
Repello Muggletum

the boy could only let out a chuckle upon seeing mingyu's reaction. he leaned against the wall, crossing his arms with his luggage standing still beside him. " come on, it's not THAT bad to be rooming with a muggle, am i right? plus, we'll have the time of our lives if you room with me. just saying. " mingyu stared at the boy in disbelieve, letting a scoff escape past his lips. he stood infront of the boy, noticing that the latter was a few inches shorter than him. " look here, i'd rather die than room with you stupid, disgusting muggles. are you clear, mister... " his eyes trailed down to meet the boy's nametag " jeon wonwoo, that's a nice name you've got there. now, can you hurry up and open up this door, i need to unpack. " he added. 

the boy that goes by the name wonwoo nodded briefly, pushing past mingyu as he scanned his card, immediately unlocking the door as he pushed it open, revealing a spacious room with one side of the room full of wonwoo's pictures. " narcissist much, tsk. " the brunnette haired boy muttered, rolling his eyes before making his way into the room, pushing aside the shorter as he placed his luggage on the right side of the room, which was undecorated. " you're not allowed to cross over to this side of this room, got it? " wonwoo could only nod in obedience before going over to his side of the room, starting to unpack his belongings. 


- - - - 

a loud buzz startled mingyu, causing him to wake up from his two hour nap. he yawned, stretching himself before turning to take a brief glance at the other side of the room,only to notice that it was empty. he looked at the time, noticing that there were only 5 minutes left until the school bell would ring. he immediately grabbed his robe, draping it over his body as he grabbed his pile of books, rushing out the door. not caring if his hair was messy or if there was saliva still drooping down his chin. 

he took a look at his schedule, he had charms class first. great, he didn't need to have classes with muggles for the first period. he rushed to the charms' classroom, pushing the door open,only to get stares by his classmates and teachers. he bowed, apologizing to the teacher for being late before excusing himself, sitting at the back of the class. he placed his bag onto his desk, plopping onto the chair. although charms was a wizardry class, he wasn't one to pay attention nor like it. charms was one of his weakest subjects, he opened his textbook, scanning his eyes over the text. he grabbed his wand, chanting a random spell that came onto his mind. " wingardium leviosah " he chanted, flicking his wand at a pen in front of him. the pen didn't move a bit, he groaned,chanting the spell over and over again but to no avail. " it leviosar, not leviosah. idiot, " he heard a snicker from behind him, mingyu turned to look back at him. he glared at the slightly chubby guy, raising his fist at him. " shut up- i know what i'm doing, okay. mind your own buisness. " mingyu retorted before turning to look back in front, re-trying the spell but replacing 'leviosah' to ' leviosar '. the pen suddenly flew it the air, shocking the brunnette haired boy, causing him to flick the pen up front, hitting the teacher in the head. " kim mingyu, detention after school. " the teacher, mrs sugg turned as she gave him a small glare. 

mingyu groaned, burying his face inside his arms as he cursed under his breath, it was his first day and he already got detention. how much worst can his day get? probably a thousand times worst since his next class would be physics, which meant that he would be having classes with the muggles as well. oh how badly he prayed that his roommate, aka wonwoo would not be in his class. 

- - - - 

the bell rang, signalling that charms class was now over. mingyu silently cheered, but then groaned after remembering that it was physics class. he shoved his charms book into his bag before making his way to his physics classroom. he peeked his head into the classroom, he was the first to arrive. god bless that he had a few more minutes alone before muggles would start pilling up the classroom. he chose the seat beside the window, at the back of the classroom. since that was where all main character of mangas sat right? and well, to mingyu, he was the main character of his own life, which was not entirely false. he rested his chin on his palm, staring out at the sky as he thought of random things like, did unicorns exist, would humans cease to exist if there were no monkeys. 

his train of thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a chair being pulled back beside him. he turned to stare at whoever would be his seatmate for the year, he groaned, picking up his bag as he moved to the seat in front of him. there was no way that he was going to be seated with wonwoo again, no ing way. he is already roommates with him, nope just nope. a soft chuckle escaped past wonwoo's lips as he moved in front as well, wonwoo wanted to be seated beside mingyu as he found the taller interesting, and not to mention, quite cute.  mingyu just grumbled, flicking the finger up at the muggle before turning to ignore wonwoo. 


- - - - 

a/n ; i'm not infires enough to write more- my brain's caught on fire due to thinking too much and also watching my friend dance crazily- tosh, if you're reading this. you dance very funnily :33 


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Marilynsvt #1
Chapter 1: It's awesome. But it's actually 'repello muggletum'
Chapter 4: I'm so excited for the next chapter!
I'm curious what is going to happen, when is Mingyu going to accept Wonwoo? I guess I'll read it soon (:
Muknip #3
Chapter 1: lol it doesn't really matter, but isn't wonwoo pale and mingyu tan?? I like your story btw, I think this Harry Potter AU is cute >.<
Chapter 3: Haha Wonwoo trying to annoy Mingyu is the cutest thing ever XD
feeng95 #5
Chapter 3: Is chapter 2 missing or...??
Chapter 1: Waaaaa i'm do looking forward to this. I'm a Harry Potter fan and having a Harry Potterau with ur OTP in it is greeeat!
Chapter 1: interesting, looking forward for more. and Wonwoo should have left Mingyu lol UNGRATEFUL PIECE OF HOTNESS