Chapter 30

Practically You

Siwon arrived after 5 minutes. I eyed him suspiciously. Surely, the trash he had to pick up didn't have to consume much time. He smiled when he saw me. I knew he wasn't faking it so I did the same. The teacher, four eyes, cleared and Siwon gave his apologies. She seem to forget her rule about tardiness when she saw who it was. 

'Ah. Yes. Siwon, go to your seat. I was just about to start the lecture'

Both of us, Yonghwa and me, scoffed at what she said. She was already halfway her boring lecture and claim she was about to start. How obvious can she be?

Siwon glanced our way, sensing we'd react that way. He shrugged as if saying. 'What can I do? She falls for my charm.'

I chuckled in my seat. Four eyes heard me. Unfortunately.

'Ms. Choi. Mind telling us what's so funny?'

Ah! There it is. My little back and forth with the old hag. How I miss these days. I was about to say something, make some clever remark but Siwon stopped me.

'Sorry. Miss So. I was about to sit at the wrong chair. Miss Choi must've found it funny'

Miss So. Wow no wonder I always forget what to call her. It's so short I'll never be able to process it. 

Anyway. Miss So glanced at me briefly. Obviously having a silent debate with herself wether to press the issue further or not. 

'Ah. Yes well that could've been funny. I bet only Miss Choi saw that'. She said while glancing at me slightly.

Yong Hwa raised his arm. Ah my good 'ol buddy. Wouldn't want to leave me in times of needs. See that's why I like him.

'Actually I did too'

Miss So pursed her lips. Not liking where the situation was going. I know what is going in her mind. Surely her line of thinking goes this way. 'Why were you the only person who saw it. Perhaps you are not paying attetion, hmm Miss Choi? Please stand up'

I actually pity her. She wanted a show.  A chance to have a little fun with me. Unfortunately she never gets her way with things. That, and she doesn't have an ally.

'Well. Miss So. Never mind about that. Can we please start?'. Siwon said almost too pleadingly.

I wanted to chuckle again but Yong Hwa gripped my arm. He gave me a sign to turn my head. When I did I saw Siwon smirking but he was shaking his head. 

I mouthed a sincere sorry before turning back.


Siwon was already at my side. Sitting on the edge of the table even before I was able to pack my things.

'I'm guessing I'll be hearing a lecture about the proper ways of talking to someone especially a teacher'. I began.

Siwon nodded his head but shook it afterwards. 'You were right about the lecture part but not the talking to someone part'

I shrugged and made my way out of the classroom. Siwon following closely behind. 'What does it matter? I'd still be hearing it anyway'

'Well. Stop trying to piss her off'

I laughed but soon recovered and made a show of acting innocent. 'Me? Pissing her off? Oh we're buddies. That's what we do. Spit venoms here and there'

Siwon shook his head in disapproval but then he smiled and placed his hand on the back of his head. 'Guess saving you was a waste after all. You were just anticipating to have a little battle with her. What'd you call her again?'

'Four eyes?'. I told him innocently.

Siwon chuckled and lead me to the cafeteria. 'C'mon my treat. My apologies for not allowing you to spit venom at her'

I smiled and hurried to the cafeteria. 

'Oi. Slow down'. Siwon warned from behind me. 

I glanced back at him only to turn back around. 'Things given to you for free tastes much better Choi. Need to get all I want before you change your mind'


Siwon chuckled again. He watched as Sooyoung stuffed her tray with food. Not caring wether or not the people eye her wierdly. She only smiled at them and even helped them get their food. Soon, their stares turned grateful. He made his way slowly to where Sooyoung was only to be beaten up by someone.

Kyuhyun passed by him and was at Sooyoung's side before him. He tapped Sooyoung's shoulder and smiled when he saw how startled she was, she nearly toppled her tray. Luckily, Kyuhyun's hand secured the tray upright. 

Siwon stopped for a moment. His other feet turning sideways ready to retreat but even before he could follow it's lead he remembered the time Sooyoung came up to his table. How she apologized without knowing her fault, although she didn't have any. He didn't want her being worried again so he continued walking and was at their side in no time.

'Hey. Picked out all you wanted?'. Siwon said casually.

'Uh huh'. Sooyoung managed to answer, already having food stuffed in .

He heard Kyuhyun laughed beside him. 'Man, I thought no one dare treat a girl like you'. Kyuhuyun said to Sooyoung. In response she stuck her tongue out at him. He laughed then turned to Siwon. 'Are you sure with this?'

'Well. I owe it to her'

Kyuhyun raised his brows and looked at Sooyoung, he had a smirk plastered on his face. 'I knew it.'

He then turned to Siwon. 'Tell me. What had she done this time'

Despite the annoyance he felt. Siwon couldn't help but feel stupid. Kyuhyun wasn't doing anything to him. 'Nothing much. Just blew off her chance of having a chat with her buddy. You know Miss So'

Kyuhyun laughed and patted Siwon's shoulder in a comforting manner. 'That my friend is the biggest crime you could've committed. This girl over her swore never to remember her name and those chats are occasional and couldn't be help. Good luck with repaying her'

'Yeah. I'm starting to see the consequences of my action'. He said. 

In her tray were loads of food. Both of them, Siwon and Kyuhyun raised their brows at her. 'Are you sure you can finish that?'. Siwon said the question they both had out loud.

Sooyoung nodded her head, then turned to look at Kyuhyun. 'As if you wouldn't know'

Kyuhyun waved her off and began walking in the other direction. 'Oh I know all right. You eat like there's no tomorrow'

Siwon watched as the two of them continued talking. Their was something about the two that you couldn't break. There was this sense of who came in first. Kyuhyun obviously know her better. Whereas he was out being a jerk then having someone as a girlfriend and then treating her badly. Then came his transformation. He wished he could rewind time and have this girl beside him as her friend before. Before Kyuhyun. Then he wouldn't feel like someone who came in second. 

Sooyoung turned to look at him. 'Where do we eat?'

Siwon smiled and grabbed her food. 'Out'.

Although he felt a little jealous about Kyuhyun and Sooyoung's relationship. He couldn't help but smile that somehow there's also something between the two of them. Something she and Kyuhyun could never have.

And their place was one of them.


I'm finally having the hang of this story.. Is it getting interesting? Comment and tell me what you think.

dannwh  - well thank you for your comment. it feels like you're really anticipating the story.. thanks for the compliment by the way..

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Chapter 2: update soon please
Chapter 43: author-nim update jebal!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 43: Please update this Author nim ;)
Chapter 43: Please update this Author nim ;)
michelletheresia #5
Chapter 43: I love this story like really really love this story keep updating please^^
I have read this story once again. And I'm impressed. BTW, I love Tiffany here. She's the best character. :) Please, update soon.
TinkerGel #7
Chapter 42: Uhmm.. I'm a new reader. :)
And I really like this story.. Please update soon!
Chapter 43: HAHAHA! Poor Hyukkie XDDD

Thanks for continuing this btw! :)
shikshiin407 #9
Chapter 43: OMYGAAAAD! thanks for the update!
Chapter 43: Update soon! uPDAte Soon!! UPDATE SOON!!! :)))))))))