(2min) Why Is It Always The Bad Boys

The Best of the Best ( Fanfic Recommendations)
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Title: Why Is It Always The Bad Boys

Author: AIMRWV

Length: 23 Chapters

Status: Completed

Rated M

Description: What will happen when innocent university student Choi Minho falls for tattoo artist Lee Taemin?

Notes: This story is super fantastic! I helped the author of this story a little bit by beta reading it and whatnot so it's kinda special to me. Like she says in the foreword there really aren't nearly enough tattoo au's out there and this is a really good one so you should check it out. Show it some love! hahaha ^^ <3

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thisloveisgoood #1
Chapter 33: You said omega. Is this a wolfau ?
thisloveisgoood #2
I would like to recommend you to read some of the stories from xoxonew . I really like their works .

here : https://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view_author_stories/1202287/L

The straight Guys : https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1177710/the-straight-guys-angst-drama-exo-kai-forbiddenlove-kyungsoo-kaisoo


Tale : https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1175863/the--tale-pwp-kai-kyungsoo-kaisoo

these are really good ,, and i hope that you'll enjoy these fics . Thanks and please leave a comment on the fics , it will really encourage the authors