A Helping Hand

My One And Truly Maid

Bohee beemed a smile as she reached for Chen's hand. Although she didn't know nothing at all about these mysterious guy named Chen, she felt that he can be trusted.


"Nice to meet you Chen my name is Lee Bohee." Bohee and Chen chuckled at their interaction of the way they just had presented themselves. Once they had their well mannered hand shake they went back to their awkward environment again. And once again Bohee being the shy one and Chen being the gentleman that he is he had to start the conversation once again.


"Soo right now as you can see I'm still working, but if you want me to I can book a hotel room for you. I'll just give you the address and call a taxI cab to pick you up so you won't get lost, does that sound good for you?" Chen said with a questioning look.


Although Bohee trusted Chen her concsious was still alert because she did just met the guy after all. But all her doubts would vanish away when he would show her his sweetest smile, it just gave her assurance that he wasn't a bad guy. So bohee went with her gut and trusted Chen.


"Yeah that sounds great and I promise you that when I get some money, paying you back will be my first priority!" Bohee smiled, Chen chuckled at Bohee's kindness.


"Don't worry there's really no need, just accept it as a welcoming present to Seoul from my part." Bohee was astounded by Chen's kindness that it made her wonder why of all people is she was the one that he chose to help.



"Chen may I ask you something, why of all people are you helping me? Not that I don't want it but it just makes me wonder." Bohee asked tilting her head to the side giving him a questioning look.


Chen was taken a back a bit by Bohee's sudden question and he came to the conclusion that he as well wasn't sure why he decided to help Bohee out, but then he came to realize that when she approached him with that smile that reflected her happiness, he thought it was the most beautiful smile that he has ever seen. It devastated him soon to see that smile vanish. He blamed himself for the disappearance of that smile that he just couldn't let Bohee leave just like that. But of course he wasn't going to tell her that and make her uncomfortable, so he came up with an excuse.


"U'm well, you reminded me of my little sister, yeah my little sister!" Chen said while rubbing his nape because he just lie to the innocent girl right in front of him. He used up a lie to cover up the truth and yes, Chen indeed did NOT have a little sister. In fact Chen was the only child in his family.


"Oh okay, well I guess?" Chen sighed in relief as Bohee didn't asked any further questions about his imaginary sister. So with that he asked Bohee to return to the info booth with him.


"Okay so you wouldnt mind going back to the info booth so I can book you a room, also because I don't want to get in trouble for leaving my station." Chen said a bit worried when he realized that he he'd left the booth without any supervision.


"Oh! Of course I wouldn't want you to get in trouble because of me!" Bohee said even more worried than Chen. Chen only chuckled at Bohee's reaction and all that his mind could think of was




"Well let's go, what are we waiting for!" Bohee said completely worried now knowing the truth. She immediately snatched Chen's hand and quickly walked him back to the info booth. While Bohee was concentrating in going back to the info booth Chen couldn't part his eyes away from his and Bohee's linked hands. Once they arrived at the booth Bohee immediately let go of Chen's hand. Chen frowned as the feeling of Bohee's and his hand parting away and in his mind he could only say,


It's cold


Soon Chen was caught off his chain of thoughts when Bohee's hand waved right in front of his face.


"Helloo! Earth to Chen!"


"Oh s-sorry I was day dreaming." Chen shyly said while Bohee chuckled.


Chen decided to walk back inside the info booth while Bohee patiently waited outside. Chen began the process of booking a hotel room for Bohee as well as getting a cab to pick her up and take her to the hotel. Soon Chen printed out a paper with the information that Bohee needed to be able to claim the hotel room and the address to gIive to the taxi driver to take her as well.


"Here you go, the room is booked and ready for you to use and the taxi driver isn't to far from here. You should wait for him at the edge of the sidewalk neare that tree so he can properly pick you up." Chen said pointing to the direction Bohee should be heading to. Before Bohee left she wanted to thank Chen for his generosity and great help.


"Chen, thanks for all the help, I'll be leaving now." Bohee bowed and began to walk away from the info booth. As Chen saw her back slowly moving forward he came to realize that he didn't want these to be that last time that he could be able to see Bohee. He wanted to know more about this girl that he just met this morning, so without realizing it he was already calling out her name.




Bohee immediately turn her head around only to see Chen waving his hand telling her to comeback. Without any hesitation Bohee walked back to the info booth.


"U'm is there something wrong?" Bohee asked confused


"Yes! I--I mean no! U'm ugh just take this." Chen said being a little frustrated by his stubbornness. Chen handed her a small piece of paper Bohee slowly open the piece of paper and it only happen to reveal numbers.


"Numbers?"Bohee said a bit confused 


"Yeah, it's my phone number, I'm giving it to you just in case you need a helping hand and if you're ever in trouble don't hesitate in calling because I'm pretty sure I'll answer." Chen said with an assuring smile. Bohee wanted to burst out and hug Chen, but the incident that happen earlier stopped her from doing so, so she just thanked him.


"Thanks and I will call you back if I ever need help, thanks for the help." Bohee smiled, with that she walked away and put the piece of paper inside her pocket. She finally reached the edge of the sidewalk and waited for the taxi cab next to the tree and as Chen had told her the cab arrived. Before going inside the taxi driver helped Bohee put her suitcase in the back of the trunk. Bohee turn around and saw Chen watching over her from the info booth. She waved her hand saying goodbye and Chen from afar waved back. Once inside the cab Bohee showed the paper that Chen had gave her with the address of the hotel to the taxi driver. Knowing where to go that cab began to move, Bohee settle back onto her seat and unknowingly she placed one of her hands inside her pocket only to reveal Chen's piece of paper with his phone number written on it.


Bohee soon took out her her phone and made Chen as one of her contacts on her contact list. Once on her phone Bohee couldn't help but to keep staring at the number, she soon did a high pitch sqeul of happiness that even the taxi driver had to use the rear view mirror to check if she was okay.


Bohee just couldn't help the fact that she had a boys number on her phone.






So there you have have it chapter 4

Please don't assassinate me for the story being slow, but I hope soon you'll love it. . . I hope.

Anyways sorry for any errors, mispelling, punctuation and what not :)

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Chapter 5: I can't wait for Baekhyun to show up<3
Please update fast
sirenei #2
Chapter 4: Awwww so cute!! I already ship her with Chen..... lets hope he doesn't get a broken heart... I almost forgot I was reading in the first place, it felt super real:) though if I was her j would've hugged Chen at the end, being my awkward self!!
sirenei #3
Chapter 3: YASSS I'm the first comment!!!! Great story btw and I love bohee and Chen and uhh I love this story!! Please update soon but don't pressure yourself!!! :]