Date = with sister?

Unforgivable Love

It may be called a date but Kenji-kun didn't tell me what's the purpose of asking me out. Well, maybe he just want to hang out with me more.

I won't give any meaning to this first until I'm sure of the reason.



"Hah! Today's very hot, ne? But it's good to see there's still a lot of people even if the weather's hot." I said.

"Yeah. I agree on that." Upon saying, I saw Kenji-kun's sweat falling from his neck.

"Use this. Your sweat is falling. You might get sick if you don't dry up yourself." I offered him my handkerchief. He got it and began wiping his sweat.

"Thanks!" He thanked me.


After a few minutes of resting, we decided to take a walk again. While walking, someone called Kenji-kun's name.

"Ah! It's just you. What are you doing here?" Kenji-kun asked the girl.

"I went shopping with my friends. And you? On a date with that girl?" Hana looked at me from head to toe.

I just bowed my head so that our eyes won't meet each other. I know she doesn't like me from the first time

we meet each other.


"Ne, nii-chan. Let's watch a movie!" Hana asked her brother.

"Can't you see? I'm with Satsuki-san. If we're going to watch, then she should join us too."

"Eh? why does she have too come?"

"Hana, I know you have 3 tickets there. Sorry, I overheard your conversation with Mai-chan last night and she said she can't come, right? You're the one who's offering to watch a movie."

"Ok fine! Satsuki, come with us."


I can't do anything but accept it. But still Hana is mad at me.

At the movie house, she kept on staring at me.

"Satsuki-san, daijobu? Is something wrong?" Kenji-kun asked me.

"N-no-nothing. I'm f-fine. So, don't worry Kenji-kun.



Time really gone fast and it's time for us to go home. After the movie, Hana-chan went to the grocery.

While Kenji-kun accompanied me home.


"Satsuki-san, I'm really happy for this day. Thank you for going with me. And I want to apologize for what my sister said to you."

"'s nothing..Don't worry about it. Maybe she just doesn't feel comfortable with me." I replied.

Kenji-kun stared at me for a minute then he broke it by saying, "I'm looking forward to see you again. This time, my sister won't be there."

Then we both laughed. And then we separated ways and went home.

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Haha. This is nice >.< It sounds alot like my story O.O LOL. Can't wait to read the next one.
:) sweet~
good luck!