Chapter 32

Practically You

The next day Tiffany has made a successful attempt of ignoring me all day. Even Yong Hwa. I wonder what these people are up to. But I have to remind myself that whatever is happening I'd have to find out about it soon. So when the bell for lunch finally rang. I sprinted out the door and made my way to where we were usually seated. Determined to coax some information out of her. At whatever cost. This thing about the rumor is keeping me on edge now. Yesterday may seem like I didn't care about it, but it all changed today.

'Okay'. I said breathlessly when I finally made it to where they were. 'Tell it to me now'

Tiffany raised her brows at me. 'Impatient aren't you?'

I rolled my eyes at her and searched the faces of the other two. They shook their head indicating they too have not yet been informed. 

I was about to turn my head back to Tiffany but she spoke before I was able to. 'Eat up first will ya, and no you can't persuade me unless you eat first. I'm doing you a favor here'

And surprisingly enough I agreed. Because I felt that whatever Tiffany was gonna tell me, I'd lose my appetite after. 

Hyoyeon and Seohyun kept wary glances around. Judging by how I know them too well, I'd say they were trying to look for the news that Tiffany had. Probably hoping they could catch the news even before she can tell us but sadly, to no avail. The surrondings just didn't leak any information.

So I gulped down whatever was remaining of my food. Chewing it as fast as I can in order to finally mutter the words 'Finish'. But even before my teeth could make one last round of chewing Tiffany spoke like she couldn't care less at all.

'Rumors are spreading that Siwon and you are dating'


So like any normal teen who still had mouth on their food and issued that kind of information, you bet they'd choke on their food. And yes I did just that. Seohyun immediately came to my aid. Giving me a glass of water to help swallow the food. 

'They what?'. Hyoyeon reacted even before I could. 

The perks of having people know you too well. Hyoyeon managed to blurt out the question I had in mind if only I was able to react so easily verbally. 

'You heard me right, I knew it was coming.' Tiffany said with a sigh. 

This time speech made its way to me. 'You knew it was coming and you didn't tell us?'

Tiffany shrugged and examined her nail. 'Well, at first I thought you wouldn't really pull it off but recent events happened that just sparked the rumors. People have eyes you know. But only a couple of them have the right minds. What they see they try to make a story with it. Too bad yours was something like this'

Hyoyeon who managed to shut up leaned on her seat and crossed her arms over her chest. 'Explain'

'That was what I intended to do'. Tiffany said matter-of-factly.

We all listened as Tiffany explained to us how 'events' managed to start the rumors. 'We were here right at this table. We were witnesses as to how Siwon was with them. Then you'. She paused while pointing a finger at me. 'Had to came along. It was all those unfortunate moments with him at  the hall. Well, at first it was nothing. People were just fascinated by how well you were dealing with him. Snobby. Couldn't care less'

Hyoyeon snickered in front of her. Tiffany had to stop explaining to shot Hyoyeon a questioning look. 'What?'

'Nothing. I just happened to witness one of their epic encounters. Eunhyuk and I often make that a topic of discussion by the way. Which reminds me. He seems to be keeping something from me'. Hyoyeon said.

Tiffany gave her an annoyed look. 'Look, save that for later. I'm not actually finish here. Listen to me first'

'Okay. Good'. She said when all ears where trained again on her. She flashed us a smile, glad to be taking control of the situation, and went on again. 'Then came the time when you bumped into him with the picture of him'

'Hey that picture was because you had to gave it to me. It didn't have anything to do with me at all'. I reasoned out. 

Tiffany sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. Obviously frustrated with us interrupting her story. 'Yes. I know. I haven't forgotten about that okay. Now can I please start again. This time with no distractions?'

We all nodded our head because it seemed like the best response given the angry stare Tiffamy was giving us. 'Thank you. Now back to what I were saying. When you bumped into him you, Choi Sooyoung, made yourself a favorite past time'

My forehead creased in confusion. 'Past time? I'm not sure I get that'

'I'm saying. You kind of became the talk of the town. You do know how Siwon is with the female population. And the little stunt you pulled back there. It was enough to had them talking'

'So? I still don't get. So I became a popular topic. "The Girl who hadn't fallen for his charms". I could've been making the headlines. But I still don't get how the rumors came to be'

Tiffany smiled. I could sense that the answer had already passed us. We were just to preoccupied not to think about it. But she let it slide and explained it to us. 'Because what else are they going to think when you practically spend time with each other rather than doing the opposite?'

'So they came to a conclusion for that reason?'. I cried out in disbelief.

Tiffany shrugged. 'And the fact that he rejects confessions'

'But he does that all the time!'. I said. My voice rising in exasperation. A few people glanced in our direction but then turned back again when we all acted as if nothing happened.

'Good. Raise your voice and you'll just have the audience you need'. Tiffany said sarcastically. 'And yes, he may do that all the time but remember he once had a girl. So people thought that he wouldn't accept confessions because he's dating you'

The next reaction was nothing I expected. I laughed. I laughed at the whole stupidity of the situation. 'Seriously?'

The three of them looked at me in bewilderment. 'I think she's not handling the situation well'. Hyoyeon said in concern. 

I rolled my eyes at her and prepared to leave. 'Look. It's just as you say. Rumors. They come and go. People think whatever they want to think. So let them be. Right now. I'm finished. And Tiff. Thanks. It came out as a shock to me at first but I reaized something when those people turned their attention on us when I raised my voice. That I couldn't care less'

Hyoyeon smiled at me genuinly. 'Now that's what I'm talking about'

Even Tiffany and Seohyun. 'I guess keeping it for so long. Trying to get all the informations right was nothing at all. You're handling the situation pretty well than I thought you would'

'Why? You think I'd go shouting and demanding it's not true? Not happening. I think I'll just go with the flow. You know make fun of people. We could have a good laugh at the end of the day'

Tiffany smiled and I know she's happy I haven't lashed out. Ah! These people don't know me well. 'I guess that's something. Now. I think I hear the bell ringing'

We made our way back to our respective rooms. Now that I am aware of the situation. I see that people do have those questioning look in them when they glance at my direction. Trying to find out if a boy would appear at my side at any moment. I chuckled to myself and pretended like I nice lunch date with someone. This seem to arouse their suspicions. 

'I see someone's in a good mood'

I smiled to myself. Just when you were trying to act pretend he appears out of nowhere to make it real. 'Yep. Just had an amazing lunch'

'Ohw really? What's special about today's lunch?'

A smile crept up on my face. I glanced sideways on the eyes watching us. I wanted to laugh. Really but the moment was just too precious to waste. 'Well. Had lunch with my boyfriend. Thank you for that'

And with that I my heel and ran. Siwon seemed momentarily shocked. I heard gasp around me and this time I couldn't contain myself. I ran to the nearest bathroom and laughed. Oh! It was priceless. I have to apologize to Siwon later. But right now. I need to get back to class.

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Chapter 2: update soon please
Chapter 43: author-nim update jebal!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 43: Please update this Author nim ;)
Chapter 43: Please update this Author nim ;)
michelletheresia #5
Chapter 43: I love this story like really really love this story keep updating please^^
I have read this story once again. And I'm impressed. BTW, I love Tiffany here. She's the best character. :) Please, update soon.
TinkerGel #7
Chapter 42: Uhmm.. I'm a new reader. :)
And I really like this story.. Please update soon!
Chapter 43: HAHAHA! Poor Hyukkie XDDD

Thanks for continuing this btw! :)
shikshiin407 #9
Chapter 43: OMYGAAAAD! thanks for the update!
Chapter 43: Update soon! uPDAte Soon!! UPDATE SOON!!! :)))))))))