

To Taekwoon, he’s wonderful.

“Jaehwan-ah,” Taekwoon calls, taking the headphones off his ears and hooking them around his neck.

“Yes?” comes the shout from outside.

“Can you come here for a moment?”

He hears Jaehwan grumble, but doesn’t react, only waits for the shuffling to finally reach the floor of his study.

Soon, there's a weight on his shoulder as Jaehwan rests his hand on it, leaning close to the screen as if reading the frequencies would help him figure out what kind of music Taekwoon is working on.

"Hyung, I have stuff to do, what's this all about?" he whines, frowning.

"Be quiet and sing this," Taekwoon says, shoving a creasy sheet of paper into his hand, unplugging his headphones.

"But this is the same thing we've been practicing for a week?" Jaehwan straightens up, cocking an eyebrow at Taekwoon.

"I know," Taekwoon nods. "I changed some parts of the music."

"And I'm supposed to adjust to them right away?" Jaehwan blinks at him incredulously. "Can't I just listen to it at least once before I start singing?"

"You'll be all right, Jaehwan-ah," Taekwoon pats Jaehwan's left forearm and clicks the play button.

Jaehwan takes a deep, worried breath, and sits down onto the chair next to Taekwoon's with the lyrics in his hands.

The song has been written for Jaehwan and Jaehwan only—Taekwoon wrote both the music and the lyrics with Jaehwan in mind, knowing no one could sing it as perfectly as Jaehwan would, not even himself. It's a ballad suitable for a husky voice like Jaehwan's, the clear parts accentuating his versatility, the high notes the sort only Jaehwan could execute. And as Taekwoon listens to Jaehwan move over the changed parts smoothly, with only his frown indicating he's noticed them, Taekwoon feels his heart swell with pride and affection.

Jaehwan has always been kind of like a little brother for him, someone he felt the need to protect and teach, even though Jaehwan has the natural skills Taekwoon lacks. Now, with Jaehwan sitting in front of him in a pair of panda patterned slippers, worn shorts and an old T-shirt, his hair tousled and the shadows under his eyes dark purple, singing beautifully with seemingly no effort, Taekwoon realizes that Jaehwan has always been the best singer he has heard in his life. It's not thanks to him and his brotherly guidance—it's thanks to a lot of hard work and Jaehwan's talent, but still, still, Taekwoon's chest constricts with the sudden rush of desire to hug Jaehwan and tell him how ing proud he is of him.


“Yes,” Taekwoon blinks a few, trying to comprehend that the music has stopped.

“I asked, how was it?”

Taekwoon glances at the screen, then back at Jaehwan, the emotions weighing down his heart as he reaches out to ruffle Jaehwan's hair, cupping his cheek afterwards.

“It was amazing, Jaehwan-ah,” he says, smiling. “Thank you.”

Jaehwan grins, bright and happy, and for a moment, he looks like he wants to throw himself into Taekwoon's arms, but then, he just puts the lyrics on the desk and stands up to leave the room.

Panda slippers, worn shorts, old T-shirt, tousled hair, shadows under his eyes, and Jaehwan is still as wonderful as ever.

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GavrieLagusty #1
Chapter 5: Just funished it in one go, bc why not?
When i read Hakyeon's and Taekwoon's i just can feel the brotherly love they're have for Jaehwan, but idk with Hongbin tho kkk
But Wonshik's and Sanghyuk's kinda angsty i guess, even if it soooo mild.. but i love Wonjae and Hyuken the most in this fic uhh my feels ;-;
Thankyou for this story ♥♥♥
KTsuki-chan #2
Chapter 5: Why are the last two chapters so sad, compared to the previous ones?? T-T
Chapter 5: <3 everyone loves jaehwannie <3