
My One And Truly Maid

Lee Bohee gave the train worker her ticket before entering the train. Once inside she searched for the seat that that seemed the most appealing. When she founded her spot she settle her luggage on top of of a cabinet that is placed for the passengers to place there belongings. Once she had finished taking care of her luggage she sat on the seat next to to the window, Bohee wanted to see the scenery that was just outside the train. She wanted to see the lost world that she has never gotten to see because she has always stayed in one place, which was her hometown. Luckily there was a few passengers on the train so she got to enjoy her time alone with no one getting to sit right beside her. She actually wouldn't have mind if someone sat right beside her but what she had heard from family members of sharing a seat next to someone well. . .it ain't always pleasant. Bohee was truly excited for this trip since she has been longing for this for quit a while and she wanted to enjoy every bit of it. Not only was she admiring the beautiful landscape of the mountains on the countryside, but Bohee also took the time to admire the inside of the train since it was her fist time on a train. She looked around every corner of the train feeling the soft cushion beneath her and playing with the appliance just above her seat, turning the light on and off.


She kept looking around and began took take curiosity of the people on the train. She saw a mother trying to quite down her newborn child, a business man arguing with the person on the other line of the phone, and an old couple holding there hands as they were trying fall asleep. It was funny to her how different world's would come together in one place and have the same destination. 


Soon the honk of the train sounded off indicating that it was time to leave. Bohee has been ready for this moment forever! She made her self comfortable adjusting herself on her seat, soon the scenery outside became a blur on the window as the train soon picked up more speed. This made people difficult to enjoy the view outside there window but to Bohee she admire every bit of it. Bohee got her phone and plugged in her earphone to listen to some relaxing music, this made her admire the view even more. Soon her eyes felt drowsy, she lean her head for support and as she was about to close her eyes a voice caught her attention.


She turn her head only to be received by a smiling lady with a cart full of food. Bohee couldn't comprehend what the women was trying  to tell her so she took off her earphones to have a better understanding.


"I'm sorry can you repeat that?" Bohee said with a forgiving look, feeling a bit guilty for having the lady repeat herself.


The lady chuckle, "Its oaky I just asked if you would like to have a drink?"


"Um I'm sorry but I don't have any money." Bohee lied she did indeed had money but she didn't want to waist on things that didn't seem necessary at the time.


The attendance lady chuckled once again,"no its fine the drink is free, this is just hospitality from the train station."


Bohee made shaped as an "o". "Oh I didn't know, it's actually my first time on train." Bohee was a bit embarrassed of the situation she was in because of her lack of knowledge.


"Oh really, well the more reason why you should enjoy your time on the train and get yourslef a drink." The attendance lady said with a smile on her face.


"Well in that case, do you perhaps may have pink lemonade?"


"Well you are in luck one of the workers brought fresh lemons onto the train tnis morning in which we made lemonade." The lady said while pouring the drink on a cup and handling to it to Bohee.


Bohee gladly acceoted the drink and sipped the fresh cool drink down . The attendance lady bid her goddobyes to Bohee before she went ahead and asist the other passengers. Bohee took one last sip of her drink before settling it down on a cup holder next to her seat. Finally she had the chance to take the so awaited nap that she was so desiring. With that she leaned her head on the window before closing her eyes and falling to sleep.











After hours being placed in one place the train finally came to a stop signifying that Bohee has finally reached Seoul. Soon the passengers began to stand up and stretched there bodies since staying seated in one placed for longs hours was a bit unpleasant. Bohee immediately massaged her because that area of her body wasn't use to long hours of sitting in one place. Soon one by one people began to retrieve their bodies out of the train and when Bohee took a step out of the train she was welcomed with a brush of wind that passed through her pigtails. The sensation was wonderful.


Bohee began to walk with her suitcase rolling beside her. She was walking with no sense of direction, Bohee soon felt a bit claustrophobic since the train station was packed with people. She has never been exposed to so many people in her life. In her hometown everyone knew each other, that's how small her hometown was. Knowing she was a bit afraid she took a deep breath before making up her mind of what to do. She wasn't willing to quit right now since she did barely got here. Bohee needed to find a place to stay before she goes out searching for a job, but where would she stay?


Bohee thought maybe she could settle in a near by park. Was Bohee really willing to be homeless? Of course not! She did had a few won in her pocket to be able to stay in a hotel. But of course she would have to know where  and how to get there but with no sense of direction she was lost!


She finally came to tell conclusion that she needed to find an info booth since she knew that, that's the only place that can help her. soon as she started walking once again it must of seemed that God was answering her prayers because she founded the info booth she so needed.


She approach the info booth with a shinning smile on her face only to find a man speaking on the phone. The man soon gave her a sign for her to wait to finish his phone call. Bohee only nodded in response because she as well did not want to be rude and interrupt the man speaking on the phone. Soon the man bid his goodbyes to the the other person on the other line. He place the phone down before placing his full attention to Bohee giving her the sweetest smile which made Bohee blush. The man notice Bohee's reaction and chuckled a bit.


"So m'am tell me what can I help you with?" The man said smiling.


Bohee cleared and said,"Um well I'm new here and I'm completely lost and I have no sense of direction and I need somewhere to stay, like a hotel!" Bohee said with a beaming smile.


"Well how much are you willing to pay?"


"Um no more than 45,000 won." Bohee said with a shy face since she new that there wouldn't be any place that would be offering that low amount of money. But that's all Bohee could afford since she needs for food and other stuff.


The man checked in the computer and soon frowned, "I'm sorry to say this, but, all of the hotels at that price ranged are booked." The man said feeling bad for Bohee because he new the situation she was in.


"Oh okay I'll be leaving now"Bohee said with such disappointment, walking away with her head hanging down low. Now what was she going to do she couldn't go back home she had a week to find a job and she couldn't just give up now! It would be of such great disappointment if Bohee went back home now. Soon her chain of thoughts was cut when she heard a voice, actually more like a scream. 


"M'am, wait!!!" To her surprise it was the sweet man from the info booth. He was jogging up to her, once he finally reached her he tried to catch his breath.


"Hi" the man said trying to smile although he was a still a bit tired.


Bohee with a confused look responded back, "um hi, um, did I forget something or-?"


"No, no um well I just couldn't let you go without helping you, I'm mean if you would like I can help you book a hotel room for you?"the man said putting his hand on his nape being a bit embarrassed of his offer.


Bohee was speechless she didn't know what to say, she soon came back to her senses when the guy waved his hand right in front of her. She soon gave him the biggest smile and jumped and embraced him with a tight hug wrapping her arms around his neck.


"YES! OH MY GOSH YES! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!" Bohee beemed, the man was startled by her reaction but soon chuckle as he place his hands on her waist. Soon they both realized  the position they were in and instantly pulled their bodies apart.


"U-um sorry" the man said with a shy smile.


"I-it's okay, it's actually my fault for getting overly excited."Bohee said while giving him a shy chuckle.


Soon the atmosphere became a bit awkward both bodies looked away from each other, soon the man couldn't help the uncomfortable atmosphere so he held his hand out to present himself.


"Sorry I never got the chance to present myself, my name is Kim Jong-Dae but you can call me Chen."











There you have it the 3 chapter of my story,

Mystery guy was all along Chen, is he going to be important in the story? YUSSS!!!

Also I would have posted this like two days ago but unfortunately I didn't sve my work so yeah. . .

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Chapter 5: I can't wait for Baekhyun to show up<3
Please update fast
sirenei #2
Chapter 4: Awwww so cute!! I already ship her with Chen..... lets hope he doesn't get a broken heart... I almost forgot I was reading in the first place, it felt super real:) though if I was her j would've hugged Chen at the end, being my awkward self!!
sirenei #3
Chapter 3: YASSS I'm the first comment!!!! Great story btw and I love bohee and Chen and uhh I love this story!! Please update soon but don't pressure yourself!!! :]