
Unforgivable Love

The next day when I arrived at school, I heard some student saying there will be no class in the afternoon.

I asked why there's no class. They just looked at me and then ran away. I tried to ask the other studnets

but they still did the same thing. Until I met a friend of mine, I asked her what's going on. She told me,

"Kenji-kun and Natsu-kun will have a game later in the afternoon. It was decided just this morning that

there will be no class." Huh? Why would the teachers agree on this? Is this game really important? I thought

to myself.


Everywhere I go, students are kept on talking about the game this afternoon. I heard one student asking her other friend

that what's the reason they're going to have this game. And why is it so sudden? I realized not only me doesn't have

any idea about this game. Others doesn't even mind about it. Others are excited about it. What about me? What am I

supposed to do? How am I going to react about this? Those questions went inside my head. Later on, I met another

friend of mine in the corridor. He's also a friend of Natsu. I asked him about the game again. He laughed so hard and

said, "Haha! Are you really sure you don't know about this game? Well, looks like they're fighting for something through

that game." Then he left me with a question in my face.


Lunch time when everyone shouted for excitement. Groups were formed because of the game. Group of girls were into

Kenji-kun. Other one is for Natsu. They were cheering for them. Other girls made banners and flaglets. While me, I was

just inside our classroom and studying for a test on the following day.


I fell asleep when my best friend woke me up. "Satsuki, wake up! Come on now! Or else we'll be late for the game!"

She pulled me until we reached the tennis court. I still felt dizzy because I wasn't able to sleep last night.



"Welcome everyone! We know all you were surprised about this game happening in a while. Okay, direct to the point.

Who will win between Kenji-kun and Natsu-kun? Our school's famous boys." Sensei began the intro. Students began shouting

and cheering really loud for Kenji and Natsu's names. "Oh! Our players are already here and they're ready to start the game. Kenji-kun,

any words for Natsu-kun?"



"I won't lose against you!"

Everyone cheered again.

"What about you, Natsu-kun? Any words for Kenji-kun?"


"Haha! You gotta kidding me! Everyone knows I will win and I will have her."


"Woah! This game's not gonna be easy, isn't it? And who's this girl they're talking about? Well, we'll know soon.

Let's not take this long and let's start the game!"

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Haha. This is nice >.< It sounds alot like my story O.O LOL. Can't wait to read the next one.
:) sweet~
good luck!