
Repello Muggletum

mingyu stared at the sky, day dreaming about whatever he was thinking about currently. trying to ignore the gaze that was burning holes into him, wonwoo had been staring at him since physics class started, his sight not leaving mingyu once. mingyu let a groan past his lips, turning to glare at wonwoo. '' yah, stop staring. i know i'm hot, but i'd rather not a muggle stare at me. " mingyu had vowed to himself to never fall in love with a muggle, nor to befriend one as well. his hatred for muggles is much worst than his hatred for carrots, and mingyu hated carrots. 

wonwoo emitted a soft chuckle, continuing to stare at the latter with interest. not paying a single hint of attention in class, he got good grades in physics anyways. mingyu could feel wonwoo's vision were not leaving him, he turned to look at him again, flicking wonwoo's forehead, letting out a soft huff, " pay attention. stop staring, god damn it. '' the boy whined, rubbing his now red forehead, jutting out his lower lip into a pout before turning around to face the board, paying attention /not/ to the teacher as he occassionally poking mingyu's sides, purposely trying to annoy the guts out of him. 

* tick tock tick tock tick tock * mingyu stared at the clock ticking, there was 5 more minutes untill class was over, finally. he just had to go over a minute, 5 times, it wouldn't be that bad, he hoped. sadly, during the last 5 minutes, wonwoo was starting to annoy him by touching him all over, and mingyu did not like it a single bit. he hated it when people touched him, especially if it was muggles. the younger swatted wonwoo's hands away, not forgetting to apply a bit of strength in the slap, causing the other to wince at the stinging pain. wonwoo's lower lip jutted out into a slight pout, rubbing his now-red forehand. " yah- there was no need to use violence, meanie. " mingyu stuck his tongue out at him jokingly, flicking him the middle finger, hoping that the teacher wouldn't notice him. 


- - - - 

the sound of the bell ringing rang through mingyu's ears, he shoved all his books into his bag before rushing out of the classroom, not caring if the teacher wasn't done with her lesson. he went to the cafeteria, setting his bag down at a random table before going over to pick up some food. he sat back down, placing his tray onto the table as he started to eat his food. 

students were starting to flood the cafeteria, mingyu sat quietly at the table, munching on the food. the seat beside him soon was occupied by no other than wonwoo. mingyu let out a groan, picking his tray up, moving to another table which were occupied by a bunch of wizards. finally, no muggles. he placed his tray down, wanting to sit down only to be stopped by someone pushing him away. " scram, this seat is taken. " mingyu snickered, picking his tray again as he returned to his original seat " tch- rude, you could've just said that instead of pushing me away. "

it was wonwoo's turn to snicker, he stared at mingyu, a smile tugging on the corner of his lips " so, finally felt how it was like to be pushed away mhm? i know i'm annoying and stuff- but you're just so interesting, and not to mention, cute. " mingyu's face flushed a bright shade of pink upon hearing the compliment, he stuffed his face with food, trying to hide the fact that he was, indeed flustered. " shut up- i'm not cute, i'm manly, okay? " wonwoo let a soft chuckle slip past his lips as he reached over, ruffling mingyu's neat hair only to be greeted with a loud whine. " yaaah- hands off the hair, " mingyu grumbled softly, cursing his breath as he tried to fix his hair back to it's original style.


- - - - 


a/n : sorry i haven't updated in a long while, i didn't have any inspiration and kept getting uninspired. this chapter took me a week to finish, otl. and its short too- i'm so sorry, i'll update a longer one tomorrow ! 



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Marilynsvt #1
Chapter 1: It's awesome. But it's actually 'repello muggletum'
Chapter 4: I'm so excited for the next chapter!
I'm curious what is going to happen, when is Mingyu going to accept Wonwoo? I guess I'll read it soon (:
Muknip #3
Chapter 1: lol it doesn't really matter, but isn't wonwoo pale and mingyu tan?? I like your story btw, I think this Harry Potter AU is cute >.<
Chapter 3: Haha Wonwoo trying to annoy Mingyu is the cutest thing ever XD
feeng95 #5
Chapter 3: Is chapter 2 missing or...??
Chapter 1: Waaaaa i'm do looking forward to this. I'm a Harry Potter fan and having a Harry Potterau with ur OTP in it is greeeat!
Chapter 1: interesting, looking forward for more. and Wonwoo should have left Mingyu lol UNGRATEFUL PIECE OF HOTNESS