessimistic, dark humor for a whole night."

Chanyeol chuckles, because that was actually kind of funny. He thinks about what it'd be like if he took Sehun but, like Baekhyun says, Sehun isn't easy to handle.

"No... it's uh, actually Kris."

Baekhyun stares at him for just a moment before he starts to laugh, and Chanyeol stares in bewilderment as Baekhyun presses a hand against his stomach like he can't breathe, "That's rich! You are joking, right?!"

"I think that maybe, we're all wrong about Kris." Chanyeol says gently, pulling his backpack on and walking out of the room with a flabberghasted Baekhyun following him.

Baekhyun grabs him by the crook of his arm and turns him around so quickly that Chanyeol feels a little dizzy, but when his eyes focus again on Baekhyun, the shorter male looks like he'd never heard anything so terrifying as this.

"Chan, you're talking about the guy that almost punched you in the face simply for saying hello to you two years ago. The guy's not exactly best friend material!"

Chanyeol remembers that very well. In his own defense, yeah, the moment was terrifying, but he also remembers that Jongdae and Baekhyun were shoving him around down the hallway when he bumped into Kris. Kris was also holding several text books that fell straight to the ground. Admittedly, Chanyeol was a little pissed off with himself a well.

"I know, I know. I just... I just want to see what kind of person he really is." Chanyeol sighs, and Baekhyun shakes his head like Chanyeol's beyond help at this point.

"Just be careful, okay?" But Baekhyun doesn't need to warn him. Chanyeol knows that he can't get too close to Kris. Both because of Kris's reputation and because of the fact that even if he were to get close to the elder, he didn't have much time to create the kind of bond Chanyeol wanted.

They meet up with Jongdae and Sehun by the gate, and as he passes, he wonders what Kris's planning for the next day. A rush of excitement fills him at the thought of it, and he can't hide the smile that forms on his lips as he and Sehun trail after the couple.

"I wondered when I'd see that smile again." Sehun says, releasing a soft snort when Chanyeol's confused expression is turned back to him,

"You've been brooding all morning. It's not normal, at least, not for you."

And again, Chanyeol wishes they would have believed him when he told them the truth because it's not like he's not having a hard time already with the cancer he just recently learned he had. Chanyeol shrugs but remains silent on their way home, wondering where Joonmyeon and Minseok had gone. The eldest of their group, Minseok was barely around to begin with, but not Joonmyeon. Joonmyeon was always around because he didn't want the others causing problems that could make student council president Joonmyeon look bad.

"Hold on!" Jongdae calls out, and they're in front of the bakery they walk past on their way home every day. Chanyeol wonders why Jongdae wants to stop there since they're all broke, but Jongdae runs into the shop and the three teenagers are left to watch in bewilderment as they wait for Jongdae to come back, four steamed buns in hand.

There's a head of blonde hair that follows Jongdae out the door, and Chanyeol is left staring at a short male with puffy blonde hair and wide eyes. The blonde haired male props the door open to the shop, and he can see Kris. Kris? What was he doing in there?

"Guys, this is my friend Luhan." Jongdae introduces, and the blonde haired boy is all smiles and joy. Normally, Chanyeol would be all up for it considering the morbid company he spends time with (Sehun), but his eyes are on Kris as he walks in the store with the same black slacks and white button down as Luhan.

"What are you- Oh." Baekhyun hums, and then Jongdae and Luhan are also looking off in the direction they had been looking, and Chanyeol feels a little embarrassed that he's been caught.

"He's good looking, right?" Luhan sighs, and his arms cross over his chest as he shakes his head.

"Too bad his heart's made of ice." Jongdae mutters, and both Sehun and Baekhyun nod their agreement.

"What? He's a sweetheart!" Luhan says in disbelief, and Chanyeol is partially relieved that he's not the only one whose starting to believe that.

"You're friends with him?" Sehun asks, but he's not even looking in Luhan's direction as he clicks his tongue,

"Who knew guys like him would even have friends."

"I don't see why they can't, since guys like you have friends." Luhan quips back, and all four of them look at Luhan because woah, for a short and sweet looking guy, he's got a lot of sass. A moment later, however, Luhan's laughing and reaching up to pat Sehun on the back. Sehun's so surprised that he doesn't push the shorter male away.

"I'm joking with you. I can see what you mean. A lot of our customers are afraid of him, too."

"Then why don't you fire him?" Jongdae asks with his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

A thoughtful grin crosses onto Luhan's face and he shakes his head, "He's great at making coffee. Plus, I don't exactly have the authority to fire my manager."

Chanyeol takes it in for a moment, and then he turns his head to look at Kris, because he does look graceful, but Kris had already turned in their direction and was staring right back at him from where he stands behind the coffee counter. Seeing that Kris had noticed them, Jongdae, Baekhyun and Sehun scurry off after waving Luhan a goodbye.

Chanyeol is almost reluctant to follow after them.

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noorizana #1
Chapter 18: I cry so much.. i just read this... please let make chanyeol better.. i hate sad ending
I just wanted to know, but will you still be updating this story? I just want to know is it hasn't been forgotten. :)
RaeT25 #3
Chapter 18: When no words are needed! <3
Chapter 18: It's bittersweet love! Yifan fighting! Chanyeol fighting, don't give up! Please update again soon!:)
yurrick #5
Chapter 18: gosh this hurts so much! why do we do this?? :')
Chapter 18: I can cry bittersweetly because this is so sad but I just love Kris and Chanyeol here to just cry sadly.
My babies are suffering from the incertainty of the clode future for them but they will still love each other to the end. <3 ^_^
yurrick #8
Chapter 17: im so emotionally instaBLE BECAUSE OF THIS FIC SKSJKSJDJD but i freaking lovE IT
Chapter 17: This is too bittersweet and I'm crying, but can't outright cry because I'm not alone at home. xD
Chanyeol, Yifan, it's okay to be afraid but youbshould always be there for each other. I'm glad he came back for him but also really sad.
Don't know if this will have a sudden happy twist at the end or not but I still love this. <3
Chapter 17: omg! this is beautiful but sad too. I will be waiting for your update.