Chapter 3

Love Clues

SeHun quickly turns away when Mei stares at him for too long. Mei noticed it and she is a bit sad because she cannot look at his eyes deeper. "SeHun... Why you won't smile to other people?", she asks. SeHun gets up from the floor and brushes dust from his clothes. Looking at Mei, "Do I need to?'', he rises his brows. "No. I mean, isn't it normal, when you made eyes contact with people, you automatically smile right?", she looks at SeHun. Then he smiles. It makes Mei blushes. "Eh? Look! Everytime I smile,people will turn red!", SeHun pouts. Mei laughs so hard when she sees SeHun's face. "Is that what you're worried about?!", she continues laughing. "Oh SeHun! That's mean they love it! And you-", her words are cut off by someone. She looks at it and her eyes about to burst out, she cannot breath well and her heartbeats are incredibally fast. It is Kai. 

"Oh, having fun here huh?", Kai smirks. Mei is speechless. She looks at SeHun but he is gone. "God damn it where is SeHun?!", she shouts in her heart. She looks at Kai. He grabs her collars and lift her up. Mei yelps because it is hurting her. "Just the both of us here, what should me do? Hhhmm... Oh! How about I beat you until you die?", he says. "Let me go!", Mei yells. Kai is about to punch her,suddenly a football hits his legs. He falls and let go of Mei. Kai gets up, "Who the hell is that!", he shouts. SeHun runs and get the ball, "Sorry Kai, I wanted to kick it into the store but you suddenly appeared!", SeHun bows. "Good it's you..." , Kai looks around. "Um... By the way I need that girl.",He points at Mei. She is dumpfounded, looking at SeHun and Kai. "Oh, her? Yeah...", Kai nods and pulls her, pushing her to SeHun. SeHun pulls her into his arms and bring her far away from Kai.

SeHun and Mei are in the car, enjoying the breeze. Mei looks at SeHun who is sitting on his seat, closing his eyes, breathing slowly, his thin lips look cute. Mei smiles and chuckles a bit. "What?", SeHun asks. Mei quickly covers . He looks at Mei and gets closer. She was so nervous. Is he going to kiss her? Or hug her? Of her? No! She closes her eyes tightly. "Your eyes are brown. It's beatiful. And your skin is not that healthy, you need some lotion.", he said. Mei is speechless, she thought he is going to kiss her or do something romantic. But he just wanted to comment about her looks. Geez SeHun. "I'm healthy! I didn't use anything for my skin. I don't really know that kind of stuff.'',Mei says while looking at the stars. "Well, you"ll know it one day.",SeHun says. "Oh yeah, what is your relationship with Kai? He looks kinda scare of you.",Mei asks. "Hhhmm? We're classmates. Well, I use to win in Taekwondo, beating all of the contestants from all around the world. Kai got eliminate because he took drugs. That's why he's kinda like that to me. Maybe?", he says. "Wow! That's amazing! Then you can protect me right? From that Kai?", Mei asks him with her cute eyes. "Depends", that is not an answer right? Mei pouts when SeHun says that. But SeHun did help her a lot. Driving her to school, helping her to class, making friends, protect her from bad guys... She feels safe. But SeHun always shows that straight face. 

They arrive home around 8 o'clock at night. " It was fun having you today SeHun! Thanks!'',Mei bows at him and smiles. "Me too.", he says while holding her shoulder,stopping her from bowing. Mei stares at his eyes again. "Go", he pats her head. But Mei does not listen. Suddenly her eyes flooded with tears. "Hey hey hey, why are you crying?'', he asks. "I-I-I will miss you!!! Waaaaaahhhhhh!!!", she cries harder. "What happen here? Oh my God Mei, what happen?", Mrs. Oh says when she arrives at home too. "I will miss you if SeHun left me...'', she still sniffing. Mrs. Oh can feel the love and chuckles. "Well you can see him again tomorrow. By the way, your room are facing to each other right? You can still see him.",Mrs.Oh explains. They comfort her around ten minutes and she finally gets into her house. 

After her bath and dinner, she runs to her room and opens her window, she is so happy to see SeHun,sitting of his desk studying. SeHun looks at her and smiles. They continues their studies with their windows open, so they can see each other. 

It is almost midnight, SeHun streches his body and takes a peek at Mei, she still studying on her desk. Her mom is still working at her office, he wonders if she feel alone. He wants to call her but he forgot to get her number before. Stupid SeHun. That is the most important thing to do you know. Well, it is getting late. SeHun gets up and yells. "Mei! Sleep!". Mei looks at him and nods.

"Good night!!!"

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