♪ PaRtY TiMe ♪

٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ Destination ٩(-̮̮̃•̃)۶

They left an airport and get in the taxi. Ana-Marya looked so excited while Lidiya looked calmed through the window. She was thrilled too but she never show it.

 *Ana pokes Lidiya* " Smile!! " 

Lidiya gave her a *death glance* and said " Don't poke me! "

Taxi stops in front of  hotel called "Skypark Hotel".



Situated in Seoul's Downtown - Namdaemun neighborhood, this hotel is close to Myeongdong Cathedral, Namdaemun, and Namsan Park (also nearby are Deoksugung Palace and Gyeongbok Palace).

"Wooo..it's huge!" Lidiya exclaimed
"I can't wait to see our room." Ana-Mariya said happily. "Hey, look.." *points with finger* "I can't belive that this hotel is right next to SPAO, OMO..."
*Lidiya looked and smiled* "Now shopping center is next to our hotel."
*Ana still checking the store* "Look Siwon's and Leeteuk's poster" *drools*
 "Ana stop with that and let's go to the hotel" *Lidiya grabed Ana-Mariya and drag her into hotel*

They check in and hurried up to elevator to 11th floor, room 73.

Their room

"When we come in PLEASE..please don't jump on the bed." Lidiya said, but she knew that Ana will do it anyway. Lidiya opened the door and just when they came in Ana-Mariya was on the bed jumping like lunatic.

"Woo-hoo...this is...great ... I'm..sorry...I...couldn't...resist..wihihih.." *she yelled while she was jumping*
Lidiya smiled, laugh a little and just muttered something.

Girls were very tired because of long trip so they decided to fresh up, eat something and then they lay to bed and talk a little.

"So what do you wanna do tomorrow?" Lidiya asked.
" SHOPPING of course " Ana-Mariya said with a smirk.
"And then we can go out ..to a disco club or something.. uuh I know what about karaoke??" * O.O *
"Naahh..Karaoke .. I don't think so..me and karaoke..a-aa .."said Ana-Mariya.
"Ok..How about that we go to a club and next time we go to drink and then... KARAOKE??? " Lidiya waited impatiently for an answer.

"Naah...Ok! Fine...At least I'll be drunk while doing it." Ana-Mariya said.

"Aww gamsahabmnida unnie*. Now let's go to sleep".
"Yeahh ..Tomorow is a new day ".

With these words girls are gone to the dreamland.


8:00 am 

alarm on Ana-Mariya's phone starts to ring 

*...~You're like a queen and beautiful
 I just can't live without you girl~
Cheoum botdeon geude
moseub kieok kaeyo...*

Girls opened their eyes and started to stretch in the bed.
 "Good morning unni~!" Lidiya said happily. 

"Morning dongsaeng*. Get dressed..We're going to shopping~~"
"Why to rush, mall is next to hotel, we still need to eat breakfast" Lidiya said while her tummy make noise.
*smile* "Right, then after breakfast to SHOPPING!~" 
-ahh this girl- Lidiya thought. "Okay, get dressed and we are going to eat, I'm hungry"

They dressed and went to breakfast

"WOW!~ this restaurant is pretty" Ana said with big smile on her face *_*
"Yes it is, now lets go find seat and go to eat" Lidiya said hungrily.



After a nice meal girls hurried up to SPAO
"I can't wait to buy something new. God I love that feeling. " said Lidiya with a bright smile.

She continued.. "It's not like I'm some kind of materialist... I just love to buy stuff"
"Yeah.. I now that feeling. It feels so good..kkkk.."  Ana-Marija answered. 

"1st and 2nd floor is ours" Ana said while looking at board time and where is Womans clothes.

 When they came in they saw a lot of SALE signs. Two girls stand there speechless. Like the time stoped in a minute. 

"Ok! You go that way, I'll go this way. Meet me in front of cashier. Good luck!" Lidiya said in a hurry and suddenly disappear in the hallways of clothes.
-Ok! I'm on my own.- Ana-Mariya tought and she started to look around to see what she could wear tonight.

-This shopping center is better than New Yorker mall. ohh and look all those clothes, it is no wonder that Super Junior are models for this.- Ana thought while looking at men clothes. 


-Why Am I looking at male part of mall, I should look something for me..-  *Ana turns around and went to womans part* "Now we are talking" She said aloud. -woops- *hit her head*


Lidiya saw Ana hit her head, and she thought what crazy friend she have. -I wonder what she will pick up or she will still hitting her head instead of buying- Lidiya thought and get back what she was doing.

Ana went to browse more clothes and she found something interesting.

She found shoes. -aww so cute, I think i will take one of those- 


40 minutes later

Girls meet at the cashier.
"So.. What did you found?" Lidya asked
"I was thinking... It would be a lot interesting and tense if we discover our clothes when we come to hotel and get ready to dance. " Ana said and started to dance rumba.

Lidiya poke her " Show me.." *poke* "Come on. "
" ..No ! "
" Come on"  *poke*
" .....No. "

"Ahhh fine!" Lidiya gives up.

They went to chasier to pay for clothes.
 "No peeking .. kkkk.. I don't want you to see what I am buying" said Ana-Mariya
"..Fine!" *mehrong*

When they bought what they want, they went back to hotel. They will spent a little time in hotel, choosing what to wear, take a bath, prepeare for big night at the DISCO CLUB.

Night is approaching so fast, while Ana is bathing and washing hair, Lidiya is waiting for her turn. She went to outdoor roof garden to smoke.

outdoor roof garden

-I don't know why I went to smoke, I didn't smoke for a while, It is better to quit forever- She thought and extinguished cigarette in ashtray. 

Lidiya went back in room. Ana-Mariya is still showering.
-Ahh so tippical- Lidiya tought


Ana finaly finished and Lidiya went into bathroom. Ana is drying her hair when she heard something. She turned off hairdryer and heard Lidiya singing.

*smile* -I love when she sings, she have such a nice voice- Ana thought and continued with drying

Lidiya finished and Ana went to choose which dress to wear tonight. Ana always choose her things to wear sooooo long while Lidiya is so quick. They are diffrent thats why they are best friends ^^  Lidiya finished and Ana was still looking which dress to wear.

"aha... I know what I will wear, THIS!" *shows to Lidiya*
"You finaly picked something!~" Lidiya giggled.

They finaly get dressed. Lidiya wear black short dress with red belt, red shoes, headband, red heart earrings, black purse and vampire necklace. She look so gorgeous almost like a y vampire.



And Ana-Mariya wears pink dress with light blue ribbon, light blue high heels, playboy necklace and purse, pink earrings, ring and metal headband. She look so cute like a candy.

They went out, called taxi and they went to famous disco club "Ellui"

In disco they danced and danced, when Lidiya became tired she went to the bar to order a drink, left Ana to dance alone. While Ana danced some handsome guy passed by her. -I thought that i see someone familiar.. Nahh.. Why would he be in here- Ana-Mariya thought and continued to dance. And minute passed and same guy passed by Ana again, she wanted to take a closer look but he escaped and again she continued with dancing. Lidiya is drinking some drink when same guy came to her, she looked at him and continued with drinking and when she looked another time she thought -Wooo..I got to stop drinking..Now i see things...-


"Excuse me, can I join you?" he asked.
"S..s.shure!~" she said with stuttering -ohh this can't be him.-

"May I buy you a drink? he asked again and smiled.
"No tnx..I already have one!" she smiled and pulled a big sip from the glass -this can't be real-.

Suddenly another guy came behind first guy.

"Ahh there you are" he said.
"You too!~" Lidiya said suprised.
"Sorry, did I interruped something?" he asked.
"No, you didn't" she said.
"Okay then, so are you a friend from that girl in pink?" he asked agian.
"Yes, why?"
"I watched her from a side and I don't know how to approach her" he said nervous.
"Oww, I see, should I call her?" she asked.
"No, its okay, she will come by herself when she will be tired, u don't mind if I join you? Ohh by the way, my name is..."



SPAO next to hotel

Lobby in Hotel

outdoor roof garden :)

small space decorated by Etude House that allows you to try on their nail polishes for free

*gamsahabmnida - thank you
unnie - Older sister (addressed by female)
dongsaeng - 
It is used to refer to one's younger sibling or a close friend that is younger than oneself.

Okay and 2nd chap is over with help of a friend 

sorry for grammar mistakes


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MaNa92 and Lidija993
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soon new chapter :)


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Chapter 12: You have finally update!!!

I was waiting so long for the update and know i am so happy for that. :)

I like this chapter too ^^
Chapter 11: Are you gonna update soon? :)
Chapter 11: This fanfics is so awesome.
Girls,u write so well. :D
And i am expecting new chapters soon. :)
Keep on with the good work girls. ^_^
Chapter 10: Donghae seems so cute when he is scared.
I am going to read the next chapter bcs i wanna find out his reaction when he stays alone in the alley so badly.
Chapter 9: This chapter is so funny especially the part with the mouse...lol
It really does look like poop kekeke
Chapter 8: I just love everything in this part. :)
Radioactive socks lmao
Chapter 7: This chapter is also very interesting. :)
I was reading it in one breath.
Mianhae for this but the part with brm-brm is so funny
Chapter 6: I love the idea that Mario Maurer is in this fanfic because he is so handsome and he fits perfectly in this chapter.
And i was laughing so much when Eunhyuk got drunk,that was the best part ever kekeke
Chapter 5: I cant stop on reading this now kekeke
Chapter 4: This fanfic gets more and more interesting by every next chapter. xD