What does he do?

'Forced' Marriage!?
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Sorry for the little late update. Well, I hope you enjoy it. P.S. just look how big I made the chapter to cover up for the late update. Liked my surprise?

Words: 51xx


Kyuhyun closed his eyes, ready to get shot and maybe feel the pain but nothing happened. Instead he felt something heavy on him. He opened his eyes and saw Junseo on him. He lifted him and was terrified. His clothes had blood. Kyuhyun looked at Juseo and saw that Junseo was shot, right in his chest, near the heart. He looked up to see who had shot him and was dumb-struck. The man in front of him had cold eyes, really cold as if there was a snow storm in there. But there was a smirk on his face. A smirk of victory. Finally, when Kyuhyun's voice dared to come out, he could only say one word "S-Siwon?"

The man who had shot Junseo was Siwon. Siwon still had the gun in his hand. He was standing in the same position he had shot Junseo. Siwon smirked more "Those who try to hurt my family are as good as dead." He walked towards Kyuhyun. He pushed the limp body of Junseo and held Kyuhyun's hands. "Come." He walked towards his motor cycle which was in the place where he had shot Junseo from. 

"What about him?" Kyuhyun asked.

"That can be taken care of later." Siwon said, his voice sounding so cold that Kyuhyun actually shivered.

"Then, what about my car?" 

Without another word, Siwon got on the motor cycle and told Kyuhyun to sit back. On their way home, none of them talked a word. Kyuhyun sensed Siwon was in no mood to talk right now so he restrained himself from asking questions. I'll just wait till we get home. Soon, they reached the Zhou house. Kyuhyun got off and Siwon went to park his motor cycle. Kyuhyun waited for Siwon to come to the door. They got in together.

"Kyuhyun!" Kyuhyun was surprised to hear Nainai's voice boom in the hall. Nainai walked towards him and hugged him tight. "Are you okay?" She sounded really worried.

Kyuhyun looked around and saw that there was an expression of relief on everyone's face. He smiled slightly, as if telling them that he's fine.

Nainai pulled back "I was so shocked when Siwon suddenly dashed out saying that your life was in danger. I thought something bad might happen! But, now you're back, safe and sound."

"How... did you all know about that?" Kyuhyun asked, confused.

"Siwon got a call that you're going to be attacked. As soon as he got the call, he rushed out." Baba said.

Kyuhyun looked at Siwon but Siwon had turned his face away. Zhou Mi came and pulled Kyuhyun into an embrace "I'm sorry."

Siwon looked at them. He knew they loved each other and Zhou Mi being worried was obvious but the small pang of pain he felt in his chest, he couldn't explain it. He didn't understand it.

"I'm sorry for leaving you in the office. I'm sorry for not defending you in the office today. I'm sorry for behaving cold with you. I'm really sorry. Just due to my anger, I behaved really bad with you. I'm sorry." Zhou Mi embraced Kyuhyun even tighter.

Ma coughed, making Zhou Mi pull back "Zhou Mi, I think Kyuhyun must be tired. So let him rest. Okay? And Kyuhyun, go and have some rest. I'll send something for you to eat."

Kyuhyun nods and goes upstairs. Baba looks at Sungmin "Sungmin, did you find out who the call came from?"

"No, Baba. The phone number's location is really protected. I'm not able to locate it yet." Sungmin said.

"You don't have to locate it. I know who had called me." Siwon said coldly.

"You do?" Sungmin asked, surprised. "Were you able to find them?"

"I don't need to find him. I know his voice very well. Baba... it's the Kwons. They're the one who did this. That guy, Junseo... I've seen him with the Kwons before. And that confirmed my suspicion."

Baba sighed "Those Kwons... they really like to mess with you, don't they? Siwon... don't do anything this time. Don't give them a counter attack. That is only going to make things worse. I want you to quit that."

"Baba... if I don't stop them, they'll just get more arrogant!" Siwon shouted.

Hyukjae said "Siwon, we really need to cut all contacts and deals with them. It's just too dangerous. We're rivals, both on the surface and the inside. We need to stop the inside wars. It'll just get dangerous for us. Didn't you see what they did with Kyuhyun? He joined the family just the other day and now, he was attacked. This can't keep going on."

Siwon sighed "I don't know. I just want to stop all this. I can't let any of you take care of these things. I'm already experienced in this and it's okay if I continue it."

Finally Zhou Mi spoke "Siwon, don't do it. You remember how we were attacked the same way 3 years ago, right? We had just returned from China and then were attacked by them. Please. Just ignore it. I don't want Kyuhyun's life in danger again."

Siwon rubbed his forehead, frustrated. He didn't like all of them stopping from doing what he wanted but he knew it was for everyone's good.

The Kwons were crazy people. In the businesses, they're right after Zhous and due to this, there has always been these kind of incidents. Everyone in the Zhous was at least attacked once by the Kwons. Their enmity has been going on since ages and now, the Zhous have stopped but that wasn't the case with Kwons. The attack on Kyuhyun was the proof. 

"Siwon... Sungmin, Hyukjae and I will take care of it the other way. So, don't meddle in this case." Baba said.

"Fine. I won't. I'm not going meddle in this case. Happy?" Siwon frowned and went upstairs. Why won't they let me take care of this?!

"Baba, was that the right thing? Are you sure Siwon isn't going to do anything about this?" Hyukjae asked.

"I hope he doesn't. The way he used to handle this was okay then, not now." Baba sighed.


Kyuhyun gets inside the room, confused with what he had just heard. He had heard the entire conversation from upstairs. The Kwons? I've heard of them. So, they're the one behind the attack? The rivalry must be really on a different level. And what's with this surface and inside? And the way Siwon handles them? What was that? These questions are killing me. 

Kyuhyun loosens his tie and sits on the bed. And what was with Siwon's expressions when he shot Junseo? They were so scary! I literally shivered in fear seeing his cold expressions. He has the aura of a gangster, then... seriously, what are you Siwon?

Just then, Siwon enters. He looks at Kyuhyun "You're not resting?"

"I don't want to. And... Thank you for saving my life."

Siwon smiled a bit "It was my duty."

Duty? How? Kyuhyun sighed "There are questions in my mind which are killing me. I need answers. And I want you to give me the answers. Now."

Siwon frowns "What if I say I don't want to? Will you not ask them?"

Kyuhyun sighed "I'll ask them anyway. So, first, how did you know I was going to be attacked?"

Siwon rolled his eyes "Didn't you hear what Nainai and Baba said? I got a call that you were going to be attacked and I luckily happened to find you just in time to save you. You have a problem with that?"

Kyuhyun shook his head."Nothing like that. Thank you again for saving my life. I owe you. Now second, how were you able to shoot Junseo like that? I mean, the way he was shot was completely on the professional level. Did you learn shooting?"

"I don't find it important to answer your question. Anyway, I did learn shooting and that's all I'm going to say."

"Okay. I won't pester you on that. Actually, I heard the conversation downstairs..."

"I know." Siwon sighed "And I'm sure you want to ask more about that, don't you?"

Kyuhyun nodded "Yes. Why would the Kwons attack me?"

"Because you're the newest member of the Zhous and you're especially connected to me."

"What do you mean by that?" Kyuhyun frowned.

"You know, the marriage and all. Did you announce in your office about it?" Siwon asked.

"I didn't. It accidently slipped out of my mouth while I was talking to you on the phone." Kyuhyun averted his gaze.

"Well, thanks to that, you were attacked. I got to know that Junseo was a spy from the Kwons set in the channel. No wonder they attacked you so soon."

"Oh... And what was with that thing? The way you handle these situations. How do you handle them?"

Siwon scowled "I don't have to tell you that."

Kyuhyun frowned. He wanted to know more about it but he knew he wouldn't get the answers from Siwon right now. He decided to take out the answers from others. He sighed and looked at his feet.

Siwon said "Kyuhyun, I think you need to meet a psychiatrist."

Kyuhyun lifted his head and glared at him "And why do you think so?"

"Aren't you taking this forced marriage thing too calmly? You're not even a little bit freaked out about it."

Kyuhyun scoffed "So, what do you want me to do? Sit in a corner and cry ?or be like a little scared puppy and hide? If you're expecting that, I'm sorry but you won't get what you want. I'm not going to do anything like that. I'm not going to be freaked out. I'm going to handle this as calmly as possible."

Siwon sighed "You're not worried that Zhou Mi will find someone else?"

Kyuhyun shook his head "I'm not. I know he loves me and I love him too. I know I told you this morning that I don't know what I'll do after 3 months but I'm sure that after 3 months, I'll be back with Zhou Mi and be happy. So, don't break your head thinking about why I'm not affected by the little stunt pulled by you."

"Whatever." Siwon took out his clothes from the closet and went to the bathroom to change. Kyuhyun lied on the bed, still in his work clothes. He covered his eyes with his arm. After sometime, the bathroom door opened.

"You're going to stay like that?" Siwon asked, seeing Kyuhyun sleeping in his work clothes.

"Yeah. Any problem?"

"No. Anyway, it's time for dinner. Let's go." Siwon walked out of the door. Kyuhyun got up and as he was about to get off the bed, Hyukjae entered, with his gummy smile on his face and a tray in his hand.

"Where do you think you're going? You're having you're dinner here. Come on." Hyukjae ushered Kyuhyun to the sofa and placed the tray on the table in front of it. "Here. Have it and don't leave a bit."

"I'm not really hungry." Kyuhyun stated.

"I'm not listening to any excuses. Eat it or else I'll start feeding it to you."

"You don't have to. I'll eat by myself." Kyuhyun started eating and even before he realized, the plate was empty. Not a morsel was left. Was I really that hungry? Kyuhyun questioned himself.

"And someone told me that he was not hungry!" Hyukjae teased. "Kyuhyun, have some rest. You might have been shocked with what happened today, aren't you?"

Kyuhyun rolled his eyes "Do you think I'm that weak? Nope. I could accept a forced marriage so this attack was really nothing. Don't worry about it."

"Really? Hmm. Anyway, sleep. Don't sit around playing games all night." Hyukjae ruffled Kyuhyun's hair and walked out with the empty tray. Kyuhyun pouted then smiled. Hyukjae was one of the few people who knew Kyuhyun's never-dying love for games. Hyukjae had even accompanied him while

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Hikaru96 #2
Chapter 36: I hope you will finis this one. I love it
someday1965 #3
Chapter 36: Take some time off and enjoy life maybe your muse will return. I will sadly miss wonkyu fanfics seems like everybody is leaving SJ fanfics lately and I am not saying this to make you feel bad, please don't its just a fact. But whatever you do please don't delete your stories I would like to read them over and over again. Good luck!! My many thanks for writing masterpieces. Au revoir.
Cynthiagrace #4
Chapter 36: Pls just keep on fire, even u don't hv spirit for write now, i hope someday ur spirit to write will back. N i will wait for that patiently. I love your story, i can wait how many times u need. So don't worry anything. Nado saranghae
Chapter 36: It must be very sad for your followers, after so many months and years, you say you have no interest or time to finish your Fincs, read comments from people who still think you will finish your Fincs and sad. I think your lock in writing should be the fact that you have to finish Fincs with Super Junior members, try writing about BTS, Jikook or other Shipper, who knows you unlock or your creativity has returned and you are ashamed to tell the truth.
Lokikitten #6
Chapter 35: Congrats ...i love this story so far ...so i hope you can handle the problems ..why dont you make a little baby for wonkyu ....
Chapter 35: I just wanted to wish you a happy new year, and i really miss this story so i wish you will overcome your writing block soon ^^.
Chapter 35: Ask your questions in the reply!! I hope you guys ask a lot of questions ^^
kyuwonfan #9
Chapter 34: waiting for ur update.....i love ur story
Chapter 34: why would she burn her own proof of pregnancy ?i didn't get it...
poor zhoumi but i still want him to suffer for losing kyu...^^!
thanks for the update been missing this fic lately