Bangtan One shot collection


End less weirdness, Fluff, and Hip thurst = Bangtan boys. So I give you this fic filled with non-stop crazy cuteness, Stupidty, and so much more. 

I hope you guys will enjoy and be prepared for this role coster


Instagram: S.PMui_Design - we three run it and that is where you can ask Sakura aka YukiDSummer to make a graphic for you if you want to that is

Sakura aka YukiDSummer is the one who dose the all the Grahics and the Maknae of Pan and I. If you want a poster like this one you can ask her she makes Grahics for Free and takes any request as long as she you say it's from her on your story thingy than its alright with her.

Pan aka Red_Black_White is the one who come up with great ideas and get either shut down by Sakura or me if it doesn't appeal to us or we opprove and try it out. 

Me Sora Aka Heart_Chains is the Beautiful Aouthor with lots of dumb Brain cells 





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