
Repello Muggletum

mingyu growled softly, he could not believe that he had been sharing a cabin with a muggle. A FREAKIN' MUGGLE. he messed up his hair, letting out a sigh of frustration before making his way to the principal's office. he knocked on the door, pushing it open once he heard the principal shout a soft 'come in'. mingyu bowed deeply, showing respect to the elder. " kim mingyu, 2nd year wizard here. i've transfered as a new student for this semester, i guess? " the principal emitted a low chuckle before gesturing the boy to come closer, handing him a piece of paper, which mingyu assumed was the class schedule and a room card with the words ' 137 ' written in golden letters at the corner of the card. mingyu thanked the principal before excusing himself, making his way to the school's grand hall for the semester's first roll call. 

there were groups of students chattering away in their own group of friends, it seemed like mingyu was the only one without friends. being the new kid, wasn't what it seemed like in movies. it wasn't fun at all, students won't swoon over your ridiculously good looks and of course, you wouldn't be in the center of attention. instead, it was dull, boring and most importantly, lonely. the students were interrupted by the loud voice coming from the speakers at each of the corners of the hallway " good day to all of our precious students, welcome back to school after a two month break! now, if you please would sort each other according to your kind to make it easier for us to sort you guys to your own respective classes. witches, wizards please head to the left side of the hallway, whilst muggles move to the right. we will be sorting you guys to your classes as soon as possible, thank you. and have a great day. '' the sound of chattering soon resumed, but the voices had decreased slightly due to the fact that they were splitting up into two groups. 

mingyu tugged his luggage along behind him, making his way to the left side of the room as he was instructed to. he let out a sigh of relief as he had gotten a bit further apart from the muggles. the group of witches and wizards were soon approached by an old looking woman with a ridiculous witch hat on her head, which he assumed was the vice principal of the witches and wizards. the vice principal, which was revealed to be ms. tanya. she explained the basic rules of the school, which were the basics, no magic using on muggles and stuff like that. of course, mingyu paid zero attention to whatever she was saying, he instead was looking around the hallway, admiring the interior decoration and the small details that were carved into the pillars. 

mrs. tanya started to sort out the students to their classes according to their age, intelligent and courses. mingyu was assigned to be in class 2- A, which was supposedly a class with muggles as well. well, his day couldn't get any worser than this. mingyu groaned, sulking slightly with a slight pout hanging on his lips before making his way to his dorm room as they were given a three hour break before the first class officially started. he asked directions from random wizards and witches before finally finding his dorm room. he placed his card onto the scanner, only to end up with the scanner made a loud beeping sound. mingyu quirked an eyebrow, scratching his nape in confusion. wasn't his room 137? he was sure it was, but why didn't the door open up. mingyu tried again, but to no avail. he gritted his teeth, re-scanning his card over and over again but i just won't open. he threw his card onto the floor out of frustration before plopping onto the floor, whining as he glared at the door, hoping that it would magically open up if he glared hard enough. 

as mingyu was glaring at the door, a soft chuckle was heard from behind him, soon followed by a soft ' cute '. mingyu turned to look at whoever said that, wanting to oppose before realizing that it was the muggle that shared a cabin with him from earlier. " yah- stupid muggle, what're you looking at? scram away and go to wherever you're going instead. " he growled, raising his fist as he pretended that he was going to hit him. " woah, chill there kid. this is my room, i should be asking you why are you sulking in front of my dorm room? " 

mingyu stared at the latter in horror, standing up immediately. " wait, don't tell me that i'm going to room with a stupid muggle? oh my ing god- this might just be the worst day of my life. " 



- - - - 

a / n ; i'll have to end the chapter short today, it's hard to type with your fingers bandaged up, istg 

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Marilynsvt #1
Chapter 1: It's awesome. But it's actually 'repello muggletum'
Chapter 4: I'm so excited for the next chapter!
I'm curious what is going to happen, when is Mingyu going to accept Wonwoo? I guess I'll read it soon (:
Muknip #3
Chapter 1: lol it doesn't really matter, but isn't wonwoo pale and mingyu tan?? I like your story btw, I think this Harry Potter AU is cute >.<
Chapter 3: Haha Wonwoo trying to annoy Mingyu is the cutest thing ever XD
feeng95 #5
Chapter 3: Is chapter 2 missing or...??
Chapter 1: Waaaaa i'm do looking forward to this. I'm a Harry Potter fan and having a Harry Potterau with ur OTP in it is greeeat!
Chapter 1: interesting, looking forward for more. and Wonwoo should have left Mingyu lol UNGRATEFUL PIECE OF HOTNESS