chapter 1

The Story of The Fallen

“hyuk you must be kidding me! the fallen is someone dangerous.” Sungmin said while he followed his best friend walking around the building to gather all hid things.

“sungmin he hasn’t kill anyone, and he’s the only way for me to win the promotion, you know i want to be editor-in-chief, I need money.” hyukjae said grabbing his bag and making his way towards the exit of the building.

“can you just tell me how will you start? I mean, the police are useless. Yo don’t even have a lead. “

“can you just keep you pessimism to yourself? I have my ways.” Hyukjae ride on the waiting taxi cab ignoring sungmin’s ramblings.


“kyuhyun!” hyukjae run towards the tall guy in police uniform. “I heard there’s another attack, you got information for me?”

“no, not a single for you.” kyuhyun replied, his hands on his waist. “why are you so nagging? I told you to find another piece. Just forget about then fallen.”

“but kyu, you know that the story of the fallen is my biggest shot to get the promotion.”

“i know it’s a good story but hyuk you’ve been following this story for half year,  you could have get a promotion if you just give your chief another story, you’re a good writer. C’mon just let this case go.”

“NO! you said it yourself, I spent six ing years, today is not the time to give up. You know my number, contact me if you got information for me." hyukjae said storming out of the police station leaving kyuhyun shaking his head in disbelief.

Hyukjae is a news reporter of korea’s top newspaper company, he was on top of his colleagues. He’s a candidate for promotion since the position for editor-in-chief is currently vacant. He chooses the case of the fallen since he got intrigued with the statements of the victims, how are they supposed to say that the man is an angel if he robs them? Hyukjae knows that the fallen is someone interesting, he was so dedicated that he fails to realize that the position is offered to him whatever the story he would pass since the owner and the previous chief is already giving it to him.

Hyukjae is someone who is hard-working, he’s dedicated, he won’t take anything that he didn’t work for, he’s pride is so high he won’t let anyone step on it, that’s why it’s been six months and he’s still persistent with the case he is currently handling. He’s principle is “what I want is what I get.” And he’ll make sure he’ll discover the man behind the fallen and he’ll write his story.

The fallen is criminal, he’s been wanted by the law since late of last year. The first report about him is by a woman of 28 years old. It was almost midnight and it’s raining when a guy block her way and asks for the belongings, the girl scared and shaking gave her bag. She was crying, pleading to spare her life just then after getting all her money the guy walked away.

Days later, another 2 attacks were reported. Same situation midnight, in a not so crowded alley, came the guy and ask for the lady’s bag, the lady is on her way to the hospital, the money she got is for the hospital bills of her son. the police ask what are the things that the guy took from her and she burst out crying, the guy took none of her stuffs, the other girl who’s attack was asked as well, same with the first victim only her money was taken, her other stuffs such as her phone and credit cards are still with her.

In the polices point of view, the suspect just won’t make pure sense, why take only the money? he’s a criminal, why spare a lady whose son is in the hospital? Criminals are heartless, just then the old lady spoke, “may be he’s just a fallen angel?” and the police just shook their head.

Several attacks were reported after that, all females, midnight and mostly when it’s raining. There are no reported harms to the victims though, no bruises, no cuts, just shock from the experience.


It was nearly 12 midnight when hyukjae decided to go home, he calls it a day once it came to him it so late and he still has to report for work tomorrow. And just his luck, while waiting for a taxi it rained, he look inside his bag for his umbrella while running to the nearest waiting shed just then a guy just his height came in front of him blocking his way. He stops and opens his umbrella before facing the man, “hey! The rain is getting heavy you better run to that shed!” hyukjae half-shouted battling with the sound of the rain hitting the ground.
But the guy just won’t budge “hey mister! Are you ok?”

Hyukjae, remembering the points of attacks got alarmed and dialed kyuhyun’s number through his phone in his bag. It’s midnight, raining and he roamed his vision, no other people just him and the weird guy in front of him. His heart is thumping frantically. GODDAMMIT WHY ME IM A MAN!!! I THOUGHT THE FALLEN ONLY ATTACK FEMALES!!! I WILL KICK YOUR KYUHYUN YOU STUPID ! He shouts in his mind. “oh wait if he’s the fallen then.. then… oh my god! This is my chance.” Then he cancelled the call.

Hyukjae is half rejoicing half panicking so he took the gadget provided by kyuhyun, it was like a pager, a tracker. He pushed the button and waits. The weird guy step closer to him, arms stretching; reaching for him just then sirens were heard, red lights and boom! Hyukjae feels a knock in his stomach leaving him unconscious. His last thoughts were “KYUHYUN YOU’RE AN IDIOT!”

a/n: missed me? I told you I’ll write this is I get 10 sure readers, but I only get 5. Though im writing this for them, a comeback fic? No, im busy. Im on my last semester, I’ll be having thesis, researches, reach out programs and seminars. I’ll update this when I have time. but please don’t get tired of me. btw, z_hard this is the part two of my birthday gift to you since my drabbles are not good enough ;AAAAA; ilusm. WHY IS MY UPDATE SO SHORT AJDGHASDGHBSDKHGBSHAKDFHGH /KICKS SELF


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5th installment posted. :D sorry it's not the usual length


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NaruRin #1
Chapter 5: Update authornim're great >_____<
; )
NaruRin #2
Chapter 4: Awww so sweet ...I love this ...a brat fall in love with a thief ...hae such a cheesy ...hyuk naughty ehhh...Kekeke love it
barani #3
Chapter 5: I really love your story .that's so interesting. thanks. hope you update soon
MeinAltire #4
Chapter 5: this is great. thanks, hope u will able to update this soon
sayhyukkie #5
Chapter 5: aaaaa i love this story!!
pinkapple04 #6
Chapter 5: Short updates please!! Please don't go on hiatus. I love this story!
Chapter 5: So short !!! Wtv , as long u update , thats good . Aww ,, hyuk , u knew who took it . This story is so cute . Anticipating the next update ;D
Akuropanda #8
Chapter 4: i wonder how kyu's gonna react if he knows hyukkie has feelings for the fallen..
Chapter 4: Hae stole hyuk's pic n necklace xD . Aww ,, they r kissing . I hope they'll meet each other again soon . Can wait what to happen next !