
I kissed a Girl

Hello my lovely subscribers , its been a long time since I have updated or even gotten in this website and I know I need to continue this story and finish it but ever since my Anxiety and Depression became stronger since last year. Im afriad I has lost interest in every day things even to what I most love kpop and writting fanfics but its been a hard time for me every day. some days I dont even want to get out of bed because of my depression or do anything and wanting to end my life . to make things worst I have been having anger issues and change in my attitude and emotions along with it. I hold everything to myself. I did get help last year and told Phychologist about my intense emotions/attitude and she looked at me and said "You don't have bipolar disorder". not bothered to have something done to see if its true. she just told me I was "Spoiled" and all I needed was a slap. I got so mad and stop going. My Counselor knew about this and asked me some questions. turns out I have "Borderline Personality Disorder". I was glad I knew what I had but sadly I need a Phychologist to Diagnosis me and get medication but that didnt happen. no one knows and If I do go back I know my family wont believe me. they already  make fun of my depression/Anxiety and my Anxiety and panick attacks. 

this are some stuff that has been going on since last year. I know not all of you will read this or even care but I just needed to get this out and I hate talking about myself but I know I need to update but no motivation I have had to write any of my stories and I try but i can't. 

I won't  be sure when I will update but I hope I do and make you guys like the chapter. I feel so guilty leaving you guys a long time without any fics but i will one day 

Im deeply sorry for just making you guys think im going to update but its a note but i will update one day.  I know Im late but Merry Chrismas or if you dont celebrate it (like me) hope you guys had a nice week. Happy new year guys 

Love you all <3


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Dani-xdanger #1
Chapter 2: Take care, author. Hope you will be better.
Chapter 2: Health is the top priority
so take your time as much as you want to feel better
Chapter 3: Hope you feel better soon :)
Chapter 2: it is interesting. do updates when you are free.
sefexclusibo #5
Chapter 1: Please keep this going, author. Also, can you make the font size a little bit bigger? :)
neo2this #6
updates please.... seems interesting..