First Day On The Job

My One And Truly Maid

Bohee was finally discharged from the hospital and thank god for it to happen because Bohee was growing tired and impatient of just having nothing to do, laying on a bed in a white room starring blankly at nothing. It's been several days since the incident and Bohee still kept in touch with her parents to make sure they wouldn't worry about her and call the cops to search for her. They were really happy to here she was okay and thathat she  finally founded a job to Mr. Lee's dismay. She claimed that she indeed founded a job but she had to hide the fact that although she had a job she hasn't actually started working since she got stabbed, but that was the main reason she GOT the job. Through those days Bohee was regularly visited by Mr.and Mrs. Byun. Bohee was truly greatful with the couple, they have helped her so much. Since Bohee lost the place where she was staying in the hotel the couple took the initiative of bringing all Bohee's belongings to the hospital. Now, Bohee had a place to work and stay since Mr. and Mrs. Byun decided to help Bohee by making her work for them as a maid for their son. They have notice Bohee was a very educated and respectful girl that they believed she was going to be a good example for their son, who on the contrary is a rebellious brat who likes nothing more than to go out and party and hook up with any girl he sees worthy for him. 


As fast as she packed her bags and left the hospital Bohee was finally standing in front of a bueatiful but very enormous mansion. Bohee was even more mesmerized by the beauty of the mansion then when she first saw the hotel she stayed in. To Bohee this was all just a dream, although she was going to work as a maid she thought she was in a fairy tale because not all work places are as beautiful as this one. Soon enough Mrs. Byun escorted Bohee inside the mansion to show her around to better know the place. Stepping inside, Bohee was shocked if she was surprised by the outside she was taken a back by the inside. How can this place be so beautiful or she should scratch that and say how can people be so filthy rich! Mrs. Byun chuckled upon seeing Bohee's reaction of the house.


"Do you like it?" Mrs. Byun asked with a smile on her face. Bohee turn to look at Mrs. Byun and nodded.

"Very much, it's such a beauty that I feel like in a fairy tale."

"Well I guess you can say that but remember this is the workplace, not a fairy tale." Mrs. Bun said with a sigh.

"Oh! Yes I'm very aware of that I won't disappoint you." Bohee said while bowing. Mrs. Byun chuckled at Bohee's reaction.

"Well enough chit chat, it's time to get to work! Okay so here are the things you must do in order to keep the job. Since my son is a careless brat and never really takes care of himself you must do all his meals. That means breakfast, lunch, and dinner and that includes snacks as well. You must also do his laundry and clean everywhere inside the house, not a single spot of dust must be seen. As for the garden you must water the plants and cut the weaves and maintain the pool clean as well. And I'm pretty sure that's about it and don't worry pay will be promising." Mrs. Byun said in one breath.

Bohee wasn't sure how to react to all the things she had to do by herself, but Bohee wasn't going to complain she was given the opportunity of a lifetime and she wasn't going to sit around and whine about it. 

"Oh and don't worry your not going to be doing this alone. Nana will help you she is Beakhyun's my sons nana from when he was a baby. She helped me take care of him when I was busy working. I sometimes even feel she is more of a mother to Beakyun than I am. But enought of that I must get going I have stuff to do."

"May I ask where are you going?" Bohee said nervously as she didn't want to stay by herself in a big house.

"Oh well I'm going home of course! my husband is soon getting out of work and I must be there by the time he arrives."

"Wait you're saying you don't live here?!" Bohee was a bit shocked 

"Oh I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you that my son only lives here, we decided that it was best for him to live to fend for himself, you know, to show him a life lesson." Bohee gulped at Mrs. Byun's remark.

"Oh?"Bohee gulped. Mrs. Byun saw the change in Bohee's reaction and she thought it was cute "don't worry you'll be fine besides you'll soon get to meet Nana and Mr. Jung which is Beakyun personal driver, you won't completely be alone. Oh and I must be really be getting old I almost forgot to tell you that your room is the only room located in the first floor of the house in there you'll see your uniform that you will have to wear at all times when working. And the rest of the rooms that are upstairs are guest rooms and the first one to the right is Beakhyun's so when you have to clean and do his laundry you'll know where it is." Mrs. Byun said while walking out into the front yard and waving goodbye to Bohee. Bohee waved back and finally closed the door and leaned on the closed door behind her while she blew her bangs away from her forhead.

She was all alone, all alone in a house that was all new to her. Bohee remembered Mrs. Byun stating that she had her own room. Bohee walked around the house till she finally saw the only room at the bottom floor. She opened the door to only reveal a room with a teen sized bed and a dressing table right in front of it. But what really cought Bohee's eyes was the piece of cloth set on top of the bed. She approached the piece of cloth only to be revealed that it was a dress, but not just any ordinary dress this was a maid's dress. Bohee scoffed as she was a bit surprise at the dressing standards. Bohee thought that the maid's dresses where only worn in movies but she guessed it also apply to the real life maids. 

Bohee's placed the dress back on the bed since it was late already and she wasn't going to use the dress today since the day was almost over. Bohee plopped herself on the bed and thought to herself what time was the son of both Mr. and Mrs. Byun coming home. She was curious of the type of person he was, so far all that she new was that his parents consider him being a brat. Which made Bohee a bit worried since she wouldn't know how to deal with him if he goes basurck on her. As the time passed Bohee gave up in waiting for Beakhyun to get to meet him, so she decided to head off to sleep. As soon as she was getting ready she heard the front door abruptly being open. Bohee was afraid that it might be an intruder coming in the house or it was Beakyun who might have just arrived, but the intended that she amlost experience didnt let her conscious be safe so she grabbed a broom held it high and close to her chest and walked straight to the front door.

The next thing she saw was two men walking in the door. One who seemed in his late 40's having difficulty holding a younger man around his early 20's who clearly wasn't in the right state of mind because he was clearly drunk. Once the man in the 40's saw a glimpse of Bohee he immediately shouted at her startling her in the process.

"Yah! Who are you? What are you doing in this property get out before I call the cops!"

"No wait! I'm Lee Bohee I'm the new maid Mr. and Mrs. Byun hired please don't call the cops I'm telling you the truth I swear!" The man wasn't sure if to believe Bohee's words but he had other things to worry about he had to take the drunken Beakhyun to his room so he can finally be done with worknand go home and rest.

"Fine! I won't call the cops but come and help me with him he's a bit heavy and im in no condition to be caring heavy things. And put that broom down we aren't assassin's!" Bohee nodded and shamelessly set the broom down and walked to Beakhyun and helped the man carry him upstairs. Once inside they put him on his bed, Mr. Jung came back from making a phone call and decided to leave.

"Well I just called Mr. Byun and I guess you are the new maid. Well I'll be off I have to go home to my family. Um make sure you clean him off before you go to bed he reeks of alcohol!" Mr. Jung said with a disgusted face.

"What?! Your leaving me here with him like this!?"

"Yeah, besides your gonna have to get use to it since he's always coming home like this. We'll good by kiddo I'm off, oh yeah and good luck!" Mr.Jung said shouting across the  room walking down the stairs. Bohee was dumbfounded she was now alone with a drunken Beakhyun. Bohee wondered what did she do to do to diserve such punishment. Mr.Jung was right Beakhyun reeked of alcohol and his clothes were all sweaty and smelly. Bohee felt bad to see Beakhyun in this state of mind that she decide to clean him up before she headed off to bed. Bohee soon came back with a towel and bowl of water,  she began to remove the sweat from his face and she couldn't help the fact to stop and smile and admire the features of his face. She couldn't help but to trace her fingers around his jawline all the the way to his chin and finally going up and touching his swollen lips. She smiled sweetly as he was sleeping like an angel sended from the heavens. Soon Bohee came to her senses after what she just process what she was thinking in her head.With that out of her mind Bohee began to remove Beakhyun's blazer and dress shirt with much difficulty, she soon had a full view of Beakyun torso and blushed bright red at the view of his nicely marked six pack. Trying to have a clear mind and having difficulty removing Beakhyun's shirt wasnt making this easy for Bohee especially now that he began to move in his sleep which made Bohee lose her grip and made her fall between the man and the bed. 

Bohee was shocked Byun Beakhyun was right on top of her his face was tucked in her neck. His heavy breathing made a tickling sensation on her neck making her blush bright red. Bohee didn't know what to do she had a man passed out on top of her she has never been this close to a man  before and to her misery he was to heavy to move. Bohee was doing everything in her power to move Beakhyun off her body, but curse her petite body as he wouldn't budge! But in the end Bohee soon gave up as tireness consumed her body and well she guess she wasn't going to make it to her own bed as she passed out and fell asleep.




Oh my bejesus how long has it been well sorry for the long wait, I hope you enjoy this chapter and omg Beakhyun finally appeared, although he didn't do much. XD but what's going to happen when he wakes up and sees Bohee next to him!?!? DUN DUN DUN!!! (⊙●⊙)

Well hope you like this chapter don't for get to comment and subscribe! (^•^)

-love y'all!!!♡♡♡♡



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Chapter 5: I can't wait for Baekhyun to show up<3
Please update fast
sirenei #2
Chapter 4: Awwww so cute!! I already ship her with Chen..... lets hope he doesn't get a broken heart... I almost forgot I was reading in the first place, it felt super real:) though if I was her j would've hugged Chen at the end, being my awkward self!!
sirenei #3
Chapter 3: YASSS I'm the first comment!!!! Great story btw and I love bohee and Chen and uhh I love this story!! Please update soon but don't pressure yourself!!! :]