Chapter 6: Jealousy


Kris' POV

It has been a week since I met Yifei at the Snapshot cafe. After that, Amber was being her usual self but she was ignoring me these days. There must be something that was bothering her these days, but why didn't she talk to me? Was she mad? If it's true, then my life is doom! You know how scary she is when she's angry right? 

Right at that time, I saw her. Once again, she was doing her things, pretending not to see me, or more like pretended that I didn't exist. 

That's it! I gotta talk to her, right now!

''Amber!'' I called her, but she just looked at somewhere else and continued to go.

''Stop it! I'm talking you!'' I blocked her with my big body, lucky that I'm the tallest amongs my friends.

''Can you please get out of my way?'' Amber said with annoying eyes to me.

''No, not when you tell me the reason why are you acting like I didn't exist.'' I told her straightly.

''Then me what were you doing with that girl in the cafe?'' She looked at me in the eyes, making me shocked. She saw me with Yifei? 

''You know I have a big project these days, a co-operation with the famous SC Company. Of course I have to meet her, she's the famous general manager of that company.'' I started to explain.

''So she's the reason why we can't meet up when I just came, she's the famous general manager that you have to meet instead of me.'' That got me shocking, oh my freakin' useless mouth! Now she knew, probably she's gonna mad at me more.

''Look, it's just for works.''

''Works? Just for works? Works mean including her kissing you?'' She saw it too?

''H-how? How did you see it?'' I asked her in disbelief.

''Surprise right? I work at that cafe! If you want to kiss her on the lips then better find another cafe to do it!'' She angrily let it out then left.

I was there, dumbfounded.

The situation was worst than ever, I'll need some advices from my friends for sure.

Amber's POV

I left the house, I was mad. How could he do that? He thought I didn't see her kissed him on the cheek? What got me drowned in jealousy was Kris didn't push her off but instead he just smiled. So she was his partner for that stupid project, I hated to admit that she was so pretty. And if it wasn't because of that ''important

I wondered did she kiss him when they met each other last time?

Ugh, forget it! I needed someone to helped me released my stress, or at least forget about all of these things between Kris and that famous girl.

I decided to meet Victoria, Luna, Sulli and Krystal.





''WHAT?! HE'S THE SPECIAL GUY IN THE CAFE?! HOW DARE HE?!'' Krystal bursted out after what I told them.

''Calm down Krystal, I know you're angry but isn't Amber the one who should be angry instead? Plus, don't make us lost our hearing sense!'' Luna calmed the young girl down.

''Can you tell me what's her relationship with Kris?'' Victoria asked me.

''She's the general manager of the famous SC Company, and the Wu Company is having a project, more like an offer from SC. It's a great chance to rise up their popularity so Kris agreed to had a co-operation with her company which means they have to meet up to talked about it. So technically they're just partners or at least friends according to this. But still, I don't believe it. How can partners kissing each other like a real couple? I doubted him.'' I have to took a breath after speaking so much.

''You can't just accuse him cheating on you. Maybe his minor lust just rised up a bit, but you can't forgive him right away either.'' Sulli rubbed her chin.

''Aish! It's so complicated!'' Luna scratched her head.

''I swear if I see them again I'll torture them to death!'' Krystal fold her arms. Even though I was still mad at Kris but if Krystal see him she would kill him badly, he could never keep that handsome face anymore once he meet her. Also that girl too, she should be careful from now on.

''What should we do now? Punish him?'' Sulli looked at me worrily.

''Or you can leave for a week and come stay in my house for a few days, he'll regret it.'' Victoria also had her eyes on me.

''Thanks girls but... I don't think those are the best way to solve this. I'll find a solution to get this done myself.'' I stood up and walked away, they were so nice but I can't let them worried because of my bad term relationship with Kris right now. 

Kris' POV

I met Luhan, Tao, Lay, Chen, Xiumin, Suho, Kai, Baekhyun, Sehun and Kyungsoo. For somehow Chanyeol wasn't here, maybe he was busy with his business, he also owned a company like me anyway.

''So what's your problem that you have to called all of us here?'' Luhan asked me.

''Must be something serious!'' Suho looked straight to me.

''Must be about Amber noona, right?'' Said Kai, he could be my mind reader.


''Did you guys fight?'' Baekhyun asked me.

''Kind of...''

''Was she mad at you?'' Chen added.

''Yes, she was so mad at me.'' 

''What did you guys fight about?'' Lay started to eye me curiously.

''Well... She caught aYifei kissed me on the cheek at the cafe where she works...'' I looked away from them.

''Kris gege, how could you do that to noona? She must be really angry right now.'' Tao shook his head while chuckling, was he thinking I'm his son or what? Since when he started to act like a daddy?

''Did you explain anything to her?'' Xiumin spoke up.

''I said it was for works, but she didn't believe it.'' I answered him hopelessly.

''Of course hyung! How would Amber noona believe it if she saw her kissed you with her eyes? If you said it's just for works then she would even suspect you more, she could even accuse you hyung.'' Sehun looked at me desperately.

''You should just say sorry to her, maybe she'll be soften and forgive you. Then told her that she had kissed you before that.'' Kyungsoo stared at me with his big eyes.

''Easy for you to say, Kyungsoo. You think she would forgive me after I said Yifei had kissed me before that incident? No! She would go crazy for sure. You know how scary is it to face an angry Amber right?'' I scoffed.

''I know, but is there any other way to make her forgive you? No!'' Kyungsoo replied.

''Maybe you're right, Kyungsoo. I should be honest to her, this problem had been bothering not just her but me too much.''

''Good luck man.'' Luhan patted my shoulder.

''I'm sure noona will forgive you.'' Sehun smiled to me brightly.

''Thanks a lot, I'll go to her. Bye!'' I waved at them.

''BYE!'' They said out loud as they waved to me.

Amber's POV

I was walking sadly, the sky was getting darker, evening already?

The street lapms were , and drops of rain started to fall down.

I looked around, jealous of the happy couple where the men were helping their women to find somewhere to stand.

I felt so lonely passing by them.

I started to shivered, it was really cold. All the shops had closed the door, none of them were open so I had no place to stay for a while.

My coat wasn't warm enough to keep me warm in this freezing rain. 

I shivered as rain kept dropping on my head and my shoulders.

I tried to walk as fast as possible, my body was already soaking wet as the rain was getting heavier.

If only Kris was with me, maybe he would do the same thing like those men.

I was sad, so I cried.

Tears streamed down my eyes continuously, and it didn't stop as I continued walking through the thick rain.

I suddenly tripped over a stone. As I was going to fall down to hard ground, a pair of big arms caught my body perfectly.

''Are you okay?'' It was a familiar voice.

I lifted my head up, just to saw a very handsome face holding an umbrella.

''Ch-Chanyeol?'' What was he doing here?

''What are you doing here, in a cold weather like this?'' He asked me.

''N-nothing.'' I stammered.

''Why did you cry?'' He asked me, with a serious face.

''No reason.'' I realized that tears were still remaining, so I quickly wiped them away.

''You fought with Kris right? Because that girl kissed him?'' How did he know that?

''Did he told you?'' 

''No, the other told me. Kris met them.''

''Thanks Chanyeol but I'm okay-'' Before I could finish, he already hugged me.

''Cry as you want.''

So he understood me, I burried my face in his chest and cried.


Sorry for the long hiatus, school is about to start, so I'm gonna be busier than ever. If you guys like this chapter, please let me know. I want to see what do you think after reading this. Since school is starting soon, I wish you guys to study well and have more free time to read my fanfic hehe! Good luck with a new year (struggling with) school. Love you! <3

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Chapter 8: Well.... I need you to update more chapter now. Its a good story you know huhu
Chapter 8: Whooa, thank you so much for the update :)
BeepBeep1234 #3
I want to say thank you so much for all the one who supported me by reading my stories, left comments and voted for it even thought I don't often update
Chapter 7: I feel you. I do the same
Leonicograce #5
Chapter 7: Thanks for d update!
hyunimesay #6
Chapter 6: I like this chapter :)
I feel sorry for Amber :( But someone ran to the rescue!
I wonder what will be the future.. Please update soon :)
And figting for school!
Chapter 6: Don't cry Amber-baby T^T
Love this chapter...
Sina_neiyz #8
Chapter 6: I like this chapter.. wonder will chanyeol make his move on amber??.... thanks for the update
Chapter 5: I wanna cry and want to kill the girl T^T
Amber, stay strong!!
Anw, fighting! please update soon~~
LapisLegit #10
Chapter 4: I wanna cry....