Ryeowook and Food: Facts #5 - #9

40 Facts About Ryeowook

5. He cooks when he’s upset. :( 

Sunday, 7: 56 pm

R: you like pie, right?

K: Sure, pie is good

R: raspberry?

K: Also good

R: actually, I think Hyukkie already called the raspberry

R: yeah, he did. How’s blueberry?

K: Good as well

R: wait

R: actually could you take apple cinnamon?

K: Ahra’s allergic to cinnamon

R: right, sorry. boysenberry?

K: So, I'm guessing the job interview didn't go well?

R: …look you want a pie or not?

K: On second thought, I will take that apple cinnamon. Ahra’s been hogging the TV remote lately and I need to watch Sherlock tomorrow.

R: I’m not going to give you pie to poison your sister with!

K: But you have so many D:


R: you’ll take the key lime and like it


6. If people don’t eat his food, he gets even more upset. :'(

Sunday, 2:14 am

R: Donghae said he didn’t want a pie do you think he’s mad at me?

R: Donghae always wants pie

R: Kyuhyun, why do you think Donghae didn’t want a pie?

K: Did he not want the apple cinnamon because Ahra still wants to watch The Bachelor during my Sherlock time



7. He likes to tell people about what he eats. 

Ryeowook started his food blog junior year before he and Kyuhyun started dating. On it he reviewed recipes, talked about foods he’d eaten, and reviewed restaurants every week. For whatever reason, he didn’t tell any of his friend about it.

Kyuhyun though—being the computer extraordinaire that he was—stumbled upon it anyways. He also found Ryeowook’s credit scores and elementary graduation photos.

For a while, Kyuhyun just read it for fun. Ryeowook demonstrating his excitement over certain foods and cutely ripping certain restaurants to shreds always brought a smile to his face. But shortly after they began going out together, Kyuhyun found he could use it to his advantage.

Not in really obvious ways of course: just a casual mention of how he would never take his boyfriend to that overrated new ice cream place or planning a date at this chic restaurant five months after Ryeowook gave their chicken parmesan a glowing review. For their one-month anniversary, Kyuhyun sent Ryeowook a Pinterest board of recipes including several of the ones his boyfriend had written about wanting to try. The way Ryeowook looked at him that day, Kyuhyun felt like the best boyfriend ever.

It was Valentine’s Day when he sought to certify the title (i.e. having Ryeowook be the one to say it).

On the blog, Ryeowook had recently raved about this cheesecake his mom had brought home from a business trip. Unfortunately, it was from a tiny bakery all the way in the city and was far too long a drive just for some regular dessert.

Not for Kyuhyun.

With the directions and bakery name from Ryeowook’s mom, the day before Valentine’s, Kyuhyun told his boyfriend he had family obligations and embarked his epic quest for the cheesecake.

Once he arrived though, he found the place had moved last month. After asking around for half an hour, he found a new address…only to get lost in some neighborhood with way too many identical buildings. He spent the rest of the afternoon running in circles, looking for this bakery so small, it didn’t even have its own website.

Finally, he found it tucked away between a church and a pub. Turns out, they altered their freaking name. The cheesecake cost 30 dollars but Kyuhyun was glad to pay anything at that point (plus, he tried a sample and damn, it was worth raving about).

The next day for their romantic dinner, Kyuhyun presented Ryeowook with the indescribable cheesecake he’d found while out with his family in the city.

When he took a bite, instead of looking thrilled or even happy, Ryeowook just looked stumped. He gave Kyuhyun a long, hard look…and burst into tears. He cried so hysterically Kyuhyun could hardly make out what he was saying except that Kyuhyun was “such a doofus” and “why didn’t you tell me you found my blog” and “I can’t believe you fell for that fake cheesecake review and ran all the way to the city and still somehow found one so delicious, you idiot,” and Kyuhyun could tell Ryeowook was angry but he was still letting Kyuhyun hold him so maybe he wasn’t going to be dumped on Valentine’s Day?

Eventually Ryeowook’s tears died down and he lied sniffling on Kyuhyun’s chest. Kyuhyun forked up another bite of cheesecake and started making whirring plane sounds.

“Open up,” he cooed, “The I’m-very-sorry-I-read-your-blog-without-telling-you-and-for-being-a-doofus-in-general plane needs a landing pad.”

Ryeowook chuckled weakly.

“You are the dumbest boyfriend ever.”

Kyuhyun smiled and fed Ryeowook the rest of the dessert. He considered that as a victory; after all, if you dropped the d-u-m, you’d have “best boyfriend ever.”


9. He likes strawberries dipped in chocolate, most types of ice cream, and more chocolate.

Ryeowook looked dejectedly at the droopy bag of sweets in his hands. It turns out, leaving your special chocolates in a hot mailbox all day while you went to the movies was not good for the solidity of the chocolates.

Kyuhyun stared at his friend, feeling especially guilty for dragging him out to the movies all day instead of waiting with him for his special package.

“We can still eat it, right Ryeong?” Kyuhyun said. “Just let it harden and then…chip off the pieces?”

Ryeowook heaved a sigh, and for a moment Kyuhyun thought the smaller might start crying, which would make him feel really, really bad, but instead, Ryeowook grabbed a pair of scissors and a bowl and cut open the bag. A rich sugary smell filled the kitchen. After he’d poured all the goopy chocolate out, Ryeowook started bringing out strawberries, pretzels, and ice cream from the fridge until his entire table was covered with snack foods

“Well,” he said to an incredulous Kyuhyun. “Are you going to help me or not?”

"But,” Kyuhyun asked, “what about your diet?"

"What about it?"

Needless to say, they spent the rest of the afternoon eating chocolate-covered junk food and painting each other’s faces with chocolate.


8. He’s afraid of chicken feet and cannot eat them.

Ryeowook didn’t want to move. Here in the intersection of the corn maze, he felt safe. Anywhere else and he had ninety percent chance of getting attacked by a chainsaw murderer. On cue, a burst of shrill screams floated into the night.

“Come on.” Kyuhyun prodded him. “Hyuk and Hae are gonna beat us to the exit!”

“Can we just take a quick breather?” Ryeowook pleaded. “I’m still trying to recover from the freaky Yoda.”

“That Yoda wasn’t even a jump scare.”

“His slow walking is what made him scary!”

Kyuhyun responded by grabbing Ryeowook by the elbow and dragging him down the path. If it weren’t the fish’s birthday, Ryeowook would’ve smacked Kyu. Hell, if it weren’t Donghae’s birthday, he would have never agreed to a haunted corn maze in the first place!

They’d endured scarecrows with axes, jump scares from the Underworld, and tents filled with strobe lights and floating baby heads. Even knowing the ghouls were legally obligated to not harm him, Ryeowook was terrified. (What if a real serial killer snuck in???) It didn’t help that Eunhyuk and Donghae split off early to, quote, “make things interesting.” Certainly, if Eunhyuk did finish first, Ryeowook would make sure to shove his five-dollar reward up someplace very “interesting.”

Every step they took, Ryeowook’s heart pounded, even when the path looked perfectly clear, and every time they turned a corner, it nearly exploded.

Another corner was coming up.

More screams filled the air.

Oh god, he was gonna die.

They turned.

It was a dead end.

“Oh man,” Kyuhyun groaned.

Ryeowook didn’t know whether to cry from relief or anger. Anger probably since this meant they would have to turn back and encounter the same terrors they’d already passed.

“Where did we go wrong?” Kyuhyun kicked the dirt in frustration.

“I don’t know, Kyu. Maybe we should stay put and figure it out.” Obviously, Ryeowook was not keen on going anywhere. He leaned against the corn wall and tried to catch his breath.

“Wook, did you hear something—”

Ryeowook screamed; ice cold claws just scratched him! And clung to his shirt! And OH GOD, it wasn’t letting go!

He leaped ten feet from the wall and shook himself wildly. The claw flew off and landed in dirt with a thunk but neither Ryeowook or Kyuhyun could have heard it because they were both screaming like freaking banshees.

“What the hell is that?!”

“I don’t know!” Ryeowook clawed at his neck where it had touched him.

“Oh god, it looks like some kind of decapitated lizard claw!”

“Why is it white?!”

“Oh god, it’s a vampire decapitated lizard claw!”

Kyuhyun was freaking out every bit as much as Ryeowook and for some reason that didn’t make him feel any better.

“Okay, okay,” Ryeowook took deep breaths. “Maybe, we should go back to the intersection and just find another path—”

Kyuhyun turned white.

Ryeowook whipped around. Another vampire lizard claw was prying open the corn maze wall. Only this one wasn’t decapitated.


A monster with dagger beak and white claw hands burst into the clearing and Ryeowook shrieked. He sprinted the other way but only barreled into Kyuhyun and they both fell into the dead end of the corn maze where they lie clinging to each other watching the creature with murder in its soulless eyes get closer.

Kyuhyun screamed.

Ryeowook screamed.

A bright light flashed.

Were they dead?

“Holy crap!” Eunhyuk ripped the chicken mask off his face. “You guys will get scared at anything!”

Donghae popped out from the corn stalks, snapped another photo with his Polaroid, vowingto submit it to the yearbook. Which he did.

And that was the story of why Ryeowook hated chicken feet.



A/N: What did you all think of this foodie chapter? It made me kind of hungry writing it. Actually, I was hungry before writing it. I'm always hungry. Thank you guys for all the comments and fun facts last chapter! (I'm sorry these ones are weird; it was the first things I thought of when I saw your facts)

Fact #5: Hanzo242

Fact #6: Hanzo242

Fact #9:leunah23 

All other facts have been added to the list (if it wasn't there already) so expect to see them promptly. 31 Ryeowook facts left! (so keep 'em coming!)

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Chapter 10: Aha, omg, the egg pun. X’D
That is honestly good, I applaud!
Seriously, these two are just plain geniuses when they work together! :D

[squeal] Ryeowook’s attentiveness towards Kyuhyun is so adorable! He’s good in multitasking, sure, but whenever it comes to Kyuhyun, his attention will be fully on the younger and it’s just so cute thinking about it! Ayeee, the sweetness that are Ryeowook and Kyuhyun!
Chapter 10: Kyuhyun has a hat ! (OAO) That’s so weird XD Ahaha, to read it is weird, but to say it out loud is even weirder, what even? :’D

I can’t imagine why he would want to ‘tidy’ Ryeowook’s hair every time he wears a snapback. Your hair is bound to get messy when you take off your hat, and then you ruffle it before putting it back on? Kyuhyun, you’re a terrible liar!

But the beanies though. C’X Aha, I can imagine Kyuhyun doing that. C: Acting like a cat and playing with the little ball on Ryeowook’s beanie, and just earning people’s weird glances.

However, the fedora though (OuO””) That is, um, interesting. (>v>) Whatever made him want to do THAT (maybe I do know why, or not-)
Chapter 10: LOL Daaaw, Kyuhyun and Ryeowook having couple days, it’s so cuteeee <3

I think the idea of Ryeowook making every day ‘couple day’ is kinda adorable and sweet. X’D I mean, it can be a bit impractical, but hey, as long as the two get to show their loves to each other, right? (OuO) Plus, Kyuhyun is fine with it, so it shouldn’t be too big of a problem. :D
Chapter 9: 31. Daaaw <3 Kyuhyun resting his chin on Ryeowook’s head is such an adorable scene to imagine! (QuQ) Asdfjkl ahhhh, the fluff is realll-

32. Omg X’D Kyuhyun, you should probably send that letter to Hello Counsellor or something, they can probably help you with this little problem you’re facing. :) And Ryeowook, control your obsession with giraffes, you might freak people out. X’D

33. For Kyuhyun, Ryeowook would do ANYTHING, and would even go against his own rules to do so. That’s just how much Ryeowook loves Kyuhyun. C’: Ahhh, these two, seriously!

34. LOL Whatever the story is. X’D Aha, noodle incident, we’ll probably never get to know what’s behind the ‘following 49’ story. :D Aye, too bad.

35. Daaaw, drunk!Ryeowook is so cute and silly, I love it! X3 And Ryeowook confessing his love to spinning, that’s so funny! X’DDD But of course, nothing could beat his love for Kyuhyun, anything but that. :)

36. YESSS, Kyuhyun isn’t topping anytime soon with Ryeowook. (^^) Ahaha CX
Chapter 8: Omg X’DDD Poor Kyuhyun, I wonder how is he going to swallow that chunk of banana. (.o.) And Ryeowook though. X’D I can’t even tell whether he’s acting savage or uncaring, or something else entirely. I mean, that banana has been there the whole time and he didn’t even eat one at all! And Kyuhyun just bit into one overly sweet banana and all Ryeowook could utter was a question on whether Kyuhyun wanted some ripe plantain. :’D Dude, Ryeowook, I think you’re not noticing how much difficulty Kyuhyun’s in at swallowing that banana chunk.
Chapter 7: 27. Ryeowook, this is not dodgeball. X’D This is a volleyball competition, you have to win this for your dorm! (OoO) But, don’t worry, if you lose the game faster, then you’ll be able to spend more time with your Kyukyu. :D Haha, and I can see which one you would rather prefer. C: Don’t worry, just hang on a little longer, I’m sure you’ll be able to survive it!

28. Ryeowook and his beautiful, fair, flawless skin. Kyuhyun must like it a lot. :D Hmmm, imagine everything he can do to Ryeong’s unblemished skin~ [shot]

29. Haha, when Kyuhyun almost pissed off Ryeowook because he had difficulty beating the boss on that level and he wasn’t willing to let his gamer boyfriend do the work because he wants to win it with his own hands. X’D It’s okay, Ryeong, Kyukyu loves you a lot and you know that, he will never abandon you if that’s the last thing he does. :) Though, Kyuhyun will more than likely have a hard time keeping awake the next morning. (^^)
Chapter 6: 24. That awkward moment when you’re supposed to be helping your friend in cooking but you just ended up being on the sidelines as you watch them cook. X’DDD I know that feel, bro, I know that feel. (QwQ) On the flip side, you get to learn how to cook too through watching! :D

25. Baby Ryeowook is so cute! <333 Haha, Kyuhyun and his logic, is it even logic? X’D LOL He makes no sense.

26. Dude, stop it with the angst. (T.T) Although, it’s kinda heart warming near the end, where Ryeowook would TRY to think that they could last, because honestly he really wished that this could last a lifetime or even ‘forever’. :’) Ahhh, I can only imagine.
Chapter 5: 21. Shut up, Kyuhyun, we know you like it nonetheless. (=w=) Just imagine Ryeowook doing the same thing, but only this time, in the safety of either one of your apartments, with nobody around to see, and only the bedroom to await you- [slapped] [bricked] [shot] Okay, I’m sorry, please don’t kill me! (QAQ)


23. Ryeowook is definitely pissed at Kyuhyun. X’DDD That picture is ugly, I won’t be surprised if Kyuhyun is found dead the next morning. (OwO) LOL RIP Cho Kyuhyun, here stood the man who pissed off his boyfriend by making him ride rollercoasters and stuff.
Chapter 4: 15. LOL X’D Daaaw, RIP Lee Sooman for accusing Ryeowook of bringing drugs. You’ll go down into history as the dean who offended a student and died from the wrath of said student. :’) Don’t worry, Sooman. Kyuhyun can understand your feelings.

16. Dude, that just turned dark real fast. 15 drabbles of fluffiness later and suddenly you’re kicking in some angst?? Dude, no, what?!! (OAO) Still, Ryeowook... (QnQ) Screw those companies that didn’t accept him, he’s a beautiful human being and if they can’t see past his appearance, then they don’t deserve him. Although it does mean a lot to Ryeowook, maybe he should try finding other companies. I’m sure there’ll be one that’s willing to accept him purely for his talent.

17. Awww, Ryeowook and Kyuhyun cramping under an umbrella, this is so cute. <3 Haha, lucky Kyuhyun that Ryeowook never brings umbrellas with him, or else he would never get these sort of chances. X’D

18. Omg XDDD Kyuhyun, we already moved past the point of writing with both hands man, concentrate on the topic here! :’D No wonder there was no reply from Kyuhyun for a while, he was busy trying to find the term. X’D

19. Oooh, prom! X’D (I honestly don’t know what to say here so I’ll just leave it at that-)

20. Hmm, I see that someone is thinking naughty~ (=w=) Haha, don’t worry, Kyuhyun. It’s hard to resist, I know.
Chapter 3: 10. Ryeowook finding hospitals scary and actually thinking Kyuhyun’s costume is valid is so adorable. X’D And then going on to explain to everyone why Kyuhyun is dressed like that to every owner’s of the houses they went trick or treating to. :’D Aha, daaaw, Kyuhyun knows Ryeowook so well, and Ryeowook is so sweet with Kyuhyun, my heart. <3

11. Hehehe~ (OwO) Ryeowook’s voice is just so mesmerising that Kyuhyun already lost track of what they were talking about. X’D Kyuhyun better not let Ryeowook know he wasn’t listening (although, I think Ryeowook already has a guess) lest he wants to have his eardrums bleeding from Ryeowook’s wrath and scolding (though knowing Ryeowook, he’s too nice for that man I mean come on).

12. Jealous Kyuhyun is so entertaining to watch. XD Hahaha, don’t worry, Kyukyu. Ryeong only likes you and you only, nothing to be jealous about~

13. Ryeowook’s cuteness can be the bane of anyone’s existence. No matter how unlucky he is, because of his cuteness, he can turn into the luckiest thing ever. Well, actually, come to think of it, the unluckiest people are the ones who gets tricked by Ryeowook’s cuteness (AKA Kyuhyun).

14. I was literally kicking my legs out for a few good whole minutes while reading this. :’) It is just so cute OMG asdfjkl <333 Especially the ending part, where Kyuhyun confessed to Ryeowook and all. [squeal] Best, ship, EVAH-