Chapter 1.5

The Choices We Make
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"Ugh! It's soo hot!" Bogum complained. "Can we stop for ice cream?"

"Ok but let's be quick about it" Jisoo agreed looking around. He was trying to see if anyone was following us. When School had ended Jisoo had panicked "what if they try to jump you on the way home!?" and so here we were walking home together.

"No."I pushed in "Don't be quick and get me mint chocolate chip. Jisoo calm down we got even with them, and it was just juice, it won't stain" I patted his back reassuringly.If looks could kill I'd be dead right now.

Bogum came back with the ice cream and we found a spot nearby to sit and eat. All through the small talk, I noticed Bogum getting more and more agitated he finished his ice cream first and proceeded to pester Jisoo and I to hurry up and get a move on. As Jisoo was also throwing furtive glances and stifling up on seeing any school students I obliged Bogum and we headed to the cafe.  Waving goodbye I went into the restaurant and saw uncle Taehwan prepping the days condiments and side dishes. So I grabbed a stool, sidled up next to him, and started to help. 

"Hello! Uncle" I said cheerfully.

" Eunha! How was school? guess what Eunhae did today!" and he started rattling on and on about Eunhae and how clever she was and how she spoke his name today. Once he started on her he rarely stopped. It had only been a few months since we had moved in with them but having never had kids himself uncle taehwan doted on Eunhae.

After giving birth to Eunhae I was given advice by my dad to stay with uncle taehwan and let him and auntie minsoo adopt Eunhae. I didn't stay at first, preferring instead to live on my own. After a year passed my dad made me realize that I couldn't do it on my own. Even then I still didn't let them adopt her.

"Speaking of Eunhae where is she?" I asked.

"She and your auntie went to the park" Uncle Taehwan replied happily. 

I felt a weird pang in my heart but I shrugged it off what harm could come from them spending time together?


Three weeks had passed since the juice incident and nothing had happened so today I decided to walk home by myself. Bogum had been acting awfully weird and completely unlike himself or what I had seen of him. The usually punctual, bright eyes bushy tailed lad had been replaced with a late, haggard, sick looking man. Jisoo was no worse for wear but I wanted to be alone my dad had spoken to me the night before he left and I wasn't happy with what he had to say. 

"What are you going to support him financially? Or bring him here to create some drama-like happy family?" 

"No nothing like that I'm not sure yet but maybe send him to the states to be with his uncle?"

suffice to say it didn't end on a high note.

"Excuse me!" some guy said I carried on walking, they could be calling anyone.

"Excuse me you dropped your wallet!" he came and ta

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Chapter 3: You didn't finish that last sentence in Chapter 1.3!! Hope you feel better :)
Tiramiss-u #2
Chapter 1: First part hope you guys like it first time writer :-)