
Repello Muggletum

a groan of annoyance escaped from mingyu's lips. " mom, please don't send me to a school full of those disgusting muggles. " he pleaded, lacing his fingers together as he stared at his mother with the best puppy eyes he could muster. jennifer, also known as mingyu's mother was a full blood witch graduate from the infamous hogwarts turned away from the stove to stare at mingyu, her eyes filled with no emotion. " please, kim mingyu. muggles are not disgusting, apart from your so-called father of course. " mingyu's father was a muggle, he had fallen in love with his mother whilst she was working in the muggles department of the ministry of magic. he had married jennifer, never suspecting that she was a witch at all. once he found out, he went crazy and trashed things around, filing out a divorce. ' wizards and witches, they disgust me. what disgusts me the most is that i married one and even had a child with one! ' were the last words that the muggle parent spat out towards the poor mother with a 5 year old mingyu beside her, looking very confused.

mingyu's own father was the cause of his utter disgust and hatred towards muggles. now, his mother wanted to send him to a muggle and wizardry school away at seoul, mainland of korea. he had to leave his precious hometown in anyang and go to a city full of muggles? that was his most feared nightmare, that would come true in less than a week. " i am sending you to that school, whether you enjoy it or not. and you are not allowed to use a single spell that could cause harm to the muggles, understood? " the 18 year old grumbled softly, forcing himself to nod once before excusing himself from the kitchen as he made his way to his room. he jumped onto his bed, inhaling his own scent. he sure would miss his bed during his time at the said school that his mother would be sending him to. he buried his head into his pillow, soon drowzing off into a deep slumber. 

- - - - 

it was finally the day that mingyu had dreaded. he pulled his luggage along with him lazily, making his way into the express with an emotionless face, not forgetting to say bye to his dear mother, of course. he looked around for an empty cabin at the back of the express, avoiding any muggles at all cost. he set his luggage beside him as he plopped down, leaning back against the comfy leather seat with his earphones plugged in his ear. he rested his chin on his palm, staring blankly at the now raining sky. damn, it just had to rain while he was moody? great, just great. he groaned, turning his sight away from the sky, instead he had closed his eyes, hoping that he would fall asleep so that the time would pass by quickly. unknowingly, mingyu's head drooped off to the side, saliva drooling down his chin. he had fallen asleep with music blaring loudly and in quite an uncomfortable position as well. 

the door of the cabin that the boy was in was slid open by a boy with black hair and round eye glasses that seemed like mingyu's age. he pulled his luggage in along with him, humming a random tune out of pure happiness. he finally escaped that loud household and could spend time alone without his parents' constant nagging about him being too busy burying his nose in books. the boy with glasses tried to stiffle a laugh upon seeing the ridiculous sight that was infront of him. he placed his luggage beside the seat before squating infront of the sleeping boy carefully, trying not to wake him up. 

he observed the boy's appearance, he had long eyelashes, tan skin as well as a bit of pink tainting his cheeks. the boy could definitely be described using one word, cute. he looked for the boy's nametag, hopefully it would help him get to know the cute boy's name. something gold hanging at the edge of his pocket caught the boy's attention. it was his nametag, he glanced at it, a small smile tugged on his lips. " kim mingyu, huh? " mingyu's name rolled of his tongue easily, it was surely a name suitable for the cute boy. 

- - - - 

" students that are heading to anteiku academy and institute, you have arrived at your destination. you have approximately thirty minutes to get off if you want to have a short break out of the express. " the boy shut his book, shoving it inside his luggage before zipping it up, he grabbed his luggage, placing it's wheels back to it's own feet before stretching. it was a long ride for sure, and mingyu had not even woke up the slight bit. damn, he was a deep sleeper. the boy emited a soft chuckle, comtemplating if he should wake the sleeping boy up, or should he just leave him to miss his station. of course, he wasn't that mean to do something that cruel so he approached mingyu again, shaking his shoulders gently. " wake up, we're here." but to no avail. mingyu was still sleeping like a dead log. the boy let out a sigh of exasperation before shaking the boy again, a bit harsher than earlier. " yah, wake up or the train will leave you and you'll be forced to get off at beauxbatons. " well, that certainly worked on the boy. in a split second after those words left the boy's lips, mingyu's eyes fluttered open, glaring at whoever had disrupted his beauty sleep. only to find out that he had been sharing a cabin with a muggle. mingyu's face scrunched up in disgust, immediately pushing the muggle away, causing him to fall on his . mingyu stood up, taking his luggage with him as he exited the cabin with an annoyed expression hanging on his face. " hm, that guy's interesting, not to mention cute. i've got my eyes on you, kim mingyu. " 

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Marilynsvt #1
Chapter 1: It's awesome. But it's actually 'repello muggletum'
Chapter 4: I'm so excited for the next chapter!
I'm curious what is going to happen, when is Mingyu going to accept Wonwoo? I guess I'll read it soon (:
Muknip #3
Chapter 1: lol it doesn't really matter, but isn't wonwoo pale and mingyu tan?? I like your story btw, I think this Harry Potter AU is cute >.<
Chapter 3: Haha Wonwoo trying to annoy Mingyu is the cutest thing ever XD
feeng95 #5
Chapter 3: Is chapter 2 missing or...??
Chapter 1: Waaaaa i'm do looking forward to this. I'm a Harry Potter fan and having a Harry Potterau with ur OTP in it is greeeat!
Chapter 1: interesting, looking forward for more. and Wonwoo should have left Mingyu lol UNGRATEFUL PIECE OF HOTNESS