just a little


My eyes opened to see the sun creeping onto the arm beside me. 


I sit up abruptly, trying to recall last night's events. My face goes bright red as I remember hands in places they shouldn't be and mouths saying words they shouldn't say. The man next to me groaned, opening his eyes weakly before shutting them once more and wrapping strong arms around me. I squeal, blushing intensely as I look up at the sleeping face next to me. Perfect jawline, beautifully shaped lips, semi-long eyelashes resting softly on the tips of his defined cheekbones. Nose a little big, but fitting his face perfectly and balancing his looks out. Hair in place despite the sleep, and body with such strong muscles that I couldn't help but internally moan at how they fit perfectly against my smaller frame. 

I close my eyes, wondering how I got in this situation, how gifted I was for being able to meet this beautiful man. Smiling, I let sleep overtake me once more.

I wake up to an empty bed and large fluffy blankets surrounding me. 


Kim Taehyung get your out of bed and send yourself to church because you need jeSUS 

My mind argues with my heart and I freeze, listening to both sides of the argument. 

"What are you doing?" a low scratchy voice sounds from the door. My eyes flit over to the entryway, staring at Jungkook leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed and biceps flexing. A smirk is sitting on his face, his eyes flitting with amusement. I swallow my saliva and scratch my neck. 

"Nothing..." I croak out, cringing at my nasty morning voice. His eyes go dark for a second before he stands up fully, bring his hands down from the cross they were in. I internally whine at the loss of bulging muscle. 

"Come down, we're having breakfast. Feel free to use any of my clothes if your heat is still bothering you." He flashes a genuine smile at me before turning around and heading down the hall. After making sure he was downstairs, I lowkey spasm in my- his bed and LOW LOW LOWKEY hyperventilate to how hot he looked when he smiled. 

I stood up, shivering at the lack of heat in the air surrounding the bed. I quickly move over to the closet, picking out a worn out hoodie and slipping into it, not bothering to find pants because whO EVEN WEARS LONG PANTS ANYMORE ITS ALL ABOUT THOSE SHORTS YUH YUH GANG GANG.

The sleeves go past my wrists but don't cover my hand, and the hem of the sweater going a little past my waist. I look into his full length mirror, fixing and playing with my hair to make it look somewhat presentable. Groaning in frustration, I just grab the hood of the hoodie and tucking it over my head, hiding the bird's nest in the back. Satisfied with my appearance, I walk out the door, almost bumping into someone. 

Bright orange hair meets my chin and I look down at the little carrot. I smile when I recognize the other omega, the one who was a little more than friendly with Yoongi yesterday. He smiles up at me but the happiness doesn't reach his eyes. 

"Why is everyone in this household so tall appart from Yoongi Hyungie..." He groans, ruffling his hair and pouting his chubby cheeks. I internally squealed at how much he looKED LIKE A MOCHI. 

"MOCHIIIIII!!!!!" I whisper-yell before grabbing him in my embrace and smiling. The boy in my arms stiffens before awkwardly looping his arms loosely around my back. 

After a while I start to feel his hands tapping intensely on my back. 

"I can't b-breathe-" he mumbles into my jacket. I quickly get off him, eyebrows furrowing in concern. I grab his cheeks and ask if he's okay. However I kind of get distracted and start squishing his cheeks before I'm laughing like an idiot and pulling his face in different directions, making his cheeks go red. 

"uhhhh... Who are you again?" the boy asks, hands falling to his side as he lets me do as I please. 

"Kim Taehyung! Nice to meet you!" I grin at him, still pulling and squeezing his cheeks. 

"I'm Park Jimin, nice to meet you too-" he says before getting interrupted by a coughing Jungkook. 

I look over to my ma-- Jungkook and smile at him, opening my mouth to apologize to him for taking so long before taking in his expression. His eyebrows are furrowed and his mouth is set into a firm line. His jaw is clenched, excentuating how sharp his jawline is. Although I can tell he's mad at something, I can't get over how hot he is when he's hot. My hands let go of Jimin before walking over to him and automatically grabbing his hand in my smaller ones and setting a concerned look on my face. 

"Are you okay?" I ask, eyebrows furrowing and my grin dropping down into a frown. His shoulders immediately relax at the contact but frustration was still evident on his face. He looks past me for 2 seconds before meeting my gaze again. 

"Breakfast is ready. Hurry up or else it will get cold." Jungkook grumbles, releasing his hand from mine and turning around to go back to the kitchen. I turn around to find a worried Jimin who looks as if he's going to break down. 

"Is he mad at me? Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry, please don't do anything to me." Jimin automatically starts trembling, his initial happiness completely gone. I open my mouth to comfort him but stop as I say green hair covered in a black hood rapidly approaching the bright haired boy. A small smile flits onto my face as I turn around and head to the kitchen. 

When I reach the room containing all the delicious food, I can sense the tension in the room. Despite Namjoon and Jin being super couple-y and feeding each other, Namjoon was eyeing Jungkook in the corner of his eye and Hoseok sat quietly, hands folded in his lap as he looks down at his untouched food. I frown in displeasure, eyes flitting over to Jungkook who was sitting firmly, jaw still slightly clenched, arms folded, and body slouched into his chair. The second I walked into the room, he turns his head to me and stares at me with determined and dark eyes. He looks behind me before returning to my eyes, face more relaxed than it was before. 

Call me crazy but is jeoN JUNGKOOK JEALOUS?!J JSd;afs

I smile smugly, eternally laughing at how possessive my Jungkook was. I walk towards the table and sit on the seat next to Hoseok, smiling at him and NamJin softly. 

Let's see how much fun I can have with this.. 


A/N: SObBING INTENseLEy becAUSE I'M BACK es!!!:@J IOJE:J Anyways, I really didn't want to be one of those authors who were on hiatus for like 5million years so I decided to try and update this. I know this chapter was , but one of my commenters requested for the beginning of Vmin friendship and a jealous kookie. My writing skills definitely got even worse from what they were before, but lets pretend that didn't happen ;-; i MISSED YOU GUYS SO MUCH AND IM SO GLAD IM BACK WRITING THIS STORY BUT I AM CURRENTLY WRITING WITH WRITERS BLOCK SO I DON'T KNOW WHAT I WANT TO DO WITH IT SO THE WRITING WILL DEFINTIELY BE MUUUUUCH WORSE BUT I'M TRYING MY HARDEST SORRY BBS. I will try to update really soon, hope you enjoyed this one. Even though it isn't very long, I'm trying really hard to make the chapters longer. MUCHO LOVEO!!! 


ADIOS MY BB HIPPOS <3 (okay jesus take me these r getting worse and worse jeeZ IM TRYING)

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 11: Tae is sneaky ^∆^
SugakookiesandTae102 #2
Chapter 11: Hi, I'm new to the website and read this. Was not disappointed for sure :) I rlly like this please update soon (。◕ ‿ ◕。)
cipoy15 #3
Chapter 11: Please update soon authornim..
Tara80 #4
Chapter 11: Update??
Chapter 11: LMAO tae xD
Nachtice #6
Chapter 11: OH MY GOD TAEHYUNG YOU LITTLE !!! Hehe jealous Jungkook <3 But seriously, those two need to talk.
I'm so glad to see this story updated authornim! :)
Kotone #7
Chapter 11: Ohhh jealous kookie is coming.(≧▽≦) Ty for d update
kulitlang08 #8
Chapter 11: ooohhh...jealous kookie is quite a a sight...:)

yoongi immediately on jimin's side....:)

namjin being couple-y...and hoseok tense...tae please stop teasing kookie...
Thithanh #9
Chapter 10: Maybe a jealous Kookie !^^ I would like to see Vmin friendship :D Fighting author, I really like your story !!;)